18 days ago

The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound by puddles4263

As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and... Read more
As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and stats are instituted across the globe.

On that night, one young man was walking through an underground tunnel, his mind on the small problems of his easy life. Because of his location during the shift, he starts in a dungeon far above his level, with no knowledge or teacher, or Newbie Village to guide him.

Without a class, he struggles simply to survive in this world changed by its new connection to the Nexus.

But struggle he will, for he is Randidly Ghosthound, and this is only how his legend begins…

Author’s Note:

This started as a way to destress and play with overly complicated stats systems and level systems, and I just kept writing. I don’t really take it very seriously, but feel free to read and enjoy. Collapse
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Comments 97

  1. Offline
    woah, remember reading this novel so many years ago. Maaybe i should start again!
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  2. Offline
    Seriously? Randidly gosthound? Am I crazy why is no one talking about he crazy ass name lshock like everyone else is like I normal fantasy name but nnnnoooooo not the mc. RANDIDLY GOSTHOUND?
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      If I wanted to describe this novel is 3 words they are: welcome to America
      Like the author is either a emigrant who spent a lot of time in America or he is a local American lived his whole life there cus this how it feels to read this. Maybe the problem is that the characters are tooo complex, like wtf is even with the Helen character like first off Helen?, bro your naming sense is all over the place. She is from an alien word. Shal was creative you should do that with others too. Secondly, you need to decide if she is a tomboy who can't understand her feelings or a strong self aware woman with a bad mouth cus she can't be both my guy. And thirdly, I don't negotiate with terrorist !? Dude wtf is this. The system is not distrupting the system IT replaced the system if understand plus what is this no one speakes or thinks like this. Did you grow up watching old Hollywood movies?
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          Fickle as light
          cuz thats a major plot point in those like a family arc and the trend in cultivation is either no family or mc keeps them be worlds behind himself and makes them the strongest of the world
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            I know that man but l mean logically at least that makes sense right? What are gonna do abandon the parents that raised you? Cuz that what will happen in the universe if they don't become op. But this? I won't abandon my family because my father did and I felt bad 😕 bruh can't he learn that same thing if he had a good father? Seems to just muddy the whole story and I'm not taking about this but the general shows out there. EVEN then I'd be on board if writer tried and made it feel more organic.
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              It's like modern version of the hero needs to be 6 foot handsome buff guy who is perfect is every way and the heroin needs to be a hot blond.
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                Fickle as light
                that is what i too fell like a japanese mc must show doormat behavior, a chinese one must do a genoside, a korean mc must beat some kind of god and some american protags must try to solve some real world problem in the world they are in (like solve human degens,killing some cartel f#ckers and etc) ohh and have family issues(like why chinese books protag murders his uncle and is fine in 5 chapters except nostalgic sadness sometimes but nope these people will have retards in family). these stereotypes are what makes book fell boring
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              Fickle as light
              i meant its a mejor truope that used in stories like this. its like a reserve arc, i feel that like if authors cant think of what to do they do a family arc solving daddy and mommy issues as a fillier and baam they have a 100 chapters inmportant to plot and is filler
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  3. Online Offline
    What’s the point of making him the MC if he’s just going to be a filler character, also what’s with the random side character story’s? It doesn’t contribute to the main story ?
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  4. Offline
    Basura de mierda demasiados puntos de vista en cada capítulo de mierda basura basura😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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  5. Offline
    what are the cultivation realms here?
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  6. Offline
    Fu#k this author knows how to portray his emotions perfectly like shit this thing is filled with everything 1 can enjoy it if ur a keen reader forwhat
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  7. Offline
    This novel is chaotic in a kinda good way though n the MC is creative kinda like Noah Osmonth in IMITA
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        Failure Master
        Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse
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          that's nice?

          I read about 2 chapters and found it a little boring, could you tell me if it improves?
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          1. Offline
            Hey IMITA is the top shit if u can endure jst 50 first chaps the hype from there never stop the MC just keepson advancn like a comet hokage
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              It felt repetitive to me tbh like every something chapters it repeats the same basic formula could just be me idk
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              1. Offline
                Well yeah. wiseacre But there is a different thing the world building is great the power ups r unique even cultivation realms n when u get to the 1000s it's only getting better n more unpredictable I think the author is improving along the way quiet
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            The ideal IQ to enjoy it is 70-80
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  8. Offline
    Too much side stories warmly
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  9. Offline
    MC seems like a late bloomer still in the 200's yet the niggar is getn all beaten up
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      My brother in Christ
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  10. Offline
    I need the readers ' help . I lost my old account , help me find a moment in this ranobe .
    what is this chapter ?
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