12 hours ago

I Shall Be Everlasting In the World of ImmortalsI Am Evergreen In the World of Cultivating Immortals • 我在修仙界万古长青

Lan Chang’an has gone through two lifetimes of reincarnations, and in the third life, he aimed for... Read more
Lan Chang’an has gone through two lifetimes of reincarnations, and in the third life, he aimed for stability until reaching the Nascent Soul Realm in hopes of unraveling the mysteries of the Nine Seal Stele. Consequently, he cultivated the Ancient Trees Evergreen Technique, which wielded modest power in return for greater lifespan.

His approach is not one of fearlessly engaging in battles, but of navigating with steady precision and forging meaningful bonds with others.

Throughout his long cultivation journey, he encountered individuals at various stages of their cultivation, including a Decent Faction Head, a Prodigious Beauty, a Giant Demon Lord, an Evil Cultivator, a Thousand-Year Old Demon, and a Puppet Master Pulling Strings From Behind The Scene.

Observing the ebb and flow of the world, witnessing its ups and downs, he unknowingly became a living fossil in the realm of cultivation, akin to an evergreen tree spanning through eternity.

In the world of mortals, the flow of life is steady, shrouded in the illusion of longevity, yet decisions are made decisively, with a clear sense of morality. Collapse
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Comments 95

  1. Offline
    It's good at first then seems too bland that I lost interest afterwards... Shame
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  2. Online Offline
    I've been reading this book from its original Chinese to English using the 'MTL Webnovels' model on GPT, which offers two options: Genre: Xianxia and Genre: Slice of Life. I typically use Genre: Xianxia. It asks for the 'Target Language' and 'Chapter'. Here's how I usually respond:

    Target Language: English

    In following messages, I just submit the chapter. Sometimes GPT resets its memory, so I start a new chat and continue in the same way. If you're interested in exploring this GPT, you can find it here:

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    1. Offline
      can I ask, how do you do it conveniently? is it copy paste each chapter continuously?
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      1. Online Offline
        Copy and paste that's what I did but there could be a simple way either.
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  3. Offline
    The story is about a man living his 3rd life in the cultivation world. Having learned and formed his view of this world, he set himself a goal for this life. Reaching the Yuan Yin level.
    In this life, he has poor talent and was not accepted into the sect, and therefore he decided to develop the longevity technique. His path is slow and steady development, avoiding trouble as much as possible.
    In two lives, he realized how easy it is to lose life and freedom in the world of cultivation, and therefore all his actions are driven by reason and a clear goal. He will never show all his strength to the public, but at the same time he will not expose himself as complete trash who is easily offended. The way he shows himself to the world is that he is a tenacious cultivator with poor talent but enough value to be useful without being a threat or prey.
    The world around him lives and does not revolve around him alone; events occur regardless of his intervention or presence, but he, to the best of his ability, can influence some of them. Or run away if it could be dangerous for him and have no benefit. The main character is not an idiot, not extremely self-confident, he rather truly embodies a person who has lived long enough in the cultivation world. His actions are not driven by hormones or emotions, but rather by calculation and understanding. I’ll emphasize once again that the world around him is not stupid, other cultivators understand the meaning of opportunities and the fact that they can be taken away. There will be no such thing that everyone silently admires and envy. If they think you have something they need and can take it away, they will do it.
    Regarding the harem, the main character is not a magnet for anything and everything beautiful, and he does not start a full-fledged relationship. His goal is the main thing, and the girls on his way only act as temporary companions, which he honestly informs them about. He does not start a family and children, because he understands that this will burden him. In general, he is moderately cruel, but only for logical purposes. He is ready to help his friends, but only to a limited extent, he does not carry them on himself and does not trust them unconditionally, because they know only a little more about him than others know.
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  4. Offline
    Does the api thing on this site directly translate from the Chinese text or just edit the MTL. Also, what service is used for the MTL.
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      not how it works
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      1. Offline
        What do you mean by that
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        1. Offline
          This website grabs mtl from other websites, just like it does with the translated version. It does not edit or translate directly.
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  5. Offline
    Chapter 255, and I’m dropping this novel. The story starts with a leisurely outlook on cultivation, hiding your strength and biding your time, and holding yourself as the number one priority.

    The issue here is that the novel seemed to have an identity crisis early on. The MC didn’t know what he was or what his cheats do; we are only told he can reincarnate. So far, in the 255 chapters I’ve read, he didn’t reincarnate at all. His biggest “cheat” is that he kept his previous lives’ memories, allowing him to breeze through cultivation unhindered. To balance this, the author throws in a cultivation technique that slows down the MC’s progress to a CRAWL, and I’m not even exaggerating here.

    The MC is compensated by being given intelligence in talisman-making, alchemy, and other skills, but essentially, the novel consists of the MC waiting and us waiting for the author to throw a bone to move the plot. Unfortunately, I’m a sucker for the MC’s template, but despite my bias, 250 chapters of the same rinsed and repeated events were too much for me.
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    1. Offline
      The main character's cheat is Stella with 9 frames, and she can not only rebirth him (by chapter 200 this seems to be already visible, and he cultivates the technique of slowly crawling for stability. He wants to reach a higher level than in his previous life, and with his talent of a lower root this is nonsense, even the best root has average chances for this level. Therefore, he uses technology to live twice as long, so that planning and smooth development are possible. After all, without it, the older you are, the more difficult it is for you to break through. Therefore, he calmly develops, like a real old monster, and not like a speedrun through the world of cultivation of most novels, where by the age of 50 he is already at an extremely super level, to which ordinary cultivators go on for hundreds of years. One of the very few works where they show a normal cultivator, and not a racing car. Plus, he understands that his cheats can easily be stolen if they find out about them, and not the usual cliché: I know and can do everything and no one wants to search their soul to find out how.
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  6. Offline
    Another translator that thinks too highly of themselves creating a patron for MTL proofreading. Here's a ChatGPT 4o prompt to get better or the same translation using the MTL we've here:

    Proofread and edit the following chapter from a Chinese Xianxia novel, your job is to fix the bad translation as much as you can without affecting the context, flow, or the dialogue, Chinese cultural norms, from seniority greetings, innuendos to proverbs that are there must be preserved. Even for the dialogues and paragraphs fix awkward wording, phrasing, and translated terms that are translated too literally and fix Inconsistent POV. You must strive for a pure reading experience that conveys the author's intent perfectly. Target badly translated lines and fix them if encountered. They're usually lines that do not make sense or are just awkward. Chinese female or male names must be gendered properly, they must be followed by their appropriate pronouns. You must identify when characters speak in 3rd person and condition it appropriately, such as "my nephew" when a character is speaking about themselves to mean "your nephew," and so on. You must identify them and condition them, you will do so by analysing the dialogue and compare it to the context to determine if the first few words are 3rd person description of themselves, such as my concubine, my nephew, my sister etc. When the characters are speaking about themselves, but due to bad translation it gets lost. Most importantly you must fix badly translated cultivation realms names:
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    1. Offline
      Thanks, this will make my reading easier.
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    2. Offline
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    3. Offline
      thanks, is this viable for all mtl books? or like just for xianxia etc
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      1. Offline
        xianxia only others you need to rework the prompt
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    4. Offline
      kinda oot but Are the prompt free or you have to buy the key API?
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      1. Offline
        I've the subscription for ChatGPT service, but I think you can use it for free now. So just put the prompt then under it the text from the MTL.
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        1. Offline
          but I've tried it already it need a token. and as far as I know you have to buy the token?
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          1. Offline
            My man. Why are you using the API??? Go to OpenAI's website and you can do this for free, if you want to mass translate with a script or something then you can use the API.
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  7. Offline
    I read 400+ chapters. Good deal.
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  8. Offline
    Let's remember that anyone with the name of big chungus is the most OP character
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  9. Offline
    Just started reading and this is so mid. Like everything mid about cultivation genre is here, and it's made worse by a distinct lack of substance to all the characters. Heck, the cowardly sidekick is most compelling character so far.

    Only good thing about the novel is the above average English... for a translated cultivation novel.
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  10. Online Offline
    Hao lao mao
    The protagonist is rare in that he is not afflicted by the lack of common sense that plague the heroes of xianxa novels.
    Let me share my favorite line of thought from the protagonist that strongly resonate with the above sentiment:

    If he had connections but kept them hidden until he ran into trouble, he could definitely use them to put on a show and humiliate people. However, he might also end up creating grudges and drag Zhao Siyao down with him.

    That kind of irrational, immature behavior, Lan Chang'an naturally would not do.

    The one-star bombers are obviously face-slapping obsessed readers who care not about the absurdity of how such nonsensical situations arise, but rather in the satisfaction when they subsume themselves in the identity of the idiotic protagonist. If this novel is not for you, grow the fvkc up and move on to the next garbage novel to offer you a temporary escape from your miserable lives.

    (Review On NU By jazzedjayne)
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