1 year ago

Is that a Wisp? by Suiyan

What if a wisp, with zero EQ about human culture and habits, gains the opportunity to cultivate and... Read more
What if a wisp, with zero EQ about human culture and habits, gains the opportunity to cultivate and finally achieve human form? Now he can enter cities, experience technology, and fight his way to the top, right? In this universe where wisps are seen as nothing more than cultivation resources, a wisp stands up to challenge the wisps destiny! Not without causing a lot of misunderstandings on his way, of course… Collapse
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Comments 61

  1. Offline
    Definitely a solid 4.5 💫 out of 5. I loved the story, read it long ago when it was released 😔 had to wait for new chapters to come out 😕.

    Maybe some people don't like it but mc is okish, I love the world building... Finally a beginner's novel for those who haven't read anything similar
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    Anyone has some good novels for reading (kinda like the one and Supremacy Games).
    Can't seem to find anything good anymore... 30
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    So this novel. I'm not done with it, though I will update this when I do (currently chapter 1247)
    MC is born of a race of wisps. Anyone who has read a decent amount of cultivation novels would know this to be a kinda meh version of a Spiritual/energy based life form. The main deficit being that Wisps have an extremely short lifespan(10yr), and are hunted by cultivators as cultivation resources.

    FMC is pretty obvious, though there is no harem. It's kinda rough though, since we meet several waifu-type characters that I honestly believe

    We do see other characters form relationships, some are great, some feel very forced. There is also some side story with the characters, but none really go beyond a few chapters, and are usually just to introduce a significant character

    Comedy is alright, got me chuckling quite a bit at times

    Here's the issue with me though....mc is way too generous. Like insanely generous. In attempt to make the MC not grow crazy fast due his genius ideas, more and more "genius" type characters are added to his group, which changes out over time. He also shares pretty much every method of power growth he possibly can without losing limbs to them, allowing them to catch up most of the time. Yes he does grow fast and is very powerful, but it's a strange way of forcing a "strong allies" archetype.

    This isn't really a big deal overall, though a bit annoying at times since the MC tends to switch between being extremely clever and smart, to being very naive to the extent that he just seems to ignore things. Romance wise, I will exempt that due to his race being made of energy, which no determined gender until a human form is made.

    The primary issue is in the 1000+ chapters or whatnot. Spoilers ahead

    Overall I'd give this novel a 4. It's good overall, but compared to a certain novel
    that I read in the mindset of someone expecting an ending in my binge read time, it's been kinda eh overall on terms of the latter half of the novel.

    Definitely worth the read if you don't have any big top novels to look at instead. Not worth binge reading for me though. I just couldn't get the "addicting" feeling that some novels gave longer than a minor skirmish or certain fun situations
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  4. Offline
    It's completed, well I don't like mc weak personality but he's good, 4/5
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    Anyone got any not too spoiler-heavy thoughts about the ending?
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  6. Offline
    I just checked wn and it's completed!! Damn
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  7. Offline
    One of the rare n web novels where there series suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, improves. I point to cn wn in particular simply because it's the source best knows for grueling release schedules but obviously, this applies to all works with the same release sched.

    An example of this is Author's POV, also a sudden uptick in quality.

    It takes a while to get there tho, like, 800 chapters?

    Before that, it's almost bog standard xianxia where the only difference is that the characters aren't bloodthirsty.

    With the uptick of quality comes changes tho, I'd say it heavily uses the secret realm trope to turn the story into the xianxia version of 48 hours (specifically pointing that out since that shit is well-written af) or fantasy simulator sub-genre. Well it can go either way if you are fine with that genre, but it is definitely better quality.

    Worth a look at if you want some slightly light-toned xianxia fun that becomes NOT that after hundreds of chapters but at the same time you also get an uptake in quality. So, yeah, up to you.
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    1. Offline
      Completely agree, it starts of average but becomss a really great novel I would recommend it too
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  8. Offline
    Most annoying Character so far currently in chapter 110 'Yusa'. middle
    She is basically a leach that complains too much, always demanding shit like you owe her something .I believe she wold sell out Krune If you her enough money, damn opportunist. I could do without this character, it may just comedic relief at the beginning but it became annoying . The Mc is to much of a push over sometimes, people be taking advantage of his kindness another example the character Lofa deadweight. By now a I feel we should leave them at the starter planet, Krune is basically caring the whole team ,a few characters don't add anything to the table to be honest .
    I read chapters ahead and every new arc or so Krune would pick up new members to carry them in cultivation and them give them the improved version of the Myriad Energies Technique then he would make average cultivators into geniuses like Dilo. At some point he is just sharing this heaven defying technique cultivation with everyone like its cabbage.

    Then I would question my self why would krune share his secrets with so many people?

    It's because krune trust them and they are his friends so he believes they would not betray him ,thats his major flaw, mind you this is a cultivation world, full of greed and shit.

    I bet the moment he is not a genius any more they would betray him , since most of them just want his benefits ,Its like his buying their loyalty. Except for FeiFei is wife, Fie is Child , Ruik is OG homie, Master Lucio and wisp Race. All of them just follow you when ur at the top the moment things go south they are the 1st to leave.

    Deep betrayal is not going to happen based on what I have seen so far. His friend Tulike (chapter 607) did screw him over but he couldn't do shit cause cause his mom was a God Core Realm expert.

    Krune is to nice and wholesome for is own good, if it were other cultivation novels Krune would be schemed/courting death/kill ur whole clan and race he would be crying. Based on cultivation novels he has a positive outlook on people.

    Great Novel 10/10 .
    I personally grew to dislike Yusa. Fu#k Yusa
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  9. Offline
    Quote: ashish
    It is pretty good novel.
    I read unto 600-7000 chapters and the story is logical and very thorough in world building with little to no plot holes.
    Just in middle his cultivation goes haywire due to having children and pregnancy but afterwards gets fine.
    Also having many universes with different cultivation and more strength is engaging and doesn't bore you.
    Anyways a great read and I would like to thank the author for his efforts.

    Children and pregnancy??
    Please elaborate...
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    1. Offline
      What do you mean elaborate, do you want the birds and bees talk?
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      1. Offline
        ∆TRUST my Reviews ✓✓
        Can i?
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    2. Offline
      Monsters can turn into human forms. Same goes for Wisps. It happens very early in cultivation too.
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  10. Offline
    I just hate the fact that krune never face a big set back, like everything just go into a piece like puzzle everything goes smoothly with his big brain iq, even romance problems doesnt exist cause his low eq. Just smooth sailing from beginning through the end. Even the wisp hunt is a bigger set back than the rest of the story

    Current Chapter writing this :808
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