2 years ago

Scholar's Advanced Technological System学霸的黑科技系统

After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a... Read more
After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a hardworking but poor university student, somehow becomes the owner of an advanced technological system. With the cheat given by the system, his university life changes overnight.

A Master’s degree? Easy.

PhD? Not a problem. From a nobody, he quickly becomes a huge celebrity in the world of science. With the missions given by the system, he is on his way to winning a Nobel Prize.

— System, can points be exchanged for money?

— No.

— F**k, what use are you then?!

— This system will make you the ultimate scholar, the kind that lords over all of humanity. What use will money be to you? Collapse
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Comments 56

  1. Offline
    Honestly, it's one of those novels that you read again and again, quite an easy-going system, engaging plot, not much face-slapping and it as well thought out scientific background. People here complaining about the nationalism are, as always, American. Ignore them.
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    As always, Nationalism ruined the novel.
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  3. Offline
    I'll be straight to the point-

    This novel is really good at a technical standpoint, perhaps one of the best in terms of realism. The author clearly has done some homework. I've learned some new terms and concepts from this novel, that's impressive.

    The characters are unfortunately just cardboard cutouts of exactly what you'd expect of a chinese novel. If they're female, they want to sleep with MC... basically no real dimensions to any characters.

    I've made it all the way to ch1190. What was once a pretty apolitical standpoint slowly- then exponentially turned into a chinese #1 nationalistic propaganda. China does morally negative things and still somehow paints America as the morons and bad guys.

    Would I recommend reading this? Well overall, I may say yes. It's repetitive and honestly a little boring; however, if there's one paragon I would want any reader or author to learn is how this author approach scientific inquiries. I would guess that you'll eventually drop it as I have though...

    Rating: 3/5 ⭐️
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    man I want Fang Yuan to come to this novel and massacre them all so bad, all of these characters are all so f#cking retards. maybe only retards would be able to enjoy reading a retard novel like this
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      I've never expected to see such a comment.
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    #snowflake101# At least there’s someone like you who is not a delusional reader unlike some of these dicksucker readers who keep on licking anhthing this retard author throw at them like a bunch of onlyfans thots.

    CH590 This MC said that he didn’t want to be the Chief Designer of the Moon Landing Project to this retard fakeass pretending Secretary Xu. And guess what happened in CH591? THis FUCKING Piece of shit Secretary Xu tell those state owned news that he is the Chief Designer. And this son of a bitch MC actually knew that he was getting used and still do nothing about it. He keeps on letting these son of a bitches use him like a piece of garbage trash waste and letting his mom slide away due to this retarded Secretary Xu buy him a meal. 0 Character Development and 0 IQ and 0 EQ. He’s just a waste piece of shiet NPC. Some people keeps on saying he has high IQ and no EQ. Bruh wtf, he doesn’t have neither of them. He’s so retarded, its pure delusional and full of contradiction that he has “high” IQ but still act like a retard. He doesn’t have neither of them in the first place. This retard MC’s getting used and toss around by others like a retarded waste piece of shit without any character development and acting just like a retard garbage loser. What’s even more retarded is the fact that this retard dumbass is more than happy for letting these people use him like a worthless piece of garbage. I don’t care about what you retarded subscriber of the comment section says, you can suck my dick and dislike my FACTUAL comment but you can’t deny me speaking facts that you retardass losers dicksucking this retarded MC and dumbass author to the heaven. Just dislike my comment and hopefully you won’t get cancer and go to hell once you die and being used by others just like this retarded MC. Imagine being happy letting other people crossing your lime of boundaries over and over again? There’s a difference between kind and tacit agreement vs. Retarded and 0 personal boundaries + Direct Human-Right Violation. I just don’t get you bunch of retards who keeps on dicksucking such a piece of waste kind of MC. I keep on noticing most of these readers like to dicksucking this type of Retard MC with Harem and OP Power without any logical explanation behind them. Im short, they like brainless plot development.

    Now let me give you an example, I don’t mind OP character and full of illogical plot development but at least you have to a certain HUMAN-LIKE CHARACTER and not just like a bunch of NPCs without any human behaviors like this retarded MC.

    Cid Kagenō (Shadow) from To Be a Power in the Shadows! (LN) is DENSE as a motherf#cker but he is not RETARDED. He has boundaries and logical thinking even tho the dude has shit tons of plot armors thicker than Great Wall of China.
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      its simply chinese culture
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  6. Offline
    Both the MC and his AI are retarded, there's no way to read this without getting irritated by how stupid his mentality is. 25
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      The mc is just a puppet everyone around him just holds a string and pulls and pushes him to do their bidding, he has no identity all the little ideals he had at the beginning of the story where eroded as soon as he came back from America's, he became nothing but a tool to be exploited by Chinese, and he was content to do their bidding like an obedient little puppy, he locked himself with Jinling so that all the annoying side characters can pester him to the maximum effort and he can be infinitely stuck trying to please everyone around him. Such a shame.
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    0 Character development, this retarded son of a bitch become more and more retarded in each every chapter. Every time he level up, he would become even more retarded. This retard bastard call Xiao Ai “Retarded Artificial Intelligence” but he’s even more retarded than even Xiao Ai. How many times did this retard let other people finessed him over his research results and obtain the relevant methods and technology for free? It was ExxonMobil who stole the technology that would help him build the Lithium-Air Battery in the future and one of the key component patent to create it. Now this retardass will have to buy back the patent while he had SPENT HUNDRED MILLIONS IN INVESTMENT (cutting edge equipments, laboratory, research institute, materials use for research). And now in Chapter 433, this retard is more than happy to let that Snakeass Lazerson took over this research results and patent for the technology. This retarded son of a bitch said he didn’t plan on registering the patent number for the Helium-3 Atom Probe Technology, when he had spent 10 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS on the research investment. I guess this retard is honorable and like to be pushover spineless retarded who always want other people to take advantage of his retardass braindead son of a bitch. Him? Intelligent? Who are you kidding here? He couldn’t even compare my guard dog back in my old grandmother’s house, in terms of intelligence he’s worse than an old guard dog. All of his researches or whatever he discovered could be throw all down the drain since I don’t find any logic in a character who’s a retard human yet he was able to do complex research with a retard brain? Ah, in your dreams. This retard can’t function like a normal human, what makes it “FACTUAL” for him to be smart and intelligent to do all those complex calculations? Since it’s not logical, it doesn’t count as factual. Simple as that. In the chapter 433, it was where I had enough of this retardass’ bullshit nonsense and decided to make review. I lost count on how many times this retard make my blood boiled in anger. There’s a difference between being KIND and being RETARD. Just because you are kind doesn’t mean you have be a pushover loser and letting other people walk all over your existence like a worthless garbage piece of shit. Yet this MC keeps on acting on and on, again and again by letting other people taking advantage of his retardass.

    Can any of you guys believe in this kind of “”HONORABLE”” bullshit such as investing 10 MILLION DOLLARS in the Helium Atom Probe Technology and build its mathematical model from the ground up, spent countless time and effort to turn into the reality. Yet this retard would just let other people such his so-called “”My Dear Friend Lazerson”” who haven’t known each other more than a year and other tech corporations take advantage of his retardass? I have 0 respect for a retard character who’s doing it on purpose to make other people take advantage of him or I would say this retard author. Same joke, same misunderstanding, same finessing development, same posting on weibo, again and again and again and again. 0 Development. Even Albert Einstein wouldn’t be retarded as to make such “retard” mistakes or decisions. Dense? He’s more fit in the tag #Retard than dense. I’ve seen some dense characters who are indeed lacking some EQ department but not to the point of being this kind of god-like retard and letting other taking advantage like some braindead retards. Personal rating: 1 star. If I can rate lower, I would say 0.5 or even lower.

    Just imagine Elon Musk, Jeff Bezzos, Google, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Facebook and other giant tech companies, do the same thing as this MC. It would be the end of world, If any one of them even let other people use their technology for “free” without registering any patents or whatsoever and let other people use them. It’s a fantasy novel and full fiction imagination that far from the true reality. But novel and reality are not that far from each other since reality influence the component that happened in the fiction novel. Therefore, for this author to create such a retard brainless MC in the novel = pure delusional and bullshit. I’m here for fantasy novel but i don’t wanna read a bullshit fantasy novel either, especially when a novel that boast and claimed itself to be associated with “”the reality””, therefore I expected some “real” personality and characteristics development from the MC. But unfortunately, after 400 chapters, there’s still 0 character development and he became more and more retarded as he continue progress further. I can’t even fathom any real people who keep on making such outrageous and retard decisions over and over again like this MC. He never learned from his mistakes. Ever. This author needs to touch some grass. Pure delusional. It’s hard to a make a realistic reader buy in a retard delusional plot development. As the saying goes, just because it’s just a soup with mosquito size of meats, it’s still meat at the end of the day. He let other people take advantage of him purposely and even CONGRATULATE them, it just sounds like cope out lil cucky bitch congratulated his enemies for seeding his wife and got her pregnant. I bet he would even congratulate Konrad from Profane Prince of Domination if the latter was being generous and help taking care of his wife on his behalf, nothing much, just seeding her a couple a time in a day for fun.

    Edit: Chapter 466
    I was indeed correct when I thought that this retarded son of a bitch dumbass would eventually act like a retard from the beginning until the end since he wouldn’t pick up Mr. Alexander Grothendieck’s manuscripts even though the old man told this retard to pick it up since it could help him find some inspirations. He went to f#cking Paris and still didn’t f#cking pick it up. And to all those bastard retard readers who keeps on sucking this author’s dick, just keep on sucking since it wouldn’t the change the fact that this retard dumbass author is writing a retard dumbass MC just like himself with the intention of making himself look “smart”, if any reader have a good idea about mathematics, it’s pretty easy to understand but the fact is 9/10, this author is writing garbage infos dumps just for the sake of fulfilling the words requirements and thus extended more chapters than necessary. We’re all know his retardass wouldn’t able to solve shiets, then what’s the point of info dumping all of these equations and formulas to the readers?

    Honestly, this retard author should have not used a well-respected man in the real academic world, Mr. Grothendieck in his retarded plot development if he was going to let this retard son of a bitch MC being disrespectful towards a once living person, a brilliant mathematician who had help mathematics discipline to evolve and progressed onto another level in reality. This chinese author is a brainless retarded animal for being disrespectful to a great man just for the sake of his retarded plot development. Did he create such a retard plot just for the sake of him wanted to show off his retarded knowledges regarding the academic world to the viewers or is it to show off his intelligence and try to make himself look smart? As expected of a brainless retard chinese author. He’s lucky that his retarded ass is unknown and irrelevant to these real famous professors within the academic circle in reality or else he better prepared to get sued for his retarded ass spreading false informations and intentionally disrespect Mr. Grothendieck by making this retard MC being a bitchass discourtesy towards the great mathematician even though it’s just a fiction story.

    Edit: Chapter 509
    Even Invisible Dragon is better than this retarded plot. Honestly, this is worse than low EQ Dense MC, it’s literally the godlike retarded level that you couldn’t be measure and understand by normal function human being like myself.. Maybe only retard like this author may be able to understand a retard dumbass doing retard actions and speaking retard language. Just the retard reasons for this MC not wanting take in his doctoral students as employees at his research institutes after their graduations is so f#cking retarded to the point that jesus might be able come back alive and hunt down this retard author down to hell for his retard plot development. It’s just same bullshit excuses. In short, he doesn’t give a f#ck nor he don’t have time to care about them, this author used a retard excuses plot development to make these students away from this retarded MC, so that he won’t have to look after them. Matter fact, what did this trash MC even teach his so called “students” anyways? Nothing. He barely do shit. They were his slaves and now he’s trying to be the “honorable teacher” by letting his graduate students spreading theirs wings and knowledges far and wide? Even a ghost wouldn’t buy in a such a retard excuses. Same as usual, this retard author doesn’t have any concrete plans for writing characters and plot development, throw it all around the place. Once these side characters appear a few times, then they will be forgotten immediately through using his retarded excuses “for their development and bright future” and should just go on their own. But did this retard forgot that he’s currently researching on a cutting edge research field which may be able to help them way more when they were left alone by themselves? Vera might even able to develop a powerful mathematical tool and gain grand achievement from it, Jerick might improve his computational materials science through researching SG-1 and new versions, I can go on and on. IN SHORT, THIS AUTHOR IS LAZY AND TOO RETARDED TO DEVELOP A NORMAL PLOT DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT HAVING A RETARDED PLOT. I’ve never seen such a retard author whos so retarded to the point that his MC is even more retarded than the creator itself. The author who wrote Lord of the Mysteries, is clearly the example on what I’m trying to say when it comes to side characters introduction. If you gon introduced side characters, at least be logical and have a clear reasons for their existence and future development. Not some f#cking retarded yapping and garbage retard 5 year old excuses kind of plot development. Throwing them around and made up stupid excuses nonstop and making them look like just a decorative trophies. Yet people keep asking why nowadays most readers prefer Evil and Pragmatic MC than the Heroic and Kind MC. It’s because it’s f#cking rare to chance upon some likable and interesting kind of MCs like Klein Moretti who’s not dense, heroic nor kind and not evil and ruthless without any emotion like a killing machine with actual character development and logical reasons behind his actions. I know for sure most people and readers would definitely agree with me the fact that, nowadays the tags DENSE and KIND, HERO, etc... is the equivalent of the NTR Tag. Readers avoid them like plague and some kind of disaster if they ever try to read novels that contain these tags. It would be consider be a curse and getting unlucky once you read novels with these tags. Slowly, little by little, these tags became almost forbidden among the novel community as 8/10 it would depict and introduce retarded plot development and some of the most retard MCs I’ve ever seen. Meanwhile, it could be said that Lu Zhou is the most retarded among the retard MCs I’ve ever seen in a novel. Let’s not even try to use Lord of the Mysteries, we can even talk Han Xiao (Black Star) from The Legendary Mechanic. I don’t care whether these MCs have golden finger or start from the very bottom or whatsoever with slow plot development, but all I’m asking for is not creating retard plot development that even my 6 year old cousins could think of. Not mention, I just don’t understand what the f#ck are these chinese authors’ brain made of that they keep making retard plot development 8/10 times. It’s EXTREMELY that we can get masterpiece like Lord of the Mysteries,

    Edit: CH 613
    Sigh.... Other than the word RETARD, what else am I supposed so say? RETARD.
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  8. Offline
    This novel started out really good. It's highly technical, but in a lot of ways it has parallels to a cultivation novels (with many of the classic tropes of the cultivation genre). Except with cultivation replaced by math and science. It's also a very slice-of-life slow-paced novel. Not everyone is going to like that, but I did.

    The technical details in the novel are done exceptionally well -- the author doesn't simply hand-wave those details, which is impressive if not a bit overwhelming at times. I was also impressed with the author's mostly reasonable and respectful representation of the various people and cultures the MC interacted with; at least, early on.

    It's extremely common for Chinese authors to turn people outside of China into caricatures while promoting China as the bastion of virtue and power that the rest of the world arrogantly looks down on in an overtly nationalist propaganda piece. And I was pleasantly surprised that this novel didn't do that. Right up until it did. And then once it did, the novel slowly shifted towards becoming a jerkoff piece for Chinese imperialism.

    #ChinaNumberOne killed this novel for me.
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  9. Offline
    This was such a great novel, i was really enjoying this story and thought this was a hidden gem but around chapter 1420 this novel turn from hidden gem to shitty novel, at some point i even thought it was written by two different author. I am really disappointed with this novel and with author too for turning this gem into dog shit. Other's may not think like me and i may offend some readers and fan of this novel and author but i don't deal with dog shit so am dropping this.
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  10. Offline
    Does the mc build a business empire or not?
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