8 months ago

Tales of Herding Gods牧神记

Power corrupts. Saplings are harvested before growing tall. Who knows the secrets of ancient gods?... Read more
Power corrupts. Saplings are harvested before growing tall. Who knows the secrets of ancient gods? The river of time connecting the past and the future is endless. No one can sail it, almost.

Upon the ruins of civilizations with struggle and hopes extinguished, there exists a place known as abandoned by the heavens, where during the night, darkness devours all.

In this place where survival is hard and villages are rare, one strange village only has the elderly who are crippled, or mute, or blind, or deaf. In the river stream nearby, a basket with a newborn child floats by… Collapse
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Comments 42

  1. Offline
    Was translation dropped?
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    #panic# Traslation has continued is already now in chapter +1590 of +1800 on https://www.isotls.com/novel/62e8b08a1cd7b30001b94823/
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      I see that the Webnovel translators have divided the chapters into several parts, now I can't understand, the current chapter 1839 corresponds to which chapter of the new translator?

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      only we
      1. Offline
        I think a new group has been translating it and webnovels translation is just cheap mtl
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          How much better is the new translation compared to the "Atlas Studios" translation?

          Is it worth replacing the "Atlas Studios" translation with the "Isohungry Translations" translation?
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    i'm dropping this novel at 611 and i would give it a 7/10

    -the cultivation levels are completely unique their not qi condensations, foundation building, golden core or anything like that it's actually quite different

    -the mystery's about the great ruin the mc's past and just the world in general carried this story really hard, if it wasn't for how interesting the world and it's mystery's were i most likely would have quit way before ch 611

    -the characters were decent nothing to write home about

    -incredibly slow. Slow in a way that most of the things that happens to the MC are just unnecessarily boring, can be compared to filler in a way, The world does feel alive, but that makes it a drag to read, i think the MC was at Six Directions Divine Treasure for 200 chapters and i think the realm of the MC is a good way to show progress like the mc has been trough all these life and death situations and actually made progress instead of, the MC almost died for the 7th time and is still in the same realm, it get boring after a while

    even when he was at Six Directions he was already having encounters with gods who are way stronger then him, there's also never a moment for the mc to rest, it's one adventure to another and feels like ''you beat this this person and almost died? oh well here's another adventure good luck!''

    it feels like there's always something happening, that the MC is always in danger every 20 chapters and it gets a bit tiring after a while, there's no time for the MC to relax

    -i find it dumb that the MC is only 16 but is second-best in the world at everything (crafting, alchemy, painting, sword attainment etc), with the best being the elders of his village, even tho it is stated that MC only has ordinary talent and people in that world live over 800 years, So 800 years of training of geniuses can't compare to less than 16 years of training of ordinary MC? And the reason author provides is that MC worked really hard despite having only ordinary talent like did no one else work hard or something?, i can see the young people but the ones who have lived for hundreds of years?

    -there's also inconsistencies in the MC actions one moment he acts cautious, smart etc, the next he just touches stuff that almost kill him and acts like an idiot other times

    -sometimes the plot feels forced like the author wants it to go in a certain direction but doesn't know how to make it natural so he just forces it. the 2 examples i can give is in ch 393
    the other is in ch 491

    -he also just starts creating techniques out of thin air and comprehends them in lightning fast speeds, what happened ordinary talent?

    -the whole overlord body got tiring after a while

    -a lot of the same jokes keep getting over used, the Dragon Qilin is fat? let's make the same joke for 500ch, tho the human rearing scripture was funny

    summery: to slow got boring
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    1. Offline
      I agree with a lot that you said but I really must disagree with the Mc being average in talent and the cultivation thingy lvl.
      except the begining everybody pretty much agrees that Mc is genius and even later pretty much everybody would agree that Mc is the greatest genius in the whole history of the universe (maybe except one person) and the only reason why he isnt the strongest and dominating everybody is because hes jack of all trades and hes young and fighting gods that existed since the creation of universe.
      and about cultivation being slow. Its kinda weird thats this is a problem considerining that cultivation lvl doesnt matter that much anyway not to mention that theres only like 15 lvl in total, its about techniques spells etc and that get upgraded and new ones get added pretty often
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        yea he's talented but i just feel like it's a bit dumb that he was the second best at everything with just an odd 15 years of training with him having his attention split between all of them and not focusing on one thing but people who live for hundreds of years and focus on one thing can't even compare to that? yea he had the number one's teaching him but still

        how fast the MC progressed wasn't really that big of a problem i just found it slow cuz a lot of the adventures the MC was going trough took a while to complete since most of the time it was just characters talking to each other or something being explained. it's not a bad thing normally but at some point i was just like ''get it over with already'' that's all.
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          it feels like there's always something happening, that the MC is always in danger every 20 chapters and it gets a bit tiring after a while, there's no time for the MC to relax

          -incredibly slow. Slow in a way that most of the things that happens to the MC are just unnecessarily boring, can be compared to filler in a way, The world does feel alive, but that makes it a drag to read

          These are the same reasons I dropped "History's Strongest Senior Brother." I feel like these novels would be really good if you're still early on in your novel reading adventures. But for me who has read a ton, I got bored of it way too easily. Or maybe TikTok has just ruined my brain and I can't focus on one thing for too long now😅
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            Nah i think its bad in general, with the exeption of shorter novels ive seen it done well in. Novels with atmost 100-200 ch but with close to 2k its way to long for it to work, filler might be fun for some time but if it is half the novel aka. 1k ch out of 2k its too much.
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    I tried to find logic and common sense. I didn't find it. A set of stories without a basic script and plot.
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  5. Offline
    Finish reading. Good novel
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  6. Online Offline
    Not gonna lie, Il this got boring
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  7. Offline
    up to chapter 1417 on freewebnovel
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  8. Offline
    #Panic# Hey, please Translation!!
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  9. Offline
    I'm at chapter 69 (I swear that was an accident) and I'll say that this is a well-written xianxia. It's not serious and it's OP mc but within reason. There are some tense moments and the world building is present and adds to the fantastical elements of the story, but overall (so far) I'd call this idyllic.

    It's worth a shot, I think anyone can find enjoyment here, the translation has restarted too so that's something to look forward too.

    I'll renew my review once I finish the available chapters but so far, it really is high-tier.
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  10. Offline
    #Panic# Translation has restarted
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    1. Online Offline
      Do you think they know translation has restarted?
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