3 years ago

The Lord's Empire领主之兵伐天下

«Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.»... Read more
«Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.» After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground.

With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Collapse
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Comments 57

  1. Offline
    hey guys this novel is really good, but because the translation is was too much trash. But if you go on a site called novelonlinefull, if will have really good translation. And you will be able to understand and enjoy the story. Unfortunetly, it only stops at chapter 1727, But it is really good.
    I tried different sites to contiue reading it but on MTL, it is just a bunch of f#cking gibberish.
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  2. Offline
    Went to the wiki and spoiler alert if you go to the link but here is the link to see how many women he is in a relationship with and it is a lot.I thought I went to wiki for the novel Dual Cultivation. https://the-lords-empire.fandom.com/wiki/Zhao_Fu/Relationships
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  3. Offline
    give me six digits
    This novel is truly trying to insult my intelligence. I just can't read this
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  4. Offline
    Don't bother reading this if you can't handle typical Chinese level stupidity..

    The author constantly likes to sputter nonsense about how the mc is cold and "his heart is now gradually thawing".

    The problem is that he was NEVER cold, period, but the author, being the dumb Chinese that he is doesn't seem to get that. And the fact that the author keeps sputtering shit about how "the coldness in mcs heart is gradually thawing" when there isn't even any coldness to speak of is just incredibly cringe...

    He's the heir of the Qin Dynasty, his subordinates is loyal and respectful to him only because of his status as its heir, if he weren't the heir they wouldn't give two shits about him, but the MC being as stupid as he is thinks they care about him when in reality they only care about making sure the Qin dynasty doesn't fall.

    Then there's the fact that the author keeps saying stuff like "the MC did this and now all subordinates who saw him do this became more loyal to MC" even though the things the things he does is common knowledge.

    I.e "the mc picked up a glass of water, and all the subordinates who saw that the MC could pick up a glass of water himself despite being so incompetent became more loyal to him" is basically the impression I get, it's cringe....

    Whenever the MC conquers a village even if he killed 90% of the village, they'll instantly become loyal and obedient without any resistance.

    And the MC is constantly simping for whatever woman he comes across; even if they treat him like a doormat, he'll always just laugh it off while acting like a lovestruck idiot.

    Edit:after reading 1000+ chapters author all of a sudden started shoving faggot shit down the readers throat. I'm dropping this shit.
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  5. Offline
    continuación de La novela para los que hablan español:
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  6. Offline
    Continuation of the novel in _ https://novelhi.com/s/The-Lords-Empire
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  7. Offline
    I've read up until chapter 200 and will be dropping.


    It has a nice concept with the legacy bloodlines and this sets a decent power level within the novel.
    I like the world-building and the idea behind it.
    The novel is enjoyable to read around 90% of the time as well, it might not be some top-tier stuff but it's still rather enjoyable nonetheless.


    MC is described as being cold yet he's not really done anything cold so far, he's killed a few people but he isn't really cold. (Not saying for him to be a mass murderer or anything this adds to the next few things that I have to say.)
    This novel grew frustratingly annoying at around chapter 69 *Small Spoilers Ahead*, we are at an auction where MC is bidding and a big boss of the highest tier which MC can't afford to offend raises a bid for an item and like a normal person does MC backs off, after all, he doesn't want to become the enemy of a big boss that can easily kill him, so far so good, then suddenly a RANDOM FUCKING GIRL sitting next to him uses his name to buy the stuff the big boss wanted AND FUCKING SAYS THAT MC WILL PAY FOR IT, MC instead of being mad at her or you know being 'cold' and killing her or something just f#cking lets her get away with this dumb shit and progresses to let her forge stuff for him.
    That was where it started getting annoying since he showed none of his 'coldness' or anything towards someone who could've got him easily killed.
    We then progress forwards and there's another girl who he meets when hiring for his restaurant and she can somehow see his fate because she's part of some random bullshit school from Earth. Not from the world with superpowers but from regular fking Earth, she also somehow only wants to cook so she starts working under him and gives him a necklace or something like that to hide his fate.
    Then MC is back on Earth and he meets a school friend who's also from another big family, so far no problem since MC was taken to his ancestral family (Ying family) and she's from the (Wu) Family, up until there I had no problem with this so far, the girl then suddenly is able to magically feel that he's going to become someone big in the future for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON, in the Ying Family that he's in he's classified bellow a branch family member (I believe) but for no random reason she just 'feels' that he's going to become someone amazing.
    We then further and he randomly meets someone from this fate seeing school which realistically has 0 inheritance but he's 'made a decision and even great qin can't affect it' or something like that???
    Every time that MC does something it also somehow alerts the whole world. Makes his village into a town - Whole world alerted. (Can't remember any more examples but it happened around 3 times so far).
    He goes into a city where he meets a 'young master' that get's him wanted by the whole city, dude literally has an assassin profession and couldn't sneak out of the city and regular city guards which have lower cultivation ranks than him could catch up to him?
    After this whole big fight his location was exposed to the world and the Ying family (They have ancestors from the Qin Dynasty) wanted to help him so that he'd join the Ying family.
    Convinently when MC went to the city before meeting the 'Young master' he'd used the name 'Li Wu' and after he was exposed there is just conveniently somebody named Li Wu who also hails from the Ying family and he managed to build a village which he also named 'Great Qin Village'.
    Sure a bit far fetched but we can go with it, so the Ying family has a massive gathering and they invite a bunch of families to celebrate them getting their legatee(Owner of dynasty's inheritance) and MC casually telling some outsider girl that Li Wu most likely isn't the Legatee?
    He's simping hard for the girls, he's meant to be cold and ruthless etc etc. Idk how he got the harem he did but it was just repulsive, he was constantly basically wagging his tail for random girls.
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    1. Offline
      Thanks for the heads up. Saved some brain cells 👍
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  8. Offline
    I'm only here because someone showed me the wiki of all the girls the mc has collected and I can say that it is a lot
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  9. Offline
    Quando vai ter o próximo capítulos??
    Não é só esse aí não, tem mais capítulo.
    butwhy treat
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  10. Offline
    I read this till like 1900? A bit of MTL in the end.

    The story starts really generic 6.5/10. He has a little village that is based on a chinese ancient nation and it reads like 'you did 5 damage' kind of. Then it gets more substance and you find the MC starts being more op but still you can see a lot of potential in the story and a lot of potential development of his village. (Standard growing stronger)

    Then he gets stronger. You find he has a love interest in the real world and he also has some romance in the game world. More things to look forward to.

    He starts conquering, growing stronger, love interests and go on. you would still rate this novel 6.5/10 because it is a decent read but nothing really amazing and only reason to read it is because not many novels are actually fully focused on kingdom building. (like world online)

    That is why people can't really make up their minds about this novel. The world building, the suspense, the power-ups, the story progression are all well done. But then you have a MC that starts of simple but.. becomes something else.

    When reading it you feel the MC does nothing wrong because the goalpost of his morality and actions get pushed back little by little and he always has a logical purpose for doing it.

    I recommend this novel because it is a quite unique read.
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    1. Offline
      I would say the pacing is bad. The most unnatural point is how the other major Chinese Dynasties went out of their ways to attack him. Then how fast the newbie safe period ended. Other than that this MC was an actual lord compared to the guy from World Online.
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      1. Offline
        The beginning is quite different from the other part of the story. All your points are valid for the beginning but after he goes rambo it just becomes a different novel. Out of my head the first fun part is when he starts making undead. I read both and in this novel the mc does things mostly alone compared to the world online.
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        1. Offline
          Well yeah. I stopped reading shortly after the newbie safe period ended. It already started going to shit and wasn't gonna bother to keep at it.
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          1. Offline
            The beginning was bad but i actually enjoyed the novel after that part until he got the artifact where he has to have a harem. If you could remove all the romance and rewrite the first part then you get a novel like infinite mana but better world building.
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