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Trinity of Magic by Elara

Ezekiel recognized early in life that he didn’t want to follow in his parent’s footsteps and spend... Read more
Ezekiel recognized early in life that he didn’t want to follow in his parent’s footsteps and spend the rest of his days as a mere farmer. No, his eyes are set on a grander stage, a place where tales of monster hunters, mighty generals, and benevolent heroes hold court — A world of Magic and mysteries.

One day, the opportunity he had been waiting for arrives. Without a second thought, Ezekiel throws himself headfirst into the adventure. However, not everything turns out to be as magical as he had dreamt it to be…


Even though you are not going to see blue boxes from chapter one, I guarantee you that this IS a LitRPG story. This is, however, NOT a pure «game world»! Instead, I have tried to integrate the interface elements of a LitRPG into a world with a very thought-out magic & power system, which will be explored over the course of the first book.

This world doesn’t work like a game, where you can put '5 points in strength' and the body somehow changes magically into a stronger version of itself. It might take a couple of chapters for the world and magic to start to make sense, but I feel like a power system built on solid principles is a lot more rewarding in the long run (…and more IMMERSIVE!).


Regular release Schedule: 3 Chapters a week; Mo, We, Fr. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    Is it worth reading? Sure. However, this is just a wishful story or a "fairy tail". This isn't really a cultivation LN. Things happen because they author says they happen not really due to rules of common sense or rules of cultivation and levels of power, they just "are". This is like a bedtime story you tell at bedtime.... It doesn't go very deep into the cultivation nor does i go deep into how the magic works. It has some depth into how magic works, but at the same time it seems to be completely ignored and at times you really wonder if that was even a spell or just the author claiming it's a spell. The MC goes up against monsters and the author never tells you what their power level is. Then the MC goes into a dungeon like place (old hidden ruins) that have all these monsters in there that should probably be powerful, but once again no power levels are ever mentioned, yet the very weak MC kills them without issues....
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      Uhm... Further more objective point as someone whose only read your comment and the synopsis. Would destroying the unethical research not be a moral wrong? Profiting off it is also a negative in a way. But you telling me people were tortured in inhumane ways for this knowledge and that means it shouldn't be allowed to exist? Nah... That is insulting to the victims... Take it. Do good with it. Keep it out of the hands of bad people. Best you can do.
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        Also, it happened thousands of years ago. There is ZERO knowledge on this subject available to anyone today, outside of the Royal Family who horde it to themselves to use to keep themselves in power over the people they keep the cultivation knowledge away from. The knowledge there was more than likely far more advanced than what the Royal Trashcan Family had and could have been used to protect himself from them and if need be remove them if they were to evil.
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  2. Offline
    Great story. Before listening to the reviews saying it's bad, at least read the first 30 chapters and then make your decision.
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  3. Offline
    All I can say is that this is a fantastic novel, I wish I had a better word, because the charm of this novel is wonderful, in the final chapter of 'B3' I could only shiver with excitement And anxiety, mark my words, it's going to be one of the soap operas that your mind won't have a choice in if you don't follow it, it may seem silly at first, but the more you go on, the more eager you are to see what the yeah quiet
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  4. Online Offline
    Initially the storyline is ok....but it become bad, after the story is told in third person point of view it lacks character interaction it is all in narrative and spell formula is lacking, it says inscribed/inscription correct me if I'm wrong, inscribing the core with a spell is the way to breakthrough to become a True mage but what should be inscribed, there is nothing should they just inscribed intentions or inscribed geometric formula of the spell, runes, or letters....nah...it just so lacking . If you want for a pastime reading waiting for updates, then I recommend this novel but for serious Nah....just skip this one
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  5. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    story started out ok but it got freaking stupid later on
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  6. Online Offline
    Novel seems to have some sort of weird usage of words that seems a bit off, not much character development honestly
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  7. Online Offline
    When I wrote this review I was in chapter 44
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      Agreed. These "spells" don't even seem to be spells or magic in the normal sense of magic spells. As you said there never seems to be any weaving of magic or mana. The things that the author does is more like very limit or singular use of LAWS that you get in cultivation LNs. It is very oddly written. It seems more like a wishful story or a "fairy tail" you would tell at bedtime, than a magic/cultivation LN...
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  8. Offline
    Really I really enjoy this novel, it's one of my favorites on the Royal Road and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm always on time to read the new chapters. My comment is not a recommendation but I urge you to read this book. The author is a good friend of mine and he does illustrations of each character and they're pretty descriptive. Everyone who says that it sucks try at least to read half of the present chapters
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  9. Offline

    What can i say? It's forced. The characters are forced, not smart or intelligent.

    In the empire that mc is, elemental mages (fire, water, earth and wind) are more valuable, only because they are the majority and have further developed their techniques.

    Minor spoiler cap 5 where mc awakened / discovered your elements.


    Yeah, after of you know the elements, know that happens? MC is treated like crap and starts the famous bullying ARC.

    Anyone knows that the elements of mc are strong and have countless possibilities, but still, the author wants to make the ARC of bullying in his story and tries to give unconvincing reasons for mc to be treated like this.

    I don't know if the novel gets better later on, but I can't get past the beginning of it.
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    1. Offline
      Wdym forced and unconvincing?

      There are plenty or reasons why Mc gets shunned and bullied and people don't think his elements are good. To start the elements he uses are employed by enemies of the empire and the earth, wind, fire, and water clans actively make it so that other elements are shunned and those with strong bloodlines of other elements are killed so they don't form their own great clans. Wdym " Anyone knows that the elements of Mc are strong and have countless possibilities"? No, not everyone in the setting knows that. You and I might know that his elements are strong with our modern day knowledge and knowledge of other novels and the fact that Mc is going to become strong in the future but in the setting the people don't know for very obvious reasons. Not just that but having a tri or dual affinity is usually a bad thing in the setting, and in the setting they haven't perfected knowledge of magic.

      All of his elements have limiting factors. One is strictly controlled by the royal faction and barely anything is taught about it, another is used by an enemy empire and spells aren't taught for it in the empire and it is also shunned because it is used by the enemies who are at war with the empire (his teacher at the acadmy literally treats it like a curse to have the element), and the other is expensive and not strong at lower levels as its easily counterable. Not just that but he is a commoner, with a tri affinity which is also looked down on, and only has elements that are looked down on. They all seem rather convincing reasons for the bulling and fit the setting of the story.
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        Ok, I understand you, but I have other opinions.

        "people don't think his elements are good"
        - Friend, the mc had element Mind (same of King and your royal faction), no good? no strong?
        - Second element Blood, element used by an enemy empire, really no strong? It's impossible for the enemy empire not have others elements and only Blood, like earth, wind, fire and water are basic elements. Other point, if it's your enemy main element, you need study and understand all yours skills or abilities to win wars, and not ostracize all peoples in your empire who has this element.
        - Element space no good? Ok, here you might be right that i know with modern knowledge, but again, like a new element, need to be studied and understand its possibilities.

        "having a tri or dual affinity is usually a bad thing in the setting"
        - as far as i read, only 2 problems that are time to train all elements and money. Not big issues for me.
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        1. Offline
          mind- no good? no strong? yes because the imperial family want it to be no good no strong for anybody other than them and he can do nothing about it.
          blood- no good? no strong?- yes because the empire dont care about it. It knows how to deal with not how to use it.
          space- no good? no strong?- you figured out the problem yoursef.
          his situation is:
          he went to agriculture school in uganda but the only thing he can learn is rocket science psychology and playing rugby and he must learn all three of this subjects that they dont teach at the same time,
          and everybody in that school hates rugby players
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    2. Offline
      Congratulations friend!
      You have succefully ignored one of the first plot points used by the author!
      Yes, the discrimination based on cores is cliche as hell, true. But the author makes a whole construction of the why, how it came to be, and the merits and disadvantageof the structure based on the 4 elements.

      And the two main reasons for the bulling were quite simple too:
      First, he is a commoner-born. Second, he uses a 'secondary' element as main (Blood) and one used by one of their enemy nations

      While the plot point is VERY cliche, I ended up quite impressioned with how well the author developed it as the world expanded.
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      Amazing review
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