18 hours ago

What It's Like Being a Vampire变成血族是什么体验

"What's it like becoming a vampire?"

When Xiang Kun first sees this question on Quora, he... Read more
"What's it like becoming a vampire?"

When Xiang Kun first sees this question on Quora, he treats the answers as nothing more than fantasy stories. Back then, he naturally never expected that it didn't take long before he had the qualifications to truly answer this question.

After he recently losing his job, Xiang Kun experiences a series of inexplicable physical and mental changes—unable to eat or drink anything other than plain water, craving for blood, shedding a layer of his skin like a snake, staying awake for days before falling fast asleep for 30 hours, feeling uncomfortable staying in the sun...

He has definitely transformed into a different person, or, is he even still a human?

Driven by his determination to seek the truth, Xiang Kun embarks on a dangerous yet exciting journey to understand his identity and powers.

Nevertheless, to his surprise, he seems to be the first person ever who has undergone those transformations... Is it his destiny? Why is he the chosen one? At the start, Xiang Kun doesn’t have the answers. But he refuses to give up searching.

During his self-exploration, Xiang Kun is taken by surprise by the positive effects of the changes to his body. Realizing that he can train certain parts of his body to carry out extraordinary functions, he continuously pushes his limits from building his muscle mass to enhancing his sense of smell and hearing.

These “special powers” enable him to solve crimes and assist others in need. Until one day, he discovers something that gives him a lead to the cause of the changes in his body...

Can Xiang Kun uncover the truth and figure out what exactly happened to him? Will he trust anyone with his secret, or face all the challenges alone? Many mysteries and uncertainties await him. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    To be honest, the story's all right, but I felt the title and description were misleading; it made it sound like it was going to be a typical vampire-themed story, but aside from the MC occasionally killing a chicken for its blood, it really just seems like a convoluted way for the author to suddenly make his MC younger and stronger with little effort.

    When I hear vampire, I expect somebody who has no choice but to travel during the night because the sun will kill him. For MC, that's not a problem; in fact, the sun helps him and suppresses his thirst for blood, and he walks around perfectly fine during the day. When I hear vampire, I expect a creature that has no choice but to tackle the moral dilemma of either drinking blood from humans or starving to death. The MC here has no problems with that; he's never even considered it; he just goes down to the local market and buys a chicken, because it seems a chicken is just fine to sate his thirst. It really feels like the author made a vampire story and then removed literally everything interesting from it. The MC just feels like your average superpowered protagonist, and you wouldn't even know he's a vampire if not for the occasional line about getting thirsty and killing a chicken. The only way I could see it being saved in my eyes is if it turns out there are tons of other vampires, a huge society of them, and the MC is abnormal and just has special powers and expectations that regular vampires don't have. But so far from what I'm reading, I'm getting the vibe that MC might be patient zero and the only vampire, but that could change.

    Anyways, it's about average for a Chinese web novel. I just felt very disappointed as I read and realized the author's interpretation of a "vampire" is VERY strongly altered and strips away all the uniqueness you'd expect from a story like this.
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  2. Offline
    Ch 191. I call it an accomplishment to have gotten this far.

    The author's habit of describing all the MC's research and experiments in such excruciating detail just drags the story to a halt, over and over again.

    It's commendable that the author has the perspicacity to thoroughly do this, but this is not a research report. This is a novel. Can't spend several chapters just not moving the story along. Not to mention the frequent repetition of information.

    A shame because this story had potential.
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  3. Offline
    Bard of Anarchy
    Vampire monk?! constraint
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  4. Offline
    download for 3d girls
    The blue haired hottie is the reason why im gonna read this
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  5. Offline
    I am just gonna say the mlt is not that bad besides pronouns being incorrect.
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  6. Offline
    Being vampire is like Being Bald??????
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  7. Offline
    Realizing that he can train certain parts of his body to carry out extraordinary functions

    what did he mean by this?
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    1. Offline
      Part that’s open for interpretation troll52
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      1. Offline
        Part that’s open for penetration troll52
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    2. Offline
      an actual explanation is that he goes through changes and what he trains before those changes gets enhanced so for example he cuts himself constantly regenerating the next time he changes his regeneration will be faster
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  8. Online Offline
    Wtf is that bald guy. M hhahahahahahaha
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  9. Offline
    Peak Vegeta
    Ok,if the promise of a Working out MC as the synopsis says,imma give it a try.
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  10. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    this is f#cking boring. it takes forever for any vampire stuff happening in a VAMPIRE STORY
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