11 months ago

I Have A Game Clone我有一个游戏分身最新章节

Ning Shi, a man from Saturn, accidentally downloaded a game on his phone called the Age of... Read more
Ning Shi, a man from Saturn, accidentally downloaded a game on his phone called the Age of All.

“Beep! Clone successfully created!”

Ning Shi received a clone in the game. Whenever his clone got stronger, his real self would get stronger as well.

“Your clone has trained in the training room for 12 hours. Vitality +1, Mentality +1.”

“Your clone has slain the Earth-Dragon. You have received the Earth-Dragon Bloodline.”

“Your clone has consumed the Charm Fruit. Beauty +10.”

His clone started to conquer the game, created his own faction, and left a legacy.

“Your clone has successfully won the heart of Alice the Rose Duchess. Alice will be arriving in your world shortly. Please be mindful of your surroundings.” Collapse
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Comments 52

  1. Online Offline
    I'll say this. I've read a lot of novels and seen a lot of different interesting stories. This is also included in the good stories section, but not the best hokage .
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    MTL Denier
    I liked it, this novel is a solid 3 stars. As for the nationalist segments, i completely skipped them. They basically took the form of worthless tournaments or terrorist attacks, or even some discussions on politics. The moment i read that everyone outside of china was evil and corrupt, and that an evil cult was using evil soda and evil music to corrupt the people's morals abroad, i was like: lmao 🤣🤣🤣 is this author for real. Anyway, i skipped that nonsense. The mc spends most of his time in other worlds, so it didn't bother me much. Power ups and leveling are satisfying enough, if a bit inconsistent, so the progression aspect was satisfying. I had a fun ride. My only regret is that the author decided to condense 500 chapters worth of content into 5 chapters, i am amazed at this authors shamelessness and refusal to elaborate before dipping out. 😂😂🤷‍♂️🤣
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  4. Online Offline
    People who point out that it has Nationalism and Racism events, take that it:
    1. Is EVENTS, something which happens in the novel itself and that it is important for the plot one way or another.
    2. Why care, novels which normally include these events are more often than not equally nationalistic and racist of all powers in it.
    3. It has the genre Fantasy and the event Fantasy Creatures, which leads to other actual races exist, where racism can exist.
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      That's certainly a spicy hottake you've got there.

      Here's my counter: A novel that contains nationalism and racism is a kind of fanservice for nationalists and racists. It's not there because the plot absolutely must contain it. They could easily write a plot that doesn't have it at all. It's there because that's the type of person the author is and those are the types of people he wants to appeal to.

      Most people read novels for some sort of enjoyment and entertainment. It's difficult if not impossible to enjoy a novel where you, the reader, are being insulted and demonized by the author for having the audacity to not be born Chinese. And even if it's not that bad, if an author includes unnecessary garbage politics, that's going to be a major turnoff for readers who don't enjoy unnecessary garbage politics.
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      1. Online Offline
        True about garbage politics, so many novels I stopped reading because the MC started to get into politics. But is not because he got into politics, but rather because he changed his way of doing things abruptly, and he became like another person, not the one I read the novel and started following the novel for.

        The racism part I so much cannot care about when we actually have different races (elves, dwarfs, gnomes, humans, etc.), but when it is between human countries (since elves, dwarfs, gnomes, etc. have differences between their own races) so do I more often than not see it as the type of "fun hate" which is common between European countries citizens, OR if it isn't that "fun hate" which it mostly isn't against the US so do I always start to remember that I have seen much worse from Americans against China and nobody cared. I do not say anything when it is about something big (square 84, ethnicity removal, etc.) But I have seen it for much less, and I then take it as an opportunity to think about it.

        And take my second point
        Why care, novels which normally include these events are more often than not equally nationalistic and racist of all powers in it.

        They all are equal in a way which then doesn't feel out of place since, that is the norm/common sense.

        It is like a novel where the MC has a world in him which have people who can train and evolve martial arts, which he can learn just by memory since he is their god/dao. And people started talking about racism, extermanism and all that since it was only Chinese in the world, while it could be because of multiple reasons; 1 the MC was Chinese; 2 No other ethnicity existed from the beginning in that world; 3 China won and took over the world in multiple worlds which makes everyone Chinese; 4 and the most probable reason the author didn't want to work around having different nations/ethnicities in the world.
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          I'm not a huge fan of "fun" racism either, if I'm being honest.

          If fantasy races exist and there are serious conflicts between them and humans, I would hope the author is being intelligent about why that conflict exists and allows it to be a nuanced conflict (with different motivations and the possibility of reconciliation) rather than just making a blanket declaration that all non-humans should die. If they take a blunt and stupid approach to interspecies conflicts, I will quickly find myself unable to continue reading that novel.

          I have to say, the "Americans do it too" argument isn't compelling. It's exceptionally rare for a mainstream American film to contain overt racism of any kind. If anything, they go out of their way to be inclusive to avoid PR conflicts. You might be able to find a lot of it if you look back at films made decades ago. And perhaps you can find it in a few specific genres of films? It wouldn't surprise me if some dumb action films are like that because those are usually written for idiots anyways. But I rarely watch those so I can't say for sure. Regardless, you'd have to dig the bottom of the barrel if you want to find anything produced in America that comes close to the kind of nationalist and racist absurdity you'll find in many Chinanumbawan novels.

          And finally, novels that are racist against everyone, which you seem to suggest makes the racism okay, falls exactly into that category of stupid and in poor taste that I don't enjoy. Hate Mongering is not a trope I enjoy reading about.
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          1. Online Offline
            "Americans do it too" wasn't really an argument it is just something I start to think about when reading. I am more for a little older movies (not decades). But it wasn't really about movies, but news/articles, what private people have said/written etc. "fun" racism isn't really fun it just tries to be funny around the racism, but I said it because it is more nationalistic than around "race".
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              I see. It seems I misunderstood. Sorry.
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              1. Online Offline
                no worries, I am bad at explaining through writing.
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        I haven't read this novel yet, I'm just compromising on this topic.

        I actually despise those who are patriots or nationalists a little, I don't see the advantage in that, it's the same as being a woman's simp, but in this case they are a country/politician's simp.

        They think you're proud of your race/nationality but in the end it's just a movement for the government to use you.

        They gain nothing from it, in the end they are just politicians' dogs.

        But I think it's nonsense who drops a book because of nationalism.

        Yes, some are shit, but 90% of novels with nationalism are something irrelevant that will last at most one arc in a novel that probably has 15 or 20 arcs.

        If the novel has nationalism in all the arcs or is bad for other reasons, it really has to be dropped, but it's nonsense to drop something good or average in general for a nationalism arc, and just ignore it.

        The other day I read a novel that I really liked and there were about 4 comments from people who were obsessed with nationalism.

        Since it only happened twice, a sentence at the beginning and a sentence in one of the last chapters, if you combine the two sentences it doesn't make half a chapter and there are people dropping the book because of that.
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    #panic# The last of the chapters are already out, please update.
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      Fixed. welldone
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      only we
  6. Offline
    #panic# update
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    #panic# update
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  8. Offline
    Nationalism and Racism have gone so far, they are literally tags.

    Lots of Racism, but if you ignore that it is an overall good story. So 3/5
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  9. Offline
    Pretty decent in my opinion, that's if you ignore racism 3/5
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  10. Offline
    Even though it does have Nationalism, and Racism, I ignored both of them and skipped that part in chapters. I have read up to the latest chapter 210 and I liked it so far. It has only 49 chapters more, so I will wait for it update here instead of reading MTL. hokage
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