1 year ago

The New World by Monsoon117

An AI calling itself Schema has assimilated earth into its system. As a consequence, everyone... Read more
An AI calling itself Schema has assimilated earth into its system. As a consequence, everyone gained access to status screens, power-ups, and skills. This AI turned these concepts from fiction to fact. It’s easy to become intoxicated with leveling up and becoming stronger. To some, it’s too good to be true like living out a dream.

For Daniel, however, it’s closer to a nightmare.

He’s in a bit of a predicament. Cracks in our dimensional fabric have unleashed terrifying beasts from dark, abyssal places. Schema organizes these cracks into dungeons, giving the native species of the planet a chance to fight back. Daniel finds himself trapped in one of these dungeons. Not long after, he discovers there’s only one way out.

Kill or be killed.

(Note: I am currently editing the story and I’m uploading those edits. It will take time to do this, so if you find a huge shift in the story’s formatting, that’s why. I’m steadily hammering away at it, but it’s going to take time. Thanks for your understanding, if you’re offering it.)

This is a lit-RPG inspired by the Fallout series of games and the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound.

Schedule: 2-3 releases a week of around 3,000 words. Collapse
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Comments 53

  1. Offline
    is it still on hiatus? its the deciding factor for whether i will read this or not
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  2. Offline
    Ooh , I remember reading this forever ago on gravitytales. Fun light reading from what i remember
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  3. Offline
    This is a lit-RPG inspired by the Fallout series of games and the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound.

    Oh damn... This is the second time I heard Author mention The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound on 2 separate occasions. I've only checked the cover of the novel, and damn... It's a long one. Like a long. long one. I believe it was around 2.5k chapters.
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  4. Offline
    Score:1/5 as of chapter 273.
    I will start by saying that the only reason this even gets 1 point is because of this concept. Although similar to Randidly they are nothing alike. Their only similarity is that they have an encompassing system and there are trees that are upgraded through points gained when you level a skill. The similarities end there. In New World the system offers comprehensive attributes , rewards , quests , guilds and "rights". The way attributes are handled in this novel is novel. Constitution can increase your density , material makeum , etc. Strength can optimize your muscles , making them denser , stronger , etc. In most novels attributes aren't handled like this but as stength = more damage. You don't get an explanation why anything happens. So this take on attributes is refreshing. The skill tree lines are quite different from Randidly. These are given according to your achievements. The more amazing your feats the better rewards you get. Quests are procedular and depended on a situation not some generic shit. Here guilds take the role of organizations that organizes players in the effort to combat the eldritch. Lastly "rights" are a decent way to disguise a job behind a privilege.

    Now onto the problems of this novel and are they serious. First and foremost the author isn't putting much effort in this project. The same problems that plagued this story continue without much effort in solving them. One such problem is that a lot of things don't make sense. Like how is it possible for someone that is a dimension to still need oxygen or food ? How is it possible for someone that already has hundreds or thousands of points in endurance or constitution be sill shackled by mortals issues as common food and oxygen ? This author even using his own story's logic fails to make sense. Much of his logic is similar to Warhammer 40k. Although that collection of stories are amazing they lack sense (mortals fighting literal demigods and still winning). The difference is that New World wasn't written on time of Warhammer but now where we have a lot of other fantasy novels. A similar point to this is the mechanics of behind some aspects of the system like regeneration. It is like there is somewhere infinite energy and nutrients that allows all this regeneration froms chunks of bodies that is happening constantly. How is it possible to asphyxiate when you are generating matter out of nothing (not even energy). Author didn't even bother do some research as you expect from all his breaks. He just slapped some scientific and fantasy terms and thought it's enough. Disappointing to say the least. The characters are even worse. You have cartoonish representations of certain traits. You have the goofy , the knowledgeable , the seemingly leader guy who seems to be able to everything (but actually knows nothing but pretends he does know). Daniel also hasn't had any real character growth. Despite acquiring all those point in his intelligence , perception and with all those related perks he hasn't changed much compared to day one. He still acts with "I smash" mentality. The longer he evolved you would expect him to make better decisions , acquire some wisdom through all the shit he went through but no. Still the same person unchanged. The worse is when author is dumbing down other actual smart characters to make him look better. Not to mention he is delusional. He always talks how he doesn't want to be like Yahm but doesn't actually do anything to prevent it. He continues to walk the same path as him and he is even worse for doing it. At least Yahm was being corrupted by the cipher , he isn't being corrupted. He is doing that all willingly while finding excuses.
    There probably are a lot of more problems but I don't have the mood to either scour my memories or the chapters for something that I am missing. To sum it up into a single sentence : " Nice concept , horrendous execution".
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    1. Offline
      +1 to all you said , and yeah the hp Regen annoyed me a lot as well , even tho he can regenerate to stupid levels with absolutely no cost involved , he still says he needs food/water and oxigen to live .. not only that , but Everytime he got an upgrade and become 3-5 times stronger in every sense , he was immediately thrown in a battle and then proceed to fight a little before he lost to some rando , all that hype for nothing.
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    2. Offline
      holy sh*t how did you get to chapter 273?? How much time have you spend on this novel lshock

      How much have you endured to continue reading a novel up to 273 chapters only to rate it a 1/5? Jesus...
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      1. Offline
        I hoped for the author to improve but he just never bothered to do so. Tbh the initial premise of New World is on utopia levels of how things I want them to be. Too bad that novels are always held back by either the stupidy or laziness of the author or the greed.
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    3. Offline
      Чел ты герой, я осили только 8 глав
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  5. Offline
    Felipe 1925
    it's disgusting how the whole beginning of the story is an almost exact copy of the Randidly Ghostround... dropped~~ finger
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    1. Offline
      Oh... Now it was not surprising why the synopsis quoted the Randid ghost hound novel.

      I guessed he's trying to tweak the story to what he thinks "it's better."
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  6. Offline
    Good story, only downside for me is inconsistent updates. Every once in a while he’ll take a few months break

    IMO you should read this in batches. Check up on it every couple months for binge reading.
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  7. Offline
    This book is super fun, honestly if you're comparing it to randidly, randidly is a 3-4, while this is a strong 8-9 (relative to RDGH). The system is very similar if not the same, but everything else is different from the other worlds, to his progression and way of doing things, also his name is not randidly (i mean wtf author) and thats a 10/10 in my book lol
    The main issue is the release dates/consistency of releases, maybe thats what the bad rating is for.
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  8. Offline
    This novel is hype as hell, the MC makes actual rational decisions, and the power scaling is a better than RG, but the worldbuilding is a bit less as a tradeoff. Either way, every named character has an impact on the MC and the romance is rock solid and pretty cute. MC works inside and outside the system and his OP'ness is most definitely earned.
    Solid read, 4/5

    Above is one of the more hype quotes, especially with all the buildup that came before this
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    1. Offline
      why is it 3.3 then? What's the catch?
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      1. Offline
        I'm curious too. It was dropped to 2.5 earlier but it not that bad novel.
        Maybe some justice warriors unhappy copying free novel?
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        1. Offline
          Copycat is bad not because of the copy but because of it collecting flaws of the original and adding it's own.
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          1. Offline
            I'n about "stealing" thing in comments below. Not about plagiarism.
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            1. Offline
              Imagine crying about stealing free novel. It's like crying about your public speach getting in the news. I mean: why don't you want free advertising?
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      2. Offline
        I mean I guess people don't like that bombastic writing style, but the author uses it correctly, so idk. Also, I did mention the power scaling is pretty fast, but it's done well so I don't see the problem with that either
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    2. Offline
      I'm not gonna lie, that quote is a bit cringe. Feels kinda chuuni. Which makes sense since the author is a LoRG fan, it being the cesspool of cringe that it is.
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  9. Offline
    This is not
    inspired by the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound
    it's literally the same thing. The power system is the same, the level of cringe is the same, his abilities are the same, his personality and past are the same... It's just plain old plagiarism. If he at least changed the character's powers and made him agility based or strength based or magic based then it would be bearable, but he literally gave him the EXACT SAME powers a Ghosthound, with the overpowered regeneration and everything.
    Edit: I'm dropping this. I can't read a novel with this much f#cking edge. It would have been fine if I was a chuuni, but I'm not, and the way the mc thinks, the system relays messages, and the author describes things all scream "28 year old chuuni who thinks he has a dark power sealed in his left testicle." There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not for me.
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    2. Offline
      ^This guy's exaggerating btw.
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    3. Offline
      The One Above
      This isn't much like Ghosthound at all. Not sure where you got that from. I must refute your statement about an edgy MC. He's living in a world with
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      1. Offline
        "As I resolved myself for what was to come, I held onto what these sayings said. Even while I gripped with this new reality" This a direct quote, and it's exactly this type of stuff which made me drop Ghosthound. Plus, you can't deny that the power system is the same. There are paths that give points every 5 levels. That's literally the power system of Ghosthound.
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        1. Offline
          The One Above
          To me, yes, the power system is similar, that can't be denied but everything else is different, from the MC's personality to how he fights, to the people he works with, to the progress of the story. Even the power system has some differentiation. It is very inspired of course, so I can see where you're coming from. And if you didn't like Randidly, I can also see why you'd drop this. satisfied
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          1. Offline
            cool. And it's not that I didn't like randidly. The story was great and I loved the power system and the concept, but the way people spoke and the writing style were just... Like if someone who doesn't really know how humans act in serious situations tried to write a book about it based off of descriptions. It just all seems off to me.
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    4. Offline
      lol, if there was a story called "28-year-old chuuni who thinks he has a dark power sealed in his left testicle." I would totally read that, sounds hilarious.
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  10. Offline
    I remember enjoying this so i also recommend this. It's picked up a little in the last few months but usually the chapter rate is slow af so don't expect much.
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