3 hours ago

The Witch Hunter System by Pointbreak

Dual cultivation isn't a choice; it's a necessity.

After being struck by a truck like... Read more
Dual cultivation isn't a choice; it's a necessity.

After being struck by a truck like most lucky protagonists (or unlucky ones), Vaan found himself transmigrated into the body of an orphan in the world of witches and demons.

However, they didn't always exist.

Demons terrorized the world ever since the Gehenna Realm descended over 300 years ago. but along with them, came mana, giving birth to witches to combat these demons.

Since then, the world of men was dominated by witches, establishing the seven witch kingdoms, which safeguards at the forefront of the demon invasion.

In order to survive in the matriarchal society of the witch kingdoms, Vaan, like all other men who cannot use magic, had to learn how to service the witches to survive.

Nevertheless, it did not come without its own benefits.

Years of research have led the world to the discovery of intimacy between men and women could increase the witches' mana absorption.

But at the same time, men could absorb some of this mana to improve their physique and lifespan.

Thus, since then, an intricate relationship was formed between men and witches in the red-light districts. Love became casual, and dual cultivation is common.

As a prodigy in the art of pleasing women, Vaan lived a smooth two years since his transmigration as an orphan.

However, everything came crashing down in a heartbeat one day when his life was nearly taken, and Lady Eniwse whom he served went berserk.

Even so, that was not the end.

With the awakening of the Witch Hunter System, watch how Vaan takes on the world and becomes the lord of witches.


Note: Contains lemons.

Hunting witches does not necessarily imply killing witches if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Collapse
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Comments 121

  1. Offline
    An ordinary Earthling found himself in a body of a trash teenage boy in a fantasy world ruled by bitches or so he thought. After living there for two years as a boy toy while becoming an all-knowing smartass, his protagonist system finally granted his sorry ass the protagonist power he desires turning him into a part human, part mutt, part spirit and part dragon self-absorbed smartass.
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  2. Offline
    Awaiting for now. As of chapter 707 a very good novel. Pretty likeable MC with an ok power system which evolves well later on. The strong point for me is the world building, nice varied cultures per country/area, as well as well written character who develop throughout the novel. The MC is pretty OP but that's explained well later on as more things are revealed. Started of with a fair amount of smut but pretty quickly became rare which I'll was a v good thing.

    There are

    Pacing is pretty good and the story seems well planned out without any real info dumps, which can kill this type of novel. Will be back to this in a year or two when there are more chaps. Rating 8/10

    PS characters genuinely aren't idiots and have reasons for their actions which is great! Not much forced faceslapping :)
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  3. Offline
    Just when you think it’s dead it comes back to life… again. Lol.
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  4. Offline
    Papi novel
    l'oeuvre avait un potentiel énorme, peut être que l'auteur a fait de son mieux mais il n'a pas réussi à faire ressortir tout ce potentiel là. globalement l'histoire est sympa mais comparer à des romans comme dimensional descent ou Shadow Slave, l'écriture de ce livre manque terriblement . par exemple en terme de power up, en terme de direction, de cohérence.
    plus ça avance plus c'est frustrant. prenons juste le rythme les 300 premiers chapitres se passe en près de 3-4 mois mais il y'a tellement de remplissage c'est aberrant, plus ça avance plus on se demande pourquoi ce roman s'appelle the witch hunter system car il se trouve que les être les plus forts du chaos sont des hommes.
    pour montrer que vaan est le plus intelligent on baisse l'intelligence des autres. il tellement insouciant ou arrogant qu'il a pris 3 fois le même pseudonyme pour se cacher, 3 fois.......

    bref , histoire : pauvre
    monde : incroyable
    potentiel mal exploité
    note globale : moyen et sympa
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  5. Online Offline
    Where new charters?
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  6. Offline
    Felix Kaisel
    Updates are back boys
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  7. Offline
    Update please, more chapters have been released
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  8. Offline
    Has a lack of substance to it, I keep reading but I feel naught.
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    1. Offline
      Why not try the popular genre? Theyre masterworks all you cant go wrong, mayhap find one of some aught per chance?

      xD... couldnt help it..
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    2. Offline
      I feel you. Tried picking it up again and I feel the same. Everything is just too easy for MC, there is no real threat or challange and it just feels emotionless.
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  9. Offline
    Don't bother. It's just a story that inserts the reader and tried to fulfill all of their fantasies but the story has no real direction. OP MC, smart MC, OP sexual skills, every other character has a negative iq. No real development of anyone
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    1. Offline
      What novels would you recommend instead?
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  10. Offline
    Wow finally back
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