1 year ago

HP: A Magical Journey by FictionOnlyReader

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction]

Follow Quinn West, who finds himself in the world of Harry... Read more
[A Harry Potter Fanfiction]

Follow Quinn West, who finds himself in the world of Harry Potter, but are things as they seem, is the world he has landed in the same as the one he once read about.

Will Quinn able to find his way in this new world? Will he ever be able to feel like he belongs here?

What opportunity would the magic of this world provide him? Will it lead him to the light or drown him in the dark?

Tag along as Quinn makes his way into the world of magic as he discovers the secrets behind the infinite potential behind the magic that is within his grasp.


This novel is my escape from the burnout that I suffered from my other novel. I have no solid plotline planned, there will be no definite release schedule. The reason for me writing is to improve my writing skills, light my brain cells.

As you know that there are so many Harry Potter Fanfictions out there, it is the largest FanFiction community out there, and as I write this novel, I don't have anything in my mind that isn't already out there, but I am trying to create a piece of transformative work that would pick up ideas from that wide community and create a work that would be enjoyable to read.

So, give this content a chance, and I hope that this novel would stand up to your expectations. Collapse
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Comments 184

  1. Offline
    it´s good for a fanfic, it had so much potential, but the author did dirty the novel with
    , and it would have been good that the history continued after

    anyway for something it has 4 star in rating, but its not a masterpiece, it´s good for a casual read

    if someone has good recommendations for fanfic of HP, Naruto or another series that you have liked i would appreciate it if you tell me :) satisfied
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  2. Offline
    where is the harem tag?????
    3 people it´s a harem
    the problem was that it was so forced that it´s a bit disgusting
    i am going to finish the novel because i´m in chap 325
    but it was a really bad decision the harem
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  3. Offline
    Any fanfictions like these? It doesnt have to be harry potter
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  4. Offline
    Where tf is the harem tag
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    1. Offline
      Apparently Ranobes doesn't count 2 wives as a 'Harem'. But yes I guess I can understand seeing so many novels having 10+ wives which makes this one seem pretty not suitable for the harem tag.(Though I would've wanted it to have a harem tag to let the readers know about it... even polygamy or something similar would do)
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      1. Offline
        Technically ranobes is right ig, it's not a harem because
        . whoknows
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  5. Offline
    This is far better than i thought lol…if you want a harry potter fanfic then this is one if the best out there
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  6. Offline
    Cuddle no muggle
    A must read fan fic with a twist...love the 3D characters....well written and translated ...romance is terrible so if u are here for that don't too bad ....
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  7. Offline
    the characters are fleshed beautifully (some of them are so good they elevate the story by themselves), the plots are mostly fresh and go out from canon (which could've been very wrong, but naw he did it easily), and the difference between the canon ends up getting to me more and more making this story a surprise and a good read... for quite some time

    then Author Self-destruct Tendency (ASdT) won once again. he's hell bent on forcing a harem for MC, going so far as to repeat the same exact f#cking plot just to make it happen, and in the process f#cked the whole gig.

    i don't usually hate harem, cause at the end of the day i'm only a weak fickle man who dreams of his own hare– cough i overshare there sorry. yeah, i don't usually hate harem, but this one is utterly forced, author literally doing whatever just to change MC's character, made him careless, just so a chink opens up for the plot

    who knows the very character that differ from the canon IS exactly the one who hurt the story. honestly, without the addition of the rat
    and made this into a harem, i most probably finish this story

    without the rat: 4.7~4.8 out of 5
    with the rat: 2.5/5
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  8. Offline
    Very high writing quality up until the harem starts, its really sad had potential to be one of the best fanfics ever stills worth reading up until that point.
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  9. Offline
    This is the best HP fanfic I have read the magic system is well illustrated. The world building is spectacular it doesn’t only show Britains Hogwarts it also delves into the other systems Regions of magic etc. How normal Magician everyday Magicians would live and exist with the other races of the non mogul world etc. They Mc is kinda low key but it doesn’t feel forced to appear only when there is danger. The Mc has ambitions and goals there is direction.Overall 5/5.

    One thing to note is the romance , the author took some liberties some people who don’t like romance might not like this aspect .
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    1. Offline
      One of my first ff so its close to heart but it got some real big pitfalls.

      Romace is terrible, nearly dropped the novel after that extremely forced harem which could've been easily resolve if mc wanted.

      The sin vault and missing year was the wrose arc and worse when he went back just so mc can nerf him.

      And worse of all,

      I'd personally recommend 'ancient rune professor' it a slowburn but its the best of hp ff for me.
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  10. Offline
    Anyone know anything similar I already read the other Harry Potter fanfiction
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