27 days ago

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima by MonkWithAPen

The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over.

My second life brought... Read more
The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over.

My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers.

Well, I got the gamer ability. And I’m gonna use it to stand at the peak. But it's gonna be a long journey before I reach that summit.


SI - MC.

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Comments 117

  1. Offline
    Does anyone know why this isn't updating anymore?
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  2. Offline
    Well, the good Naruto fanfics I've found so far,
    Good - Wind calamity, Reborn with Tenseigan, and this one
    Average - Strongest Kakashi, Kisame (nah this one is below, maybe top among trashes)
    Trash - all of the ecchi/harem/r18 ones... it's pretty much MC OP af and doing whatever shit he feels like doing with no fks given to anything Naruto
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    1. Offline
      Medium Meld: Revised Edition (Naruto/Gamer, OC)
      by Elbowsnapper
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    2. Offline
      Ive read like 3-4 sofar.
      1.Ero ninja: you know what it is about.mc:naruto
      2.Darkenjng of naruto. Best ending ever. Mc: some reincarnated dude
      3.Forgot the name. But transmigated mc got 3 perks and no system (but future events knowledge till butterfly effect). During 2nd ninja war. Good ending 👏.
      4. Some dude who got transmigated and got a progression system. Badass. Ongoing.
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      1. Offline
        I think I've read the 3rd one, should be "reborn with talent" iirc.
        Well.. it's just my opinion but it falls into my trash category monk to each his own ig yyyy
        To me that looked like a generic wish fulfilment, insanely OP af MC, females all want his d and just exist for it, other men have no morals and their characters are shit.

        I've heard of the first one, didn't look like I'd enjoy it from the summary whoknows

        2nd and 4th I don't recall seeing...
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        1. Offline
          Any good naruto fanfic?
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  3. Offline
    Всё хорошо до 200 глав, дальше идёт херня с наукой технологий тупыми решением которые максимально растягивают сюжет, чтоб вы знали канон ещё не начался, и если честно потерялась эта романтика шиноби, какая технология? Какие путешествия во времени это абсурд, если хочется работать с технологиями то делайте фанфик по боруто, крч фанфик хороший но автор...

    Почему нету фанфика где Кагуя положительный персонаж и она борется с МК против других оцоцуки , или чтоб Кагуя была например как дедушка в кольце, было бы интересно
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  5. Offline
    Rank B
    This is in all categories from story, character development, plot development and consistency renders it a rank of B as of 05/23/2023 chapter 215.
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  6. Offline
    Gave it a second chance and my god it is boring, the mc is a soulless puppet
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  7. Offline
    I have a quetion for people who like this novel; Don't you feel annoyed with chapter long status notifications? I feel like 80% word space is wasted on system instead story progress, It wont be a problem for me if the chapters were long but they are so short yet author waste so much on reapeating the same info. I just couldn't deal with it and had to drop this novel. How are you'll dealing with it?
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    1. Offline
      He realized that he was wasting word count and problonging dungeon runs so now there shorter and the author rarely shows the full staus page anymore and keeps dungeons to 2-3 chapters. So rn its pretty nice since I like the story.
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  8. Offline
    -- This is the novel that you're getting yourself into --

    Are you bored with Naruto using Talk-no-jutsu???
    Introducing No-Talk-no-jutsu... The story will go exactly the same as the cannon, except Author being a parasocial so MC hangs around important characters without making any changes
    and replace Naruto when he use talk-no-jutsu in every crucial moments
    with the MC using no-talk-no-jutsu.
    Okay perhaps not that overboard...

    Chapter 12:
    'Status' /// took almost half the chapter
    (Keep it up Author... Soon you'll be able to maximize the cheese status panel gives to the word count. Soon it'll be something like...)

    Chapter ???:
    'Status' MC muttered.
    -- Next Chapter --

    Chapter ??? + 1:
    [5. Dishwashing - Passive (LV.1): A skill obtained through continuous dishwashing. With more mastery, you can clean any dirty spots with more speed.

    Effects: +5% increase in speed] /// This is an actual Skill the MC has in Ch. 12
    -- Next Chapter --

    Chapter ??? + 2:
    -- Next Chapter --

    Amazing novel... *throws book at the Author's head AGGRESSIVELY*

    Oh- Nvm, it might come sooner than I thought... Chapter 18 Status panel took 3/4 of the whole chapter.

    Note: Jump Straight to Ch 24 after reading Ch. 1; u won't miss anything.

    Okay I start to understand the actual value of this novel now... Author is actually proficient in making Fighting Narrations (Ch 62-63) this is geniunely good; really well thoughtout .

    Too many useless notifications. This novel is literally the embodiment of System to the point of cancer. I just wish Author toned down the notification instead simply showcase it in fights, or testing, or anything but the notification format; It's too repetitive.

    Those skill names, cooldowns, +%, etc... It doesn't hold any meaning if Author doesn't show its' actual difference in combat/testing. And most of the skill ended up never being shown the difference; cause there're simply too many... and they change too rapidly. All the Author end up doing with those notifications are, literally, creating FILLERS to get more word count; as if he didn't have enough from calling up the status back to back.

    Ch. 66- 67 -- when Author narrates cannon flashback... the quality of the narrative soar to the roof. But when it's something Author made on his own it plunge back down to sub-par.

    Ch. 71 -- this is what it mean by a 'Forced Plot'. MC literally has a skill to influence ppl's thought to aggree to his suggestions.

    Author is only good when full fighting narrations, and narrations when it's full summary of the cannon flashback 1 to 1. Everything else? 3/5... I'm gonna bash it too hard. Cause once u get used to skipping and ignoring the obvious flaws... It's actually a pleasant read. (I mostly write this review after seeing how sloppy the uchiha massacre was handled by the MC and was writing out of spite... Literally if u read it u would understand. But starting from Chapter 75 things start to become 4/5)

    Another Noteworth Naruto Fan-Fic: "Reborn with Tenseigan"
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    1. Offline
      Jack Kaneki
      Yeah they botched that shit (the uchiha massacre) as hard as Naruto Shippuden botched Madara
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  9. Offline
    system novel without harem, big yikes.
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    1. Offline
      "All u gotta do is scroll around the ranking list and u'll basically find harem with R18... If every novel is made horny teens like you, the website is fuc-"

      "There's already a website like that called 'wattpad'." Jiraya interrupted.

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    2. Offline
      Reverend Serenity
      no you
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    3. Offline
      Jack Kaneki
      leveling with lust exist it is very horny but also decently good plot tho if you want the whole story you need to go to a different website if you like it and want the link to the website let me know after you read it
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    4. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      Reader who only likes harem, big yucks.
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    5. Online Offline
      Soft Little Kitten
      Harem sucks, let's be honest.

      I get why you and others like it, but... well, once you age a little, you'll naturally grow out of it. Unless you are a sexual deviant or something of some kind.

      Once you've seen reality for what it is, you will not want the shallow connections a harem builds.
      Harems are not love but merely lust. It's not worth the effort nor time.

      In fact, the best novels are those that inspire true emotions. Harem novels are incapable of that. They are simply too unrealistic.

      Lately I've awoken to the real truth: no romance. Without romance, there is time available for real plot, pain, angst and more pain. That's where I've found the best novels I've ever read.
      I'd advise anyone not looking for "fast food" (if you will) to take a look at the website Archive of our own (AO3). It's a bastion of fanfiction and wayyy, way, way better organised than fanfiction.net ever could be.

      There are millions of high-quality fics over there. And, well, if you wish to read those, there are also millions of smut and harem/multi fics over there as well.
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      1. Offline
        Wait 5 min for postnut enlightenment to pass.
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    6. Offline
      you should be hunted down then sent to middle earth
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  10. Offline
    The story is too slow, 121 Ch but still at the academy. If the aouthor keep writing with this pace. I higly doubt he will finish the story. Not to mention it is just fanfiction. So if you dont like slow pace story, this is not for you my guy.
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    1. Offline
      I dont understand why fanfic writers bother writing slow paced story. We all know they're not gonna write thousand chapters novel.
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      1. Offline
        F5 Sect Disciple
        True facts, but at the same time, when everything is rushed it lacks substance.

        I wish the academy arc was skipped every time.

        At the same time, how long is an average arc? I wrote a fanfic with 180k words, (300k+ views) and wrote like 2 arcs and was wrapping up the third arc before I got super bored. Rushed stories lack character development. But hey, very few fanfictions can finish.

        For fun writers just lose hella motivation when getting smack talked all the time. When you get 400+ likes on a chapter, but the next is 200~ you just don't feel like writing anymore.
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