15 hours ago

I’m an Infinite Regressor, But I’ve Got Stories to Tell무한 회귀자인데 썰 푼다

[Infinite Regression Genre]

There is such a genre. In any novel, regression is a cheat... Read more
[Infinite Regression Genre]

There is such a genre. In any novel, regression is a cheat key!

What if it’s the ability of [Infinite Regression]?

No need to worry about any bad endings, after all, the protagonist will eventually reach a happy ending.

“Cheat key my foot.”

I tried it myself and it wasn’t so.

The success myths of regressors depicted in various novels are actually fake news…!

They were merely vile propaganda…!

“This run is doomed too.”

This is not a story of success. It’s a tale of a failure’s aftermath.

The heartfelt true-life documentary told by someone with 1183 runs of experience, now begins! Collapse
  • Views: 20 993
  • Total views: 116 936
  • Comments: 52
  • Total comments: 335


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Comments 52

  1. Offline
    This is less of a novel and more of a love letter to the regression genre. satisfied peepo032
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  2. Offline
    Quote: God_Unknown
    Classification: A+ (4.8 to 5.0)

    (It has a clear potential to be a masterpiece if it maintains its quality until the end.)

    Number of chapters read: 230 cps

    Yes, I know it's basically impossible to guarantee 5 stars, but I have to say this novel deserves it! wiseacre

    Okay, enough bias, let's move on to the impartial and cold analysis. 3

    Summary of the work (without spoilers):

    The novel "I’m an Infinite Regressor, But I’ve Got Stories to Tell" is a typical regression work with its original twist: the lack of a linear narration. Utilizing both first and third-person narration, with the narrator being the protagonist and regressor himself, it tells various stories of his regressions, most being tragedies with a hint of happiness, but almost always with bad endings, in the sense that the world ends. 13

    This is basically the premise, and for those who still don't understand what the novel is about, I'll explain in one sentence middle : "This is the story of a failed regressor who never really achieves a perfect happy ending. He fights to save a world already dying after an apocalypse that destroyed it and ushered in an era full of beings called anomalies."

    Unlike all other regression novels, here we are not following the MC fighting through the regressions because the story is not linear. We do not go from the 1st regression to the 2nd and so on. Instead, we are presented with stories that do not really follow a sequence. Even so, the author managed to write the story in such a way that we do not get lost while reading, kudos to him for this achievement. welldone

    Below are the good and bad points (contains spoilers):

    Good Points (+)


    Character development:

    Engaging narrative:


    No harem:

    Mystery and suspense:

    No nationalism:

    Negative Points (-)

    MC development:
    (Before you try to kill me, know that not necessarily negative! 31 )

    No harem:

    Few chapters:

    Neutral points (?):

    Writing/translation quality:

    Here we come to the end of the review. I leave you with a question about the novel for those still hesitant to read it: "What could be the difficulty for an infinite regressor in saving the world?" kef

    Loved your review. So detailed 😍
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    1. Offline
      You loved it so much that you stole her and took it away. Yanderes are on another level huh! swindler
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  3. Offline
    Classification: A+ (4.8 to 5.0)

    (It has a clear potential to be a masterpiece if it maintains its quality until the end.)

    Number of chapters read: 230 cps

    Yes, I know it's basically impossible to guarantee 5 stars, but I have to say this novel deserves it! wiseacre

    Okay, enough bias, let's move on to the impartial and cold analysis. 3

    Summary of the work (without spoilers):

    The novel "I’m an Infinite Regressor, But I’ve Got Stories to Tell" is a typical regression work with its original twist: the lack of a linear narration. Utilizing both first and third-person narration, with the narrator being the protagonist and regressor himself, it tells various stories of his regressions, most being tragedies with a hint of happiness, but almost always with bad endings, in the sense that the world ends. 13

    This is basically the premise, and for those who still don't understand what the novel is about, I'll explain in one sentence middle : "This is the story of a failed regressor who never really achieves a perfect happy ending. He fights to save a world already dying after an apocalypse that destroyed it and ushered in an era full of beings called anomalies."

    Unlike all other regression novels, here we are not following the MC fighting through the regressions because the story is not linear. We do not go from the 1st regression to the 2nd and so on. Instead, we are presented with stories that do not really follow a sequence. Even so, the author managed to write the story in such a way that we do not get lost while reading, kudos to him for this achievement. welldone

    Below are the good and bad points (contains spoilers):

    Good Points (+)


    Character development:

    Engaging narrative:


    No harem:

    Mystery and suspense:

    No nationalism:

    Negative Points (-)

    MC development:
    (Before you try to kill me, know that not necessarily negative! 31 )

    No harem:

    Few chapters:

    Neutral points (?):

    Writing/translation quality:

    Here we come to the end of the review. I leave you with a question about the novel for those still hesitant to read it: "What could be the difficulty for an infinite regressor in saving the world?" kef
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    1. Offline
      Well, if you've read this far, then you've got a lot of patience, eh! oru2x

      Being serious, now. I hope you can hear a little wish from me: for some time now, I've seen a downward trend in the quality and quantity of Ranobes reviews.

      We all know that those who do these reviews don't get anything for it, they spend part of their day to write and maybe edit and proofread these reviews, just to post them and get nothing in return.

      That's why I ask each fellow reader, if they like a review, whatever it is, to leave a comment encouraging, praising or even complementing the review itself. If you find this too tiring, a positive vote also makes a difference.

      I know it seems silly to be commenting on something like this, since this is an aggregator site and not a review site, but that's life, sometimes we need a jerk to bring up a subject.

      Well that's it, have a good read! welldone
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      1. Offline
        Thanks for the review, awesome sir. I will read this novel in seclusion on my cave abode (below the blankets at 5-8 am) as a token of gratitude.
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        1. Offline
          You're welcome, thanks for encouraging. satisfied
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      2. Offline
        Thx for the review......and your long long long gaps in the chapter comment. bond
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        1. Offline
          Human beings are masochistic beings, no matter how much I warn them not to go down, they go down even more willingly.
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      3. Offline
        Great review
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        1. Offline
          Thank you, I hope you have a good read. quiet
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    2. Offline
      Knight of Massacare
      This review describes this novel perfectly.....
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      1. Offline
        I think so? blushed
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    3. Offline
      where did you read rest of chapters?
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      1. Offline
        I went to the original website in Korean. But I couldn't access it, so I found a website where it also posted, but it had chapters divided into parts. The original only has 163 chapters, but where I read it went up to 230.
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    4. Offline
      Nice review!
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      1. Offline
        Thanks! welldone
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    5. Offline
      It's beautiful welldone
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      1. Offline
        Thanks! welldone
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  4. Offline
    Its good.
    Read it.
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  5. Offline
    Довольно интересно , чтобы расслабиться
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  6. Offline
    Anyone else getting ORV vibes?
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  7. Online Offline
    Sometimes I look at myself and think maybe I'm reading too much Korean novels
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    1. Offline
      Aren't we all? 4
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  8. Offline
    I don't usually post but if you love SCP Universe you should definitely read this THE SCP UNIVERSE WITH REGRESSION HITS DIFFERENT 😤
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    1. Online Offline
      I hear you fellow daoist, I to share your love of SCP uni. Thank you for your wisdom.
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    2. Offline
      where to read??
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    3. Offline
      SCP universe?
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      1. Online Offline
        It's originally a forum created to tell stories and create some creature with various powers. They plague our world. The forum has its posts in the format of a report regarding the creature or in their words: anomaly. Its report by the organization SCP. Its and organization that isolates these anomalies and researches them.
        Its huge. Just search scp ull get their forum.
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  9. Offline
    As expected, the author cooked once again with this one. The mix of comedy and tragedy is done fantastically well. I totally recommend this
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  10. Offline
    Between all of the Isekai trucks, kidnapped authors, butterflies and other stuff, it can actually be a bit heavy sometimes. It has a very good mix of tragedy, drama and comedy, and I gotta say: I'm having a blast with this novel.
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