22 hours ago

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse by Adui

Blessed with unlimited mana, Noah travels the worlds and sees rampant corruption and injustice.... Read more
Blessed with unlimited mana, Noah travels the worlds and sees rampant corruption and injustice. Have you seen countless icebergs fall asunder? Have you watched a dragon despair? Follow one man as he overturns the order of the worlds...

Author' note: This is a story of fantasy and fiction, events or names used have no relation to the real world. Collapse
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Comments 772

  1. Offline
    I somehow tried and managed to reach till hyperversal arc but when this reached ominiversal level ... Well shit I'm dropping this. I had enough.
    And I'm not memorizing totally forgettable meaningless names and terms. Pointless story and repetitive.
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  2. Offline
    i have read till chapter 2959, i can say that if you are reading this you will need to turn your brain off, everything it´s so repetitive that it´s boring, the only things that change it´s that the names of every time the mc gets stronger gets longer and more absurd ... quite rare the names that the author gets out of his a*s. i think that the author just think more about the names of the things than the actual plot. oh yeah this novel has one of the most toxic fanbase that you can think of, like the one of lotm or RI, the difference it´s that the other novels are good and this one it´s trash tier. i see it coming the dislikes but you need to know that this novel it´s not wort your time, you cant post a commend of the mistakes of the author or anything bad because they will insult and dislike your comment as if you did such a sin.

    it went downhill pretty fast after the mc conquered his universe.
    every new plot/volume its the same as the one before just that time it´s stretched even more, right now the mc it´s making things and counting in nanoseconds or some shh like that. And the mc always get´s more strong that his enemies like .000000001 seconds before they encounter the mc in a fight.

    im still reading this because i caught up when the novel had like 1000 chapters, and sometimes i have nothing more to read and i read the new chapters, my worst mistake was begining to read this. it was interesting the first universe but thats alll
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  3. Offline
    Salve autore di Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse volevo sapere quando avete intenzione di produrre un manga o un anime di questa novel il prima possibile grazie aspetto impaziente che la produzione avvenga
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  4. Offline
    A review at chapter 1684, it feels like I am actively lobotomizing myself just by reading this, it has become so repetitive and predictable that I can feel my brain rot just from reading it.

    Do yourself a favour and don't read farther than the chapter where he
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  5. Offline
    I'm currently reading Emperor Mechanical God, although I like the novel, I'm getting upset with the high level of harem in this novel, every slightly pretty woman is enough for him to "conquer" and take him to his harem, and that's it. It ends up getting boring, this "infinite sis" novel, is there anything like that or can I read it in peace??
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    1. Offline
      Mister potato g123
      Not every woman, and the novel is crazy
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  6. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    When an idle games player decides to become webnovel's author :
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  7. Offline
    Legend has it, "The day the sun rises from the west, so will this novel end...But only for a moment will that ending last, before it all starts again with another journey into the unknown
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    1. Offline
      WOW BRO
      You are alive????? Yolks48 Yolks48
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    2. Offline
      Yggdrasil Euktrahill
      Oh you're back, haven't seen you in a while.
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    3. Offline
      YOOOO! WB Man!
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  8. Offline
    Can someone help me pls
    I forgot which chapter I was, all I remember was that mc was participating in the tournament thing at the underwater world
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    1. Offline
      That’s like somewhere between chapter 200 and 300. Just click a chapter and read a bit to see if you’ve read it, and keep doing that until you find where you left.
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  9. Offline
    I posted this comment on chapter 2402, I just wanted to post it on the front page so people will see it. If you disagree, no need to reply, just dislike. Because I won’t be bothered to read and reply back, but you can still choose to if you want to let others know why you disagree. But if it’s purely for the sake of arguing with me, then don’t even bother.
    This author writes too much bullshit, is the fight even going to happen? If feels like I’m reading a whole new story in this novel. He is absolutely terrible at writing fight scenes, because he builds up the hype, then builds it up even more, then more, and more, and then randomly decides to add in the backstory of this character he’s fighting who we very well know will be dying as soon as this fight scene actually f#cking starts. Instead of actually writing a fight scene and adding 10 chaps of exposition on subjects that don’t add to the hype and actually kills the hype, right after the the fight scene starts, just write it before the fight scene or don’t write it at all. Because it simply doesn’t matter and we don’t care.

    A lot of people were saying that the author adds too much fluff in the later chapters to milk more money, now I fully understand and completely agree. Because this author definitely knows how to build hype during fight scenes, at least from what I’ve read in the earlier chapters. But lately he’s been adding so much filler, uses ‘background building’ that literally doesn’t contribute to the story, and in fact makes it a drag to read and remember.

    Honestly it’s sad, I don’t blame the author, I blame Webnovel. It’s a cancerous tumour to the novel community since they established the concept that more words = more money. And obviously most of the authors need money. So why wouldn’t they add filler for more word count which equals more money? It’s just a shame the author is ruining his own story for just a bit more money. I don’t even care if he makes this novel over 10k chapters. If it was like it was during the earlier chapters where there were barely any fillers or exposition on things that don’t matter, where skills don’t take up 1/4 of the chapter and is constantly repeated over several chapters. Where the fight scenes didn’t have 10 extra filler chapters in-between them like One Piece or DBZ. I would read all of it. Now, I’m almost caught up to the latest chapters, where I would have to wait every day for a chapter or 2 just for it to be a whole chapter on his new skills that take up 1/4 of the page and then useless or boring exposition or some random backstory or inner thoughts on random characters that will die in the next chapter which takes up 1/2 the chapter which only leaves 1/4 of the chapter that actually moves the plot forward. I just don’t think I have the willpower or dedication or desire to carry on reading.

    Maybe some people agree, some disagree, but this is my personal opinion. I believe the story is on its downfall, but facts will speak for themselves and time will tell. I honestly hope I’m wrong or the author comes to his senses. Or maybe I’m just wrong and the author will continue having success. I just wanted to rant.
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    1. Offline
      I pretty much agree with everything. This novel has essentially degenerated into just spouting a bunch of gibberish, filling out the word count and a whole ton of posturing before a fight that ends in an instant. It's a real shame since I used to really like it. I still fondly think about my favourite arc involving the Celestials which is what initially got me really hooked to this fast-paced ever escalating power fantasy.

      It's too bad it couldn't improve over time like The Mech Touch but maybe that's unfair since it's no doubt an outlier. There's certainly filler to rack up the wordcount in that too but at almost 6k chapters in and no where near finished, the story has only gotten bigger, better and crazier.
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    Black Jacket
    All this time and i forget Noah didn't became apex
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