5 months ago

Soul of the Warrior by Kyfe

In a world where Classes, Stats, and Levels are the everyday norm, Reivyn has a secret.
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In a world where Classes, Stats, and Levels are the everyday norm, Reivyn has a secret.

He was unusually aware of his surroundings from an incredibly early age, and Skills and Stats were acquired easily. He was just the son of an ordinary village family, and nothing appeared out of the ordinary on the surface. But below the surface, dreams of another life help shape his mentality and growth. Why does he have some remembrance of a past life, and what is his purpose in this new one?

"Soul of the Warrior" is what I call a Semi-Isekai LitRPG. I say "semi," because Reivyn's past life is remembered like a dream, and very incomplete. It is still Isekai, though, as he remembers enough that it directly shapes his personality and his sense of self.

The System that governs the world of "Soul of the Warrior" is a combination of modified versions from Selkie's "Beneath the Dragoneye Moons" and Kosnik4's "Magic Smithing." I have changed enough of these Systems and combined them in a way that is unique that I'm mostly sure it's fine, but I still have requested permission to use these ideas. They have both graciously granted me permission.

Winner of the April Writathon Challenge.

Release Schedule is Mon, Wed, Fri. Collapse
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Comments 50

  1. Offline
    Remaining chapters
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    1. Offline
      Apart from the ever so insistent mature popup ads
      Everything is fine
      A fair warning to kids though
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      Thank you. ethsky
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  2. Offline
    I do not know which half-wit puts 5 points (
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      Probably the author trying to boost his novel js
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      well some people either put 5 points or 1, there is no middle ground.
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  3. Offline
    I wouldn't recommend this novel. Too much info dump. A mid evil setting with advance systems doesn't fit right with each other. Too many times MC has plot armor. At one point MC actually dies and then miraculous gets revived. As the more I read the more discouraged I get. A big portion of this novel is dedicated to the system. Why the author gotta make MC go into the military at age 9, that's just stupid, unless the translation of his age is wrong. The excuse of his level/tier meeting the requirement is lame too.
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    1. Offline
      at first I thought you wrote this under a wrong novel because MC never actually dies
      I think you talking about the time where he got kicked into the sludge thingy that
      but still he wasnt dead and I would argue he wasnt even close to death.
      And yes the year in this novel is 16 month so the mc is 12 ish by our standard when he was drafted
      why author forced him to be drafted? well in my opinion it was good idea, he nicely forced his class gave easy way out of the "what parents would allow 12 y/o to go to dungeon and kill monster" and most importantly that make the plot move forward and let some action in, plus a good world building. about the excuse I mean from the characters point of view its perfectly resonable, they want soldiers, soldiers are good soldiers above the treshold, mc is above the treshold, mc good soldied, go back to begining.
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      1. Offline
        When MC fell into that pit full of chemicals he is pretty much dead, but you say he's not dead, yeah, cause he has armor plot. No, a 12yr in the military/army is BS doesn't matter what Era their in. This author has some fudge up imagination. Why couldn't the MC be 16yr, 17yr or even 18yr. Nothing about this novel is reasonable. I've already forgotten the majority of what I read cause that's just how bad this novel is to me.
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        1. Offline
          You said mc died and he got revived but that 100% untrue, re read the chapter it was said his body was falling apart so he was dying, not dead and later revived. was he saved by plot armor? If you say yes then everything is plot armor. Do 12y/o ever got drafted in medieval times in real world? 100% yes. You don't like the story understandable but why you forcing half truths and highlighting "problems" that aren't really problems maybe making some people pass on a above average story.
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            Since you don't know the definition of plot armor, check below. I ain't forcing my opinion onto anybody. No one is putting a gun to their heads. They can make their own conclusions, you ain't their mother and neither do I care.

            plot armor
            Learn to pronounce
            used to refer to the phenomenon in fiction whereby the main character is allowed to survive dangerous situations because they are needed for the plot to continue.
            "I do think that he can't die since the inevitable
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            1. Offline
              tell me a novel without super mega op immortal mc that dont have this definition of plot armor.
              and about not forcing people onto your opinion the problem with this is that you are forcing people your opinon. Some rando will see this novel will check the comments will see your comment (cuz you are the 2nd comment here and right bellow another comment that can be taken as big negative) that is full of half truths and overblowing and will go "well whatever wont read it".
              you know how I know this will happend? cuz I was the random a lot of times to later come back read the novel and had good time
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              1. Offline
                Oh, please stop making me laugh. Me forcing people not to read this novel, am I their parents. Oh gosh these are the type of people that if you criticize something they like, its like you actually spat on their face. People have their own opinions on novels so just learn to live with it and move on.
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                1. Offline
                  People do have the right to their opinion but I too have right to point out that your opinion is full of half truths and is overblowing stuff
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                2. Offline
                  Tell u what, take your hands put it on a keyboard and start writing your own review. If you already did, god bless you. Like I mentioned move on, nothing to see here. If you're triggered don't respond because it'll be never ending.
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        2. Offline
          I’m not gonna argue with you about the novel since I haven’t read it, but child soldiers have been used throughout history and are still being used to this day unfortunately.
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    2. Offline
      Deal maker
      You're an asshole that shouldn't read anything else for the rest of your life
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        Yes, same to you, so good day snow flake.
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  4. Offline
    This is like The runesmith but worse :v
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    1. Offline
      Yes, you are right. Praise the lord..... Amen..
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    2. Offline
      Thanks for the warning. I remember reading 'The Runesmith' for so long waiting for things to pick up well but it was so laid back. That's when I realized that genre doesn't work for me lol
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        yeah its a slow burn while on that note if you like ruthless mc try ri Reverend Insanity a bit of a slow burn but it's great
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  5. Offline
    Author could try to cut the chapter into two parts and post everyday??
    Idk… the uploads are a bit slow for me

    The language is good. Author has the pacing right and all. While it may be a typical reincarnation novel, its not bad.
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  6. Offline
    Typical reincarnation/system novel in a medieval setting where everyone has a system. Plot so far has no direction besides leveling up, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    MC: His transmigration is irregular, but it seems his past personality is completely unrelated to his current ego. He's pretty much just a child who is a genius at unlocking new skills and things like that.

    Family: MC's family is a large part of the novel. Mother and father are both present and active, along with younger twin sisters. Family moments can be dragged on for a while, which is something to look out for.

    The System: As mentioned above, everyone in this world has a system, and everyone has to actually work hard and practice on things to unlock new skills.
    - EVERYTHING can be a skill, which is sometimes annoying as a bunch of useless skills clog up MC's status every times it's shown. Imo, this also makes the skills MC unlocks lose their importance and decreases the satisfaction of unlocking or leveling a skill.
    - There are also classes like knight and wizard that can be chosen. Classes are also changed by moving onto the next tier.

    Writing: Imo, there are three main issues with the writing in this novel
    1. Fluff dialogue: A large majority of the dialogue serves no purpose. For example, if a given character has 1 paragraph of dialogue, only 1 sentence would serve its purpose of progressing the conversation. The rest is either common banter or useless rhetoric. This made me impatient to the point where I found myself skimming through the majority of dialogue.
    2. Italics: Author uses italics to signify stresses in a sentence. By itself, there is no problem, but the author uses it too casually. There are multiple 4 word sentences with 2 of the words being italicized. It also feels like there are italics in every sentence. This becomes annoying very fast, to the point where it breaks immersion and results in skimming through the rest of the chapter.
    3. Info dumps: Author has a large problem with info dumps. Instead of gradually explaining things like skills and classes when they become relevant, the author dedicated an entire chapter just to explain the entire system in depth. Any interaction the MC has with a new character leads them to explain everything about themselves and their job. This was very annoying, I found myself skimming through chapters with info dumps.
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  7. Offline
    Do you guys know Korean novels where the MC has Coins that can turn into any weapon and the mc has an ex or sss level job or skill
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      when u found it tell me
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        I got an SSS-Grade unique skill
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      I do remember something like that, he could make the coins heavy or enlarge them etc

      But sadly I do not remember the name. tiho
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        Hmmm I think it was super god gene
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    3. Offline
      unpaid landlord
      its, "I got an SSS-Grade unique skill" i believe
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    4. Offline
      are you asking this on every novel you get ?
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  8. Offline
    is it cliche harem?????? pls tell me its not
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      MC is 10 y/o so far, so there is no romantic development yet.
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        Are you saying that you until chapter 43 mc is still 10 years old? Even with how long each chapter is? No thanks, I don't think I have the patience for this
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        1. Offline
          Years in this world are 16 months long.

          MC was talking and properly unlocked the system at 13 months old.

          In this world everyone (usually) gets their first Class when they become 10 years old. That's when they are deemed as being sufficiently grown up enough.

          Regardless, from very early on, due to the Prologue stuff, he's very mature and starts properly training and Levelling up skills etc. His age shouldn't be taken as an indicator of his maturity or anything like that.
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  9. Online Offline
    this thing pretty good, its rare to see a novel with a skill system that still puts emphasis on training like this one and through all my reading id say a novel similar to this would be the runesmith.
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  10. Offline
    Shockingly good
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