3 months ago

Deadman by Seersucker

Even after the bombs fell, even after countries unleashed weapons beyond imagining on one another,... Read more
Even after the bombs fell, even after countries unleashed weapons beyond imagining on one another, even after lawlessness became the norm, people still expect their mail.

As a deadman, I'm uniquely suited to deliver it. Rads don't bother me, and people who try to hurt me typically wind up dead. Sure, humans may not like dealing with a face like mine, but hey, you can't beat my express rates.


A dystopian litrpg in the vein of Fallout and The Postman

*1500+ words per chapter

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Comments 22

  1. Offline
    Is this a reimagined Death Stranding ?
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    1. Offline
      best username
      late reply but no, its more like fallout.
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  2. Offline
    Man this book has eveything I like and just about none of my dislikes. People may critique all they want but this is the best post-apocalyptic book I hav eread to date. Will probably stay that way for decades.
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  3. Offline
    Very interesting, good writing, fresh (as far as this site is concerned).

    Only complaint is some potentially poor plotting that's to be determined. Basically the MC making some uncharacteristically dumb risk assessment and prioritization. A potentially case of the dumb hero complex. But let's see how it goes. Book2 ch50 so far.
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  4. Offline
    As of right now I’m caught up with Book 2, Chapter 49. This is a very good story, the characters feel like they actually have motivation to do the actions they do while not feeling like they are just being pulled by the plot. The MC gets time to rest without really slowing down the pacing. The only real problem I have with this is some minor typos and misused pronouns (as in they change it mid sentence or after paragraphs) which doesn’t bother me too much as it is not fairly common. I really recommend reading this.
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  5. Offline
    Already liking this MC, no attachment to people and their temporary love for him, realistic and goal oriented, keeping it to himself and still having some good conversation with people.
    Author writing is really good, not the one which usually gives you a headache just to understand something. Story is interesting as well. Author uses system and level up in this novel pretty well, risk and reward is well balanced (Not at all like some trash Chinese or korean novels with little to no risk and heavenly rewards just to make MCs OP AF).
    MC inspite of being a deadman (sentient Zombie) has his own gifts and vulnerabilities and it is well balanced to make story more intriguing.
    World settings looks more like post nuclear apocalypse with lots of radiation at certain places, mutated wildlife etc.
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  6. Offline
    any nukes? robot fighting and power armor?
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  7. Offline
    In my opinion its quite good, but I don't know if others would like it.
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  8. Online Offline
    9/10 very interesting
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    1. Offline
      could you tell me a few things about it?
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      1. Online Offline
        Well, I've always been bad in reviews, but I'll try. The novel tells about the Dead Man, which is already fresh in itself, because often we see a picture where an awesome human in the world of monsters. Further here is a very interesting world, in my opinion, the forces of the groups are balanced, a lot of unique and interesting things. I recommend this for read.
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        1. Offline
          Could you tell me more about the protagonist like if he is weak or has many friends?
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          1. Offline
            At the start, I'd say he's fairly strong, not hitting someone with a tire iron and they turn into meat gibletts but hit someone with a tire iron and have fresh food. As for friends... No not really. He ha like 3-4 friends in the beginning. Maybe has 5-7 true friends by the end.
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  9. Offline
    A good read.
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  10. Offline
    Do I have to know Fallout and The Postman to actually read this without getting confused every 5 minutes?
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    1. Offline
      Definitely not, no one is going to make a book on the fallout universe.
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      1. Offline
        on FF.net fallout has 8.2k fanfics alone. That is why I asked
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