4 years ago

God and Devil World神魔系统 • Shen Mo Xi Tong

In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end. That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a... Read more
In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end. That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the «norm». Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to «normal»? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!! Collapse
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Comments 78

  1. Online Offline
    Dropped the novel.
    Can't stand the racism of this author.
    Too extreme for my taste.
    Im chinese race myself, just not from China.
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  2. Offline
    I’m glad blood warlock sucubus took this novels idea’s to the next level because the ideas are good but poorly executed and blood warlock does it better
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    1. Offline
      And blood warlock is still garbage, so how bad is this?!?
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  3. Offline
    Would have been a decent story and acceptable read if not for a few things.

    1. The author is a pedo. Thankfully not exclusively so, but so far there's a 13 and 15 year old girl in his harem.

    2. The translator(s) adds in their inane commentary wherever they please.

    3. The MC occasionally does some seriously stupid stuff, like bringing his girlfriends or other non-combatants into fights. It's not as bad as most novels on here, or even amongst the list of the currently most popular, though.

    4. Racism, sexism, and MC supporting what are basically useless female fleshlights.
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    1. Offline
      You should've known this when you see the whole world outside of china is a wasteland. Like they sucking the ccp off hard. Excuse my French
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  4. Offline
    Wow, I remember liking this a little bit in high school but I dropped it before the inevitable downfall that followed shortly.

    I was looking for this and only found it on webnovel, and so I came looking for alternatives because there was no way I was going to pay to read what's essentially fan fiction.

    I am so glad I didn't pay.

    This is the lowest tier of power fantasies tinged with a very strong hint of nationalism and racism.

    The repetitive nature of the story is bland, uninspired, edgy, and tries far too hard. All of that coupled together with it's racism towards pretty much everything that isn't China certainly makes it hard to care for the cast involved and in all honesty, makes what would be an average novel of this caliber a pain to sift through.

    I don't recommend it unless you can just bite your tongue and ignore it's shortcomings, which is 99% of it.

    Again, thank God I didn't pay for this lol.
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  5. Offline
    This novel is the worst chinese racist novel I have ever read.
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  6. Offline
    The story is good zombies and skills update and lvling but the MC is Racist shit and everyone beside chinase are evil

    i read about chinase suprmacy authors but this one takes it to new lvls also the harem is shit and the MC always have lolis with him but he dont touch them so why have lolis and called lolicons ? also he have shit taste he ignore milfs and also share beauties with his supordinates

    it is the worest novel i read i dropped it in indonesia arc
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  7. Offline
    Sorry if my English is bad, I'm French.

    One of the worst novels I've read, not because of the story, but because of multiple mistakes usually made by newbie writers.
    So, where to start ... :

    1- An MC and a world too ruthless. So ruthless that it borders on parody. The MC who is a simple normal student turns into a murderous and lawless warrior the very second the apocalypse begins. All the survivor camps are run by tyrants (The MC only knowing how to kill stuff, I wonder how he would have taken the lead of a survivor colony commanded by a good person...?). In short, almost all the men are pedophile rapists, and all the women natural submissives... hello atmosphere. escape

    2- A repetitive start: The MC finds a survivor camp; The MC kills the camp's evil leader; The MC becomes the new head of the camp; The MC finds himself separated from the survivor camp; ...is it just going on like this, all cut off by a siege of zombies from time to time. sigh

    3- Little developed secondary characters, sometimes even forgotten. MC's parents who disappear, his friends who are supposed to come to Earth in a flying city but who we never see again.... except for one.... who reminds us that they exist. In short, the novel very quickly forgets the tag "Kingdom building" and the friends of the protagonist to center it only if the MC himself. whoknows

    4- The cheat that the protagonist gets in the middle of the novel, does not justify why he managed to see the God of Apocalypse, so those who preceded him and who had the same cheat did not succeed. Knowing that the novel constantly tells us that humans are one of the weakest races of the multitude of worlds. Knowing that those who had the same cheat as the MC before were part of the much stronger races. Illogical, not developed.

    5- Recurring problem in many novels happening on Earth and written by a Chinese author... the rascism. In this novel, all Americans are selfish and rascist, North Asian countries are barbaric and rascist, see caniball, Western countries are Nazis and rascist, only China is nice and tolerant. I can understand that people may like their country, but there are certain limits that should not be exceeded. I want to clarify that I do not accuse all Chinese people of racism, after all, the novels that are in my top 5 are all of Chinese origin. However, these extreme nationalist Chinese authors are a shame for a country with such a rich and glorious past as China. eyetwit

    In the end, the novel has a lot of good ideas, but which were little or badly developed. There were good things to do with the new intelligent races appearing later. Or with the futuristic construction plants appearing with the death of certain monsters. But all this is spoiled by the ubiquitous racism, violence so gratuitous that it becomes funny rather than shocking, secondary characters who mysteriously disappear, repetitive events, not to mention a cheat that does not justify the end of the novel. End also which is completely predictable (A god gives powers to mortals who can threaten him, and makes them compete with each other to become stronger... I wonder why a god would do that... lol) Anyway , a sloppy beginner's job. If you can turn off your brain then you will have no problem reading this......stuff, good luck! reader welldone
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    1. Offline
      great review, can be copied and pasted to a large portion of novels with Chinese writers. just an observation, not being stereotypical or anything.
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    2. Offline
      For those who will ask the question, yes I read ALL this novel, and no I am not a masochist.
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      1. Offline
        Idk man... Seems like an M behaviour to me...
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  8. Offline
    I live near China...
    So I survived in this world?!
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    1. Offline
      Good luck
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  9. Offline
    Era pra ser uma ótima historia, mas o desenvolvimento se perde muito cedo.
    Vários pontos da historia chega a ser insuportáveis, como o fato do mc so ter desejo sexual por garotas de no máximo 16 anos, em +400 capítulos das 10 garotas que dormiram com ele, todas tem no máximo 15 anos.
    O fato do autor sempre insinuar que as garotas tem idades entre 12-14 anos, e o mc e um estudante universitário (18-20) so deixa mas nojento.
    Os vilões sempre são atraídos por garotas que eles denominam "lolis" chega a ser cômico, o fato de que sempre vão disputar alguma "loli virgem", e simplesmente nojento.
    A historia tem seus pontos fortes, mas tem muitos que a arrastam para baixo, como muitos confrontos políticos desnecessários, racismo desnecessário, e o que na minha opinião e pior é o fato das garotas sempre deixarem claro que so estão com o mc por proteção e não por gostar dele, tanto que tem uma cena onde 2 irmãs de 12-13 anos brigam pois uma quer se torna a mulher dele so pra proteger a outra. E por cima isso e apontado na obra uma garota fala isso com ele mas sem efeito.
    O cara se torna o objetivo de 98% das garotas da mesma idade e mais velha que ele, mas sempre vai atrás de garotas muito mais novas.
    Eu como uma pessoa sem problemas mentais, ainda acho meio difícil ler e achar normal esse tipo de relação, onde o mc mata milhares de pessoas por usarem adolescentes como moeda de troca, mas no final ele tem um harem de 10 garotas de no máximo 14 anos e faz o mesmo.

    pra quem quer ler uma obra com essa mesma temática recomendo blood warlock, vamos dizer que é a mesma obra so que melhorada em 100%


    recomendo da uma olhada, 100x melhor que essa.
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  10. Offline
    Good novel but when I saw the foreign countries invade China for "their treasures" I immediately knew that it would degenerate and that later the MC would let all other humans except the Chinese die because westerners do not have priority and want to conquer other countries while the earth is in danger, personally I have never despised the Chinese or do anything but it seems that the authors like well this kind of free racism to sell their book in China
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