2 years ago

I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World我在末世有套房

Ruins stretched across the landscape in the apocalypse after the nuclear war. If you accidentally... Read more
Ruins stretched across the landscape in the apocalypse after the nuclear war. If you accidentally survived on the wasteland, then you must be ready to face the endless hunger, ceaseless dangers, the mad zombies at night, and the peculiar mutant creatures that are the aftermaths of the constant radiation.

But for Jiang Chen, this place was heaven. Mansions stood tall, luxurious cars parked on the street, high tech products and gold abandoned everywhere.

What? You were the president of a game development company before the war? You were responsible for the development of the 3D virtual reality online multiplayer game? Well, that’s great, why don’t you come work for me. The salary is two pieces of bread a day. iPhone? Ultra thin design? Don’t you see that the phone I invented are thinner than condoms? Aircraft carrier? Fighter jets? Oh, I have those things as well, but they are designed for space combat.

Watch the story of Jiang Chen, who possessed the ability to travel through space and time, as he witness the creation of an empire stretched across space and time.. Collapse
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Comments 33

  1. Offline
    #panic# can the scraper pls not delete the first paragraph of every chapter. this is more than anoying in a lot of novels. The first paragraph is not always the chapter title and i much rather have that be redundant than have an entire paragraph missing.
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  2. Offline
    This novel is actually really good.
    It doesn't have this insane racism and national supremeism that is so annoying in Chinese novels.
    There is some odd cultural interactions in there but they make sense from the corresponding characters perspective. (Mostly at least)
    The MC isn't a genius (or even smart) But that is consistent and not like in other novels where he supposed to be a super genius and is still dumber than a rock. And he knows that the name of the game is Delegation and doing every dumb shit himself.
    The politics in this novel are surprisingly logical and make sense with a decebt amount of deth. The world building is decent though nothing special. The fallout-esk setting is still really interesting thogh.
    Characters act mostly believable and in there personality characteristics. All important character als have personality and are not just decorations. Though some are cliche and this ends at important side characters. Anything besides them is just background.
    Also mcs character is rather nice. Not a hero and not having a hero complex but does good where he can. At least at the start he becomes more and more evile in the progression of the novel. He still is rather flawed and self interested. But not really evil. A really good realistic program of a realistic character. He misses a bit of depth though.
    Overall a good novel. Even outstanding in the op Kingdome building + harem genre as it is mostly shit.

    Authors political views can be drawn in question.

    Really spoilery:

    I think this makes the issue i have with this rather clear.
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  3. Offline
    Роман о жадности
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  4. Offline
    One third - cringe, another - puking (hope there is a special place reserved in hell for all harem writers, esp chinese with their repressed brains), the rest is an interesting story about the tech power build up in an antagonistic world.
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    1. Offline
      "I hate reading harem novel"
      *reads harem novel*
      "This novel sucks caus it has harem"
      people like this really are a special kind of stupid.
      Would be surprised about the racism but if you this dumb i guess not being racist is to hard to figure out.
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  5. Offline
    Honestly, I read this from time to time to kill time when there's nothing new out there, it's a Chinese novel on kingdom building but to no one's surprise, the protagonist doesn't feel obsessive Desire to make China great, build a major tech company but Chinese politics get in the way so just leave the country, still don't antagonize or hold a grudge, a Moderate attitude in any Chinese novel and the truth is nice to see that he does not allow himself to be trampled, sincerely, his part in the post-apocalyptic world conquering things and building his life there I don't care too much about them, it's quite normal and I don't dislike it, but the true strong point of this novel is the technology it achieves in the apocalypse and how it is applied today,It is very interesting, entertaining and the truth hooks you.

    Now I will say a couple of bad points, let's see, the part of the world economy is wonderful, it is noticeable that the author documented a lot for that, and it develops great, but within this, there are a few quite questionable cospiranoic theories, for example, "the Jews control the bank World and use that power to unleash wars" , If it just stays that way it wouldn't matter, but they make quite a few anti-Semitic comments and Nazi allegories that aren't very explicit but make you feel weird reading the part that makes you uncomfortable It's that when they talk about the second world war there is no comment about the cruelty of the Nazis and their ideology, just comments about their incompetence in losing the war, things like that. It makes you wonder if the author put those conspiracy theories because it was convenient for the plot of his novel or the guy is an antisemite 🤣🤣
    Another thing that they could have skipped is the Harem, honestly, it's so f#cking irrelevant and annoying that I directly skip any chapter that has to do with it, I'll just say that there is one "Loli" 16 years old, so you can imagine where the story went based on that, pretty awkward if you ask me.

    If you can get past that detail I highly recommend this novel, the building of his company and his country is great, the way he monopolizes technology and becomes the most powerful man Of the world and how they portray world politics in depth and in detail is wonderful.

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    1. Online Offline
      Can u recommend similar novel...i like the technology and economy part of this novel....do you know similar novel?
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      1. Offline
        "Scholar system" is similar, but it has a learning system etc., the only downside is that the protagonist stays in China and gives them things like cold fusion, which he hopes they deliver to the world. For the good of humanity, but that's unrealistic if you ask me, still, it's good to read
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    2. Online Offline
      Never forget the lamp shades and sofas! Or the rollercoasters!
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  6. Offline
    Who'd bet on his ass to save earth. I'd rather suicide. Just the name Jiang Chen forwhat gives me creeps.
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  7. Offline
    If you read a few dozen chapters you can already see some plot holes, even the protagonist gets things easy depends on the aura of luck the protagonist depends on the aura of luck to get the things he wants even though he is weak, which is meaningless, it's interesting to read the protagonist enjoy life in the normal land, but there are still these things and others that make the novel uninteresting, I skipped to the end too and the ending is really bad just like they commented in the comments of the russian ranobes, summarizing the novel 1 /5.
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  8. Offline
    Yeah this is highly ultra-nationalist against Filipinos, to anyone curious by the way about "who's right" in the sea dispute, don't look at "who's right" but who's claiming the most ocean even further from their country. It's like someone that lives a block away is saying that the parking spot in front of your house is theirs, it doesn't compute unless you do mental gymnastics.

    I honestly don't mind nationalistic aspects of stories IF IT MAKES SENSE, like in The Human Emperor, the story is very nationalistic, but the world is pretty much us or them AND while it can also be considered as reality adjacent, the reality it was adjacent to was a couple of hundred years ago.

    Putting realism in a story only for it to reflect a poor understanding of said reality and offending people this way seems quite malicious.

    I only read chapter 351, I'm not going to rate this since I didn't read this, and I don't know if there were other groups of people that were portrayed without thought.
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    1. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      Wait wait so filipinos are the enemy here now? Not koreans, japanese or americans?
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      1. Offline
        when cn novels go chinanambawahn, every country is their enemy or their lesser pressure
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        1. Offline
          Marlboro Red
          Its just shocking and stupid at the same time. lol I wanna beat this author in the face hahahaha idk what filipinos even did to antagonize them other than claiming that the island much nearer us than China is ours. Hahayawa
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        2. Offline
          oh the misery
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    2. Offline
      This is simply completely and utterly wrong. There is nothing like this in the novel. The novel explores a fictitious conflict here but does not in way claim moral superiority for any side. It simply is based on strength. And this is rather realistically displayed. (Based on the countries in the novel not the real ones)
      The novel also specifically differentiates countries with a significant amount of divergence from realty by not naming them. (Filipines being country F and Germany being "frangberg", not sure if that is a translation thing though)
      Both countries have significantly divergence from there real political situation even ignoring the novels plot. Which are necessary for the plot to work the way it does.
      The novel however is surprisingly neutral and doesn't make a significant moral distinction. It is simply seen throw a benefits and strength perspective.
      This is done (especially in case of the south china sea conflict and the situation in china) to a surprisingly neutral perspective for a Chinese novel to the point it is kidna surprising it dven got published.
      There are some problematic elements here but they are more about Japan being really evile, and Nazi reminats aligning with NATO in eastern Europe. And some conspiracy stuff about the Rothchild family can't be missed in any web novel too obviously.
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  9. Offline
    See a rape tage but there no * or r18 next to the chapters so I dunno when I'm supposed to come across the smexy scenes

    See a rape tage but there no * or r18 next to the chapters so I dunno when I'm supposed to come across the smexy scenes
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    1. Offline
      I don't think translated novels use * mostly because they're not really allowed to write very erotic
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      1. Offline
        Ah i see most of the novels i read that has smexy scenes has r18 or a * for those chapters that have them
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        1. Offline
          Very likely they’re RR or WN English originals in that case
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  10. Offline
    Most of this novel is over the top wish fulfillment. Stuff like listing out all the fancy cars he's bought, or bragging about all the different tanks his RPG can kill, or all the desirable woman who are crazy to have sex with him.

    I love a good power fantasy, but this one is so blunt about it that I feel dirty.
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    1. Offline
      frankly its embarrassing, its like seeing author showing off his underwear stains kind of cringe. its too telling about the writer.
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    2. Offline
      While the novel does have its flaws (like a lot). the points here are incredibly stupid thogh.
      Up to chapter 600 he got 2-3 cars that barely got mentioned. This alone should make clear how wrong this comment is.
      And weapons being introduced getting compared to existing weapons to be able to visualize there strength is a thing. It is in fact a really good way of doing word building. They are also in a reasonable strength range and not just "op at everything". This really enritches the novel. How that could be negative is behind me.
      And yes the "everyone's wants to f#ck him thing" is kinda odd but it is only mentioned a few times when it comes to public opinion and there it does make sense and isn't unrealistic considering his standing. This is also kind different in Asia than it is in the West.

      But regardless these parts of the novel are usually more underrepresented than you would think. Especially considering that the MC is a rather simple minded guy who just wants to be rich and flex on people at the begining. This character is realistically depicted. His maturing is also done well.
      Overall it exactly does not to the thing that is suggested here. At least not to an unnecessary and annoying amount as other novels do. There are a lot of novels who do this, but this isn't one.
      For an op mc novel this one Handels this surprisingly well.
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