1 hour ago

The Mech Touch by Exlor

The Age of Mechs has arrived! Unfortunately, Ves Larkinson lacked the genetic aptitude to become a... Read more
The Age of Mechs has arrived! Unfortunately, Ves Larkinson lacked the genetic aptitude to become a famed mech pilot. Fighting against his fate, he studied mech design in order to express his love for mechs in a different way and make his father proud.

When Ves graduated from college, he returned to a new but empty boutique. His dad had disappeared. Left with a small, newly founded mech workshop… Collapse
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  1. Offline
    For background, I've just caught up and finished reading the most recent chapter when I've written this comment.

    It is not a cultivation-system novel to be frank. I know it was framed like that and it seemed like the MC is gonna be an OP god that massacres through everything like some sort of sketchy and/or edgy MC from most cultivation novels/mangas, but no.

    To oversimplify how the character is like, imagine a person that CAN win an presidential election, but does NOT have the skills to be president.

    He himself KNOWS that he isn't skilled enough nor have the right personality to be a responsible and capable president, but he gained the system which can help him quickly but can also turn him into a puppet leader, or can help him while he develops his personality and capability with minimal corruption from the system but SLOWLY, EERIELY, SNAIL PACINGLY SLOW.

    Which path did he take? The slow method. He could have been a puppet in a dictatorship country, but chose to slowly climb up the ranks and slowly build up his skills and personality with the system as a boost rather than a crutch.

    This allowed him to develop his personality and capabilities, albeit slower than most OP MCs from more common mangas and novels, he build a close circle of people that he can trusts with most of his critical secrets and at the same time trusts him, and an organization that is slowly growing less dependant towards but more often than not will support and trust his judgement due to his achievements and how he has consistently proven that he can be trusted (rather than a bunch of followers with blind trust to an OP MC like in most mangas/novels) and expand his capabilities.

    Early in the novel, he struggles with his weakness, helplessness, and his career
    , similar to a normal person. Unlike some random OP MC from a manga or novel, he struggles like a normal person, albeit with more crutches (the system) than most people.

    He eventually grows stronger, his career trajectory gets better, and he eventually starts an organization. With this growth comes bigger, harder, more complicated challenges that he can't always solve the way readers would. Most of this problems you can more or less consider to him not knowing he's some sort of OP MC, because whether you like it or not, it isn't healthy or normal for most people to suddenly think they are soon-to-be-gods of sort.

    Eventually he marries a wife who he doesn't always agree, (just like most people) but synergizes well with. (albeit he doesn't fully figure it out well yet until a dozen chapters)

    His ego starts to suffer from the ungodly amount of benefits from the system and eventually does slip up and put himself and his organizatoon in a danger that may very well snowball into a catastrophe which he does patch up (note how I didn't say fix.) by settling his prior relationships and obligations and moving to a different area
    in hopes of coming back stronger and fixing the problem.

    In his journey to a new area, he struggles with some of his past enemies
    that he didn't quite settle yet, becoming a father, his system shenanigans,
    and managing an organization without wanting the responsibilities but wanting the power.

    He eventually does get a sort-of winning formula and eventually gets to the new area.
    From there, he goes on another care-free adventure with his org, finds cool and powerful things here and there, encounters a bunch of powerful guys, bla bla bla, and he eventually grows enough strength (through his org), reputation (through his org and career), and influence (through his career/innovations).

    Where an even eventually cuts off this area from the rest of humanity and plunges them deeper into a foreign territory.

    These developments puts him on a spotlight to be seen by even higher powers than he usually handles.

    This puts him on a relatively underdog position again. He tries to bide his time and he slowly and finally solves most of his leadership/reponsibility problem and tries to grow at his own pace threading a balance between being lowkey and gaining power, which he constantly fails due to the temptation and needing to be stronger from an upcoming danger
    and a looming even greater danger

    His pursuit for power and the results of his innovation in attempts to protect and empower his org and family makes him highkey. This results to higher powers pushing him to a position where he can influence humanity greatly. This capability and his now more responsible (I said "more responsible" as in compared to the past) personality results in him burdening himself with problems plaguing not just his family and clan, but also the rest of humanity, while at the same time dealing with the attention, perks, and dangers of rapidly ascending to a stronger position

    Basically, the story from 0-6018 mark is if a normal person was burdened with the capability to gain powers and the risks involved with it and the perks, risks, and dangers involved with growing and gaining higher powers.
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  2. Offline
    #panic# ##panic##

    admin, chapters above 5500k seems to be janky, missing a lot of text. (specifically 5619, but chapters before that as well)
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    How to Become the Omnissiah For Dummies
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  4. Offline
    Quoting myself in this very site back in 2021 (go 8 pages back) reader
    the story was in the middle of the sandman war

    Quote: adrielpirate
    this novel is a futuristic Xianxia, you can read on your own risk.

    Space Peasant - Mortal
    Novice Mech Designer - Qi Condensation
    Apprentice Mech Designer - Foundation
    Jouneyman Mech Designer - Core Formation
    Senior Mech Designer - Nascent Soul
    Master Mech Designer - Transcend Mortality/Spirit Severing
    Star Mech Designer - Imortal/Dao Seeking
    ?????????? - God/True Dao

    i told that this novel is a Cultivation Novel, and you guys never believed me. ehh
    sucks to be right. wiseacre
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    1. Online Offline
      People really thought you were wrong? Should've been abundantly obvious even back then that the novel borrows heavily from other cultivation novels to make a unique sci-fi/sci-fantasy setting.
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    2. Online Offline
      0. mortal / initiate
      1 foundation builder
      2 domain shaper
      3 true god
      4 god king
      These are the cultivation ranks
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  5. Offline
    I read this on another site but lost my progress. Does anyone know which chapter he makes his first mech for a virtual tournament? I think it was still in the earlier chapters.
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    1. Offline
      It's like less than chapter 50, just read the whole thing dude, it's ~6000 chapters now won't make a change cheerful
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  6. Offline
    How old ves is when he reached senior level??
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      Less than forty yo.
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      1. Offline
        Dude...he reached forty in ch41xx..he became a senior in ch 4943..he should be more than forty years old
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  7. Offline
    Quote: ruwei
    It's a good story well worth sticking to if you can since it gets better the more you read. You've ended up stopping before what is widely considered the worst arc which is 400-1000. And it's expected that his vow doesn't mean much, he basically has next to no power to decide his own fate as a mere 3rd-class Apprentice.

    Even 5000 chapters later he's still beholden to someone or something. He's simply climbed up the ladder where the vast majority of humanity is beneath him. Achieving complete and absolute agency over his own life is not a easy thing to do but he's made a massive amount of progress compared to his early days.
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    1. Online Offline
      ??? Why did you quote this? You didn't type anything.
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      1. Offline
        Lazy a** mf be like:
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  8. Online Offline
    This story is so good, i have to drop it after , 400 chapters. What a piece of garbage that filled with filler and what a pathetic human being this MC is. It is still amused me that the MC vow to not let other run over him when his cousin got assassinated for his sake and everyone in the comments section is like "what chu gonna do 'bout it" lol. He then straight being run over the next chapter
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    1. Online Offline
      It's a good story well worth sticking to if you can since it gets better the more you read. You've ended up stopping before what is widely considered the worst arc which is 400-1000. And it's expected that his vow doesn't mean much, he basically has next to no power to decide his own fate as a mere 3rd-class Apprentice.

      Even 5000 chapters later he's still beholden to someone or something. He's simply climbed up the ladder where the vast majority of humanity is beneath him. Achieving complete and absolute agency over his own life is not a easy thing to do but he's made a massive amount of progress compared to his early days.
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    2. Offline
      the MC vow to not let other run over him when his cousin got assassinated for his sake

      ur on drugs, that never happened.
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    3. Offline
      lizard trying to read troll8 troll8
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  9. Offline
    #panic 5345 is missing and 5348 was posted twice
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  10. Offline
    Quick question, does he (ves of course) himself get stronger? Yes or no.
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    1. Offline
      Yes but only recently so around 4900-5000
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    2. Offline
      depends on your definition, Ves up to now (5k chap) is still consistently a mech designer. he has things up his sleeve but he's not traditionally strong
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          I don't know why I'm being downvoted. He can get his ass kicked by 10 (ordinary) mechs, he himself has thousands of said mechs. Of course the situation has to be right, but the point is he is still a "bug" strength-wise compared to the the big-wigs which can end him with a single "ordinary" high class mech given the right circumstance.
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