1 year ago

The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shi*tiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him寝取られ漫画のクズ男に転生したはずがヒロインが寄ってくる件

Suddenly I remembered.

This is the world of the adult manga I had originally read, and... Read more
Suddenly I remembered.

This is the world of the adult manga I had originally read, and that I myself am the one who plays the role of the man who steals the heroine away from the protagonist.

I don’t have that kind of taste, so please let the heroine get along with the protagonist.

That’s what should have happened…

So why the hell are they bothering with me?! Collapse
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Comments 39

  1. Offline
    Very good, quite decent. Don't believe the reviews that say the second volume is bad, we simply find out more about the mc or his past, however he doesn't act particularly differently, he doesn't become a "good rag" he just opens up more, he never fought At first because no one has the courage to face him, he doesn't become the typical Japanese MC, he just starts acting like a normal and less strange human being. I didn't read the third volume because I just read two similar stories, one the guy reincarnates in a yandere eroge where he stays with his mother and daughter, and the other is a mere story where the guy also stays with his mother and daughter and SURPRISING AT THAT HERE ALSO LOL, not that I'm dissatisfied, but as I already know how it's going to end, it's a bit pointless to read, but the story is good.
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      Can you tell me the title of those "2 similar novels" you mentioned? Pls
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  2. Offline
    #panic# chapters 1 and 2 missing
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      Thank you! welldone
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      only we
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    The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shi*tiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him
    How to write prologue in a book title swindler
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  4. Offline
    In the second volume, the main character becomes a good rag, it's disgusting to look at. Purely Japanese nasty character
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    1. Offline
      "good rag"?
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        like a door mat aka gets walked on
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  5. Offline
    Can humankind even live up to 2100 with new novels having titles like this one?
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    #panic# first and second ch missing
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  7. Offline
    I remember this, I liked it. It’s pretty wholesome even though it has ‘sex scenes’. Plus the mc has a sad past on top of being an outcast which makes you like him more. And on top of that even though it’s a japenese manga the mc is a chad (if I remembered everything correctly) so don’t worry about a doormat type of mc
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    1. Offline
      I'm gonna try it.
      But you know I read the title as:
      The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Slutiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him
      enstead of:
      The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shitiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him

      So I thought it was BL. LOL
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      1. Offline
        Didn’t even know it’s possible to call a guy slutty
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        1. Offline
          Well it's possible alright, I can say you didn't venture enough into the Abyss called the internet.
          Just this game is enough to twist you:
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          1. Offline
            Just the androgyny part makes me not wanna following that link

            Id rather not traumatize myself on this fine day
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            1. Offline
              Well, it's a slutty man, alright.


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                Shit I said I didn’t want to see them and you send more finger
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                  Thirsty Reader
                  What no pussy does to a mf 💀
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    2. Offline
      i have already seen novel where japanese chad transforms into simp... this is worrying
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        I know what u mean, and I despise those types of mc’s but this one isn’t really like that. Instead it’s the girls who chase him. Plus he has a few sexual relationships so I would definitely not compare him to other jap mc’s
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          man you really describe that MC haha. novel name is Stealing Spree but i do not recommend. it starts with MC having track record of cucking dozens of boys. later on during another cucking he has epiphany what an asshole he is and wants to take responsibility(i stopped at 30+ girls)he is learning how to be a good boyfriend from the girls themselves and you get the gist i hope. dude still OP for a normal human, if dealing with angry ex-boyfriend etc. he can twist em in pretzel before you blink but when dealing with girlfriends... yuck
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            Shit… not him. He’s put his hands on too many girls. This mc sometimes had one night stands with older girls before the story started and in the end he only has a small harem and one main girl, so he’s not too lusty. Plus this guy isn’t an asshole. Well I might be praising him as the perfect mc too much but it’s been months since I read this and I had a good final impression
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              then ill give it a try, report in couple days o7
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                Well let me know if I’m wrong about the mc, whenever I remember he’s a japanese mc it makes me want to double check to see if I was wrong
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                  nah, he is complete carpet-cleaner. he was chad before story started but decided to be a model citizen chapter 1+ completely 1 for 1 with MC i described from another novel. one of girls said his best trait he never says no. another compared him to dense protagonist from manga. i am not sure what you perceive as Chad but this... this is garbage MC. everything wrong in world is his fault and girls dont walk on earth and there to fix him like saints. heck even sex was described as girl telling him what to do and he does it. he is completely passive and if there was Chad here its the heroine. MC himself completely passive, he does nothing until someone drags him somewhere. if you eradicate MC then girls are great but since they play off him.. yeah f#ck this. i can rant for much longer but na. i am off to greener pastures, got to like ch 35. as always excellent concept by japan and as always horrible execution by japan
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                2. Offline
                  Lmao r u saying he never says no to sex when his girls ask him for some? Because that’s how I remembered it at least, he wouldn’t say no to his girl; that’s how that sentence is used if I remember correctly. It might be an overshot to call him a chad in some situations but compared to most jap mc’s he’s more chad like than them all. And if he acts like a yes man when there’s no reason for him to or allows his women to lead him around like a dog then I’d believe u when u say garbage mc… but if u think this is one then haven’t seen a true ‘garbage mc’. This is how I remember it
                  . That’s y I think its too much for u to say he’s a doormat, when he clearly isn’t. He seems more like a normal person to me, a normal guy with multiple girls on his dick and living a chill life without scheming for women. I don’t know what ur expecting. Now let’s say he isn’t a chad like I said because I remembered wrongly, then I can definitely say he’s not a doormat type of mc who allows random people or girls lead him around. In my opinion his relationships with the girls are give some take some, and outside of that he acts completely fine. So don’t compare him to those lowlife jap mc’s who are naive, dense, submissive yes mans— if u are then I don’t know how much of the worlds men are like that. Respectfully, if u only like mc’s who dominate girls and the no personality girls just allow it then this isn’t for u. In my opinion someone who can overcome how people look at him and his terrible past but still end up with a girlfriend, a few other older women, and a milf on his dick, is more like a chad than that. If u think I’m wrong then do recommend some chad like jp mc’s who made u so disappointed in this one. And sorry I guess for recommending by saying he’s a chad, I guess some people have different ideas of ‘chad’s
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                3. Offline
                  Damn I ranted for a while, it might take a while to read that
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                  it wasnt in context of sex but in her barging into his house without notice and him complaining about. next time that happened she told him to stop being a bitch ha. when girls gather and start talking shit about him right in his face, he complains and they tell him to shut up and he sighs. he literally never refused a girl in anything and if he did then next chapter opens with him sigh and explaining how he caved in. girls are great! its MC who drags this whole thing down. one scene he tells us through inner voice how its wrong to sleep with a girl just met and five lines further he sleeps with her... telling us a principle and imminently breaking it? that just spineless. sex is small part or relationship and which author makes their self insert MC a failure at this? remove sex and you get your factory made japanese MC. yes, he stands up to boys but this aint about boys! its about relationship between him and girls and he conducts him self like a doormat when it isnt about sex. as for japanese Chads... i cant name you any, can give some chinese and western ones. some have sex scenes, some pass them over and some dont have sex at all
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                5. Offline
                  Damn that happened? Well I would say ur over-exaggerating but I can’t say that for sure because my memory isn’t perfect. Care to tell me which chapter this happens
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                6. Offline
                  what exactly? i described several events here. you can honestly start reading and take note of how many times he refuses ANY requests from girls. it will be zero
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                7. Offline
                  I was talking about them talking shit in his face. At most they would tease him but they wouldn’t talk shit. As for the girl going into his house, I can guess it’s that college girl who’s really close to him, close enough like they’re siblings. I doubt she called him a bitch but even if she did it would be a joking matter, nothing to be hurt about. I mean he gave her his house key, would he allow her to barge in his house in the first place if he was gonna reject her? It’s probably small talk. So u can tell me the chapter where they talk shit in his face or u can tell me the chapter which provokes u the most

                  Plus ur acting like the mc is their dog who listens to everything they say… one of them treats him as her master, one always goes to him for comfort because of some reason I forgot, and one of them literally does so much shit for him from getting him presents, to cooking him lunch all the time and to lowering her reputation to hang out with him… like I said it’s a give and take relationship, don’t tell me u expect to be the only one to benefit in relationships. On top of that even if they ask him for anything it’s nothing big to complain about
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                8. Offline
                  she called him a wet blanket which is synonym with bitch(ch 20) she barges in in ch 8 and 29 with MC complaining and her dismissing his complains. comment about him never saying no is in ch 8 as well. like i said before, read it and take notes on how many times he refused requests he didnt want to partake in. up to ch ~35 its zero. try Villain: The Play of Destiny for comparison
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                9. Offline
                  I wrote a lot again—First off the girl is drunk and barges into his house and asks to stay over, which the mc doesn’t really care much about and he says ok. I don’t see the problem with that, you want him to say no? Only if he is in a terrible mood or if he hates her would he say no, so I don’t understand what you’re mad at. She acts happy after he says yes and tells him he never says no to her, which is obviously not a diss in this situation. Plus they’re really close and have had a relationship for a long time so there’s clearly no problem here. On top of that she asked if he wanted sex but he said no. Then him complaining, tbh the mc is kinda a tsundere if u you’ve read enough of his character. He might complain a little but he doesn’t really care. He’s clearly not really complaining here, he’s just complaining about how she’s too drunk and some other small stuff. Don’t tell me you’ve never seen someone who would complain and talk back a little but not really mean it. So in the end she never dissed him as she said that in thankfulness and even though he complained a little, it wasn’t a big deal and he was clearly just saying some small talk.

                  Also I’ve read that novel you’ve recommended, and while i like it and I’ve been reading it for a while as well, that guy clearly manipulates the girls with his high charm, strength, money, fame, or how he knows a lot about the girls and he knows how to get them to like him. This is a completely different novel, where here it’s a completely normal guy who transmigrates into a school life type novel with no special powers at all, while the villain:the play of destiny is about transmigrating with a system, and he pretty much gets everything he needs and he just needs to keep getting stronger and destroy the protagonists. They’re both different so the mc’s are completely different as the mc of this novel wouldn’t really work in the VPOD novel. Plus the VPOD mc would completely change this novels premise as this novel is more laid back and there’s no real big goal. I like the VPOD type of mc more but having that type of mc all the time is boring so I like switching it up, especially when I’m bored and don’t have anything to read like now
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                10. Offline
                  see, VPOD MC is what you call a Chad and if this novel MC type is different... then he is not a Chad. like you said, having that type MC all the time is boring. for me having japanese MC like this all the time is boring. call him tsundere/doormat/wimp or whatever, this template is not novel or likable for me. ill throw another good MC and a novel with quite unique way of writing, The Return of The Crazy Demon
                  its purely about martial arts and comedy and MC alone carries it entirely and rest of cast is extra. this one has opposite, girls carry entire novel and MC just there swimming along the current. my preference where main character is main attraction and not a source of disappointment, cringe etc
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                11. Offline
                  Lmao I guess we’ll have different opinions on this matter till the end. U think this is a trash mc while I think this is an ok mc. But I suggest you stay away from all or at least 95% of Japanese novels because they don’t usually have mc’s who carry the entire story unless it’s a crazy degenerated story, which are sometimes even worse in my opinion. I like stories where the mc is the center of the story mostly as well but I don’t only have one type of preference, or else I wouldn’t have read/watched so many stories by now. Since I’ve read so many stories on this website, I’ve learned to be flexible and be more lenient or else I would have stopped reading and ran out of things to read a while ago
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                12. Offline
                  yeah its funny. i have read hundreds of novels my self, most of em dropped by authors sadly. my preferences become only more rigid since i already seen certain events dozen of times in different flavors. i want something fresh and not same thing over and over again for the sake of reading. anyhow, i am skipping this and off to find something better. this convo long enough haha. if you like this, great for you. was fun to argue
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