6 hours ago

Cultivation Chat Group修真聊天群

One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from... Read more
One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from chuuni disease. The people inside the group would call each other ‘Fellow Daoist’ and had all different kinds of titles: Palace Master, Cave Lord, True Monarch, Immortal Master, etc. And even the pet of the founder of the group that had run away from home was called ‘monster dog’. They would talk all day about pill refining, exploring ancient ruins, or share their experience on techniques.

However, after lurking inside the group for a while, he discovered that not all was what it seemed… Collapse
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Comments 104

  1. Offline
    From chapter 2230+ onwards is poor edited mtl soo. I didn't expect less from Webnovel... the same !"$%& thing happened with Tales of Herdings Gods and Forty Millennium Of Cultivation. 3
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    1. Offline
      Nivesh Mahajan
      webnovel fired a very large number of human translators recently and replaced them with their own mtl.
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      1. Offline
        !$@!IU!)($!U @IO!!@I
        I hate webnovel >:(
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  2. Offline
    #panic# is this on hiatus or something?
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    1. Offline
      Was dropped in Webnovel
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      1. Offline
        Bruh no way… I was just complaining about having to wait for years to finish with this translation speed and now they aren’t even translating at all gloom now I feel like I shouldn’t have even complained
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      2. Offline
        Uhh I don’t know if it’s dropped anymore, maybe the translator is just translating irregularly again
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        1. Offline
          Nivesh Mahajan
          there's a new translator. previous translator left apparently
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          1. Offline
            Yea the translator seems really fast at updating but the translation changed a little, like the names. I think the translation is a little worse but I’m not sure. I just found out yesterday though
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            1. Offline
              Nivesh Mahajan
              bloody hell! i went to look at the mtl raws to figure out who's who in the latest chapter and the new translator is just editing the mtl and passing it as his own work. that's why we can't understand who's who or what is "evil wang" because the tl is just editing mtl. he's not even read the book or even the last few chapters.
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              1. Offline
                lol I had no idea what evil wang was, I just thought it was a new term. As long as the translation doesn’t get worse than this I’m fine though I guess
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    2. Offline
      As far as I can see, the translation continues, the last chapter was published on Webnovel 3 days ago.
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      only we
      1. Offline
        Nivesh Mahajan
        there are a lot of new chapters on webnovel. can you please update them as well :)
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  3. Offline
    reminder that Sixteen is best girl and any other opinion is objectively wrong
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    1. Offline
      Ye Si and Soft Feather aren’t bad either, but I would agree that I like Sixteen more
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      1. Offline
        Ye Si is worst girl. She came out of nowhere, it was really forced.
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        1. Offline
          I like her character even tho sometimes her crying seems annoying
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          1. Offline
            Yeah it's not that her character is bad, it's just that she gave me a super bad impression at first. When she appeared the story had been going on for 600 chapters and in 20 chapters she went further than anyone else. It broke the dynamic and felt really unearned.
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            1. Offline
              Yeah they kinda rushed it, at least it looked rushed to us.
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  4. Offline
    Webnovel vs this translation. Which is better?
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  5. Offline
    Hey does anyone past chapter 1000 know if we get to see other [non-cultivation] magic systems?

    Western magic, aliens, angels, and a few “holy” things (referring to biblical material) are mentioned but haven’t been shown yet.
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  6. Offline
    #panic# Thank you
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  7. Offline
    Sigh, since this is at chapter 2132 right now, we’ll have to wait around 3 years for this to finish translating if the chapters are being uploading daily like it is now. I’m happy that there are a lot of chapters but at the same time I don’t want to wait so long for it to finish gloom
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    1. Offline
      By that point, we'll have forgotten 99% of the characters at the current uploading rythmn gloom
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      1. Offline
        Exactly. I’m wondering if there has been anyone who has been reading this novel as it’s been translated since the start— that’s real commitment
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        1. Offline
          Tbh when I started really big novels like Martial God Asura (5000+ chapters) I made a habit of making a dedicated discord server for the novels I read, each channel would be about a novel and in the channel i'd put the characters, MC's ability and summaries with other stuff so that I don't forget what I read... Imagine having to read 5000 chapters again cuz you forgot the characters midway kef
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          1. Offline
            Shit, martial god asura?? That amount of chapters is too intimidating for me. You’ve worked hard my friend
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            1. Offline
              I mean... It's pretty interesting so I didn't feel like it was a chore to read it but I know what you mean kef
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              1. Offline
                It didn’t get repetitive or extremely boring at any part? Plus it’s still ongoing so who knows when it’s gonna finish. If it finishes at all
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                1. Offline
                  Real question is, which cultivation novel isn't repetitive ?

                  And tbh I have a feeling that the story will end in maybe 1000 chapters or less, so at the current uploading rythmn, it should end in 3 years ugh... gloom
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                2. Offline
                  I might be able to stand 500-1000 chapters of repetition but I don’t know about 5,000 chapters of repetition… plus I usually hate it when the mc becomes really strong in one place, just to find out there’s a place with stronger people, then has to become the strongest of that place, then moves on to the next because it feels like a waste of time. I’m not sure if that’s how it is for that novel but since there’s so many chapters I doubt it’s not the same. Since u like it I might try it out one day, but damn this is really unrelated to cultivation chat group
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                3. Offline
                  I understand your POV, personally I like it when the MC just becomes absolute and the most powerful which is the point of most cultivation novels that's why I like these novels. Though there are some which I can't get into like Emperor's Domination...
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                4. Offline
                  I wrote a lot and don’t want to mess up the comment section with unrelated info so I use a spoiler tag
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                5. Offline
                  Aight gonna try this novel after the one I'm reading then hehe kef

                  Do you mind sharing some good cultivation novels with me ? I'd appreciate the enlightenment fellow Daoist satisfied
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                6. Offline
                  Woah I thought you already read this, well I’d definitely recommend it, it’s one of my all time favorites. I’ve read it twice and I plan to reread it if I forget anything in the future. Other than that I’d recommend
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                7. Offline
                  Thank you for the enlightenment ! joy
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                8. Offline
                  No problem fellow daoist, I’ve gotten a lot of help and recommendations from a lot random people on this website so it’s only my duty to do the same
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                9. Offline
                  Still, I appreciate the helping hand kef
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        2. Offline
          Not exactly the starting but I am reading it since it had around 650 chapters.......i took breaks though and also reread it a few times because I forgot where i left swim .......I was in 7 th grade when I started now I am already in University and this shit still isn't finished gloom
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          1. Offline
            That’s real commitment; I’ve been waiting daily for new chapters for less than 100 chapters but you’ve been waiting for 1550. Did it always upload 5 times a week like it does now?
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            1. Offline
              There were times when it was 2 chaps a day, but sometimes there wouldn't be chap for a week and you would think that the novel dropped...also sometimes there would a mass realease 4 chaps per day .....so yeah it totally depended on translators mood ehh
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              1. Offline
                Damn, must’ve been stressful. Even now I feel happy whenever a new chapter comes out and whenever there isn’t a chapter I check multiple times every hour. But I have to say I might stop reading and allow some chapters to get stacked up a few times while waiting for this novel to finish, but I still like reading it daily so I’m not sure when I will
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                1. Offline
                  Well there's always the cursed mtl......you can choose to challenge yourself there ahaa .
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                2. Offline
                  I regret it to this day, because I could guess what I was reading but my brain hurt and didn’t enjoy the reading. I can’t read more than 1,000 chapters of that mtl. Have you read the mtl
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                3. Offline
                  Yep I have ........if you read those long ass Chinese novels that are still in translation phase....it's a guarantee that you would resort to mtl..... the headaches I got from reading mtl were truly one of the kind......so yeah mtl is my last resort
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                4. Offline
                  Yeah the mtl is disastrous, to the point I would rather go to the fandom and look at spoilers if I really wanted to know what’s about to happen. Anyways we still have a long journey ahead of us if we’re talking about waiting for this novel to finish, so good luck to you my friend
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    2. Offline
      while waiting, just learn chinese for 3 year...
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      1. Offline
        I never thought of that… If I do that I’ll be able to read all the raw versions of the novels out there so I might just do that. But I just wish some day the translation machine gets better so we don’t have to wait for translators to translate these novels. If that ever happens one day it might be one of the happiest days of my life
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          soul crusher
          that or the world gets a common language that everyone knows like in some novels
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          1. Offline
            That would make our lives so much easier, but I doubt that would happen unless one country becomes way more powerful than the other countries in the world. Only then can they forcefully spread their language across the world. On one hand I would like that but on the other hand I doubt it would happen in this *somewhat* peaceful century
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            1. Offline
              soul crusher
              no need for that just take a little of each language on earth to make a new language and make that the common language and make it a requirement in all schools and eventually the issue will be solved though I say that making a new language probably isn't easy especially if it has so many sources to take from
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              1. Offline
                Yeah and since there are so many factions I don’t know if they will all agree on it. Like if America wants it China or Russia vice versa probably won’t agree unless it’s necessary to them. Also I just searched it up and it seems most countries want to keep their own languages because of the cultural barrier and want to keep the world as diverse as it’s always been. I don’t know how I feel about this, but it’s possible to make one language more overwhelmingly used than others
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  8. Offline
    #panic# plz update
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  9. Offline
    Does the main character have a wife or wives?
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    1. Offline
      Well none for now atleast
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  10. Offline
    Recommend me any funny novel like this?
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