6 hours ago

Kill the Sun by Warmaisach

Earth, thousands of years after the apocalypse.

Countless technologies and advances had... Read more
Earth, thousands of years after the apocalypse.

Countless technologies and advances had been lost to time as the Specters, horrifying beings with terrifying powers, arrived and destroyed the world.

Over the coming thousands of years, humanity had built itself up but always died again.

Nobody remembers the past.

Nobody remembers what humanity had once accomplished.

Now, everyone is living in a world where the Specters reign supreme.


A boy with amnesia woke up in the middle of the Dregs, the worst part of Crimson Fungus City.

The boy grows up and manages to become strong enough to pass an exam for one of the most prestigious jobs in existence, a Zephyx Extractor, someone that can harvest the powers of Specters.

Sadly, he had already gained a power from a Specter in the past, which made him ineligible for the position.

But then, a mysterious man visits him.

And his luck finally turns around. Collapse
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Comments 60

  1. Offline
    To make this brief the World development is 10/10 like so much of the novel the only problem the MC. The MC has the EQ of a new born. And there is no character development other than him getting stronger. As I’m sure many have read previously novels with a dog MC are unbearable to read.
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  2. Offline
    Reading this left a really bad taste in my mouth, This had so much potential, but author just put 1 kilo of salt in a perfect tasting cake. Nick was the worst thing this novel had. The world building was top-tier, and the characters, aside from Mc, were all great, especially the Spectres. I just can't continue after MC made soo many mistakes but still acts like a manchild. 9
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    1. Online Offline
      ok thanks for the review
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  3. Offline
    To be honest, the novella seemed to be composed strangely. The author very strangely describes the events and development of the “main character” and his unhealthy attraction to the “people”. His previous works were better than this one. I'll give it a rank of D
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  4. Offline
    How does the author manage to keep making his works worse(i think this is likely still somewhat good but seeing the trend i just dont see reading it), youd expect that he learns from his past ones but somehow he does the opposite(first one despite some issues was very good second one was alot worse but still quite good, this one despite not even have read it is very likely to be worse than his last one which already had me almost stop reading it because of some issues(and from the comments i gather he not only didnt remove/improve upon them he at the very least still has them in this work (likely worse than before from what i can gather)) all of this makes me basicaly stop having any interrest in ever even starting it despite being very fond of his first novel and to some extent his second one. [Just some rambaling from someone who is dissapointed after having read a very good novel only to read a worse one(i read it from like ch 300 while waiting for updates) which makes the same mistakes and makes them worse to than stacking ch for the third story only to see that it likely has somehow gotten worse]
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  5. Offline
    Readers feel this LN went down the drain and isn't worth reading at all. On top of this the MC was given a wish from a very powerful monster and used it on something utterly stupid. The MC could have asked the monster to train with him (this is how cultivators cultivate and become higher levels) and the MC just ignores that fact, a fact that the Monster said in internal dialog he was happy about because he wouldn't have to waste time on the MC. The LN was written poorly.
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    1. Offline
      He did train with the wish monster, just slowly and secretly so that the other forces in the city don’t notice his abnormal growth rate and kill him. Plus because of the wish he made he got a bunch of other benefits from it.

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        A Hedgehog
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        1. Offline
          Bro did you even read the LN it was stated countless times that the reason why nick had to get an adult urgently was because of his growth (which has a result of his interaction with Julian) despite not having an adult.... And even recently it was stated that the reason why dark dream's employees had such fast growth rate was because of Julian's zephyx
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            A Hedgehog
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  6. Offline
    author straight up felt that the story was moving too slowly (which i assure u wasnt) and threw everything out the window.
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  7. Offline
    A Hedgehog
    Quote: MTL Ancestor

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  8. Offline
    MTL Ancestor

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    1. Offline
      spitting facts
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    2. Offline
      I will kill
      Just read the latest chapters (as of this time) and yeah those are actual facts everyone At this point I just hope the ending of this novel is an acceptable one
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      1. Offline
        Ye it baffles me how the author thinks the recent moves he made is something that a rational being would engage in. Honestly since that nonsense I’ve kind of just of dropped the novel. Might pick it up later based on how much the chapters have stockpiled who knows.
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        MTL Ancestor
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            MTL Ancestor
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  9. Offline
    The character has a very weird attachment to one of the other male younger characters not sexual just a weird as if the other guy was his kid and he was a frantic overprotective mum and it just makes nor sense.
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    1. Offline
      A Hedgehog
      Hey?. Are you incapable of feeling remorse or something?
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      1. Offline
        Yes I’m autistic actually so yeah I can’t feel remorse thank you very much.
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      2. Offline
        Remorse is fine, but the depth of his childishness especially in the recent chapters is just out of scope and makes him out to be incredibly naive, excessively idealistic and actually ignorant of the reality of the world, constantly finding some excuse or the other to seek death.
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        1. Offline
          this is the problem with the novels of this author. MCs seem excessively suicidal and idealistic. Ignoring the reality of the world.
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    2. Offline
      MTL Ancestor
      Technically saying, nick lost ALL of his memories of before 10 years old, so he was only like six years old.
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  10. Offline
    Quote: MTL Ancestor
    ehh I am proud to say that, after almost 200 chapters, my man, the MC, has finally touched grass.

    Indeed he did.

    But I wonder why grass won't grow in the outer city.
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      MTL Ancestor
      eyetwit The ground is made up of metal.
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