6 months ago

Monarch of Time by ZeusTheOlympian

The ultimate power that controls everything... Time.

Rock, reincarnated in Shun Long's... Read more
The ultimate power that controls everything... Time.

Rock, reincarnated in Shun Long's half-dead body when a mysterious rock merged with him, and a sudden influx of information flooded his head.

He is now cultivating in a mysterious technique that can affect time, as he adventures through the cultivation world fighting geniuses, while he reaches the pinnacle in both martial arts and alchemy. Collapse
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Comments 173

  1. Offline
    Слишком много роялей, можно, что-то дать ГГ но это он должен заслужить, а тут всё нахаляву.
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  2. Offline
    For those who know about Paragon of Sin, after chapter 400, this novel becomes similar to PoS. Not similar in terms of story and plot, but similar in terms of how the plot barely progresses. Chapters after chapters of pointless fluff and useless fillers and conversations from audiences that could be an entirely new novel.
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    1. Online Offline
      Really? Then is it okay for me to read?
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        I mean it’s your choice, from the 4 dislikes I got clearly some people like this novel and what it offers.
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  3. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    I liked that when he has just one girl, because it's rare to read a cultivation novel without harem, but when he got the second ? I knew that there would be a third, fourth, fifth... so I dropped it.
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  4. Offline
    It's not worth reading it anymore when I nearly forgot the plot, what was going on. sigh
    Unless if I read from the beginning again which I'm not gonna do.
    This was one of the few novels which I followed from the beginning, it sucks when author started to post only a few chapters per month and then suddenly went to hiatus for more than 5 months.
    I nearly forgot about this book before I got notification.
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    1. Offline
      same here but when i think about this novel now. The pace of the novel is excellent. The mc is decent. The character interactions are well done but have no real depth and the world building is quite bad so if the novel has no frequent chapter releases then the pace part does not matter that much anymore and that is why i didn't really care that much if this got dropped.
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    2. Offline
      Void Progenitor
      Read Rise of the Infinite Sovereign instead
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      1. Offline
        Okay will do after I finish the current ones. As of now my platter is already full with 10-15 novels that I'm currently reading.
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  5. Offline
    Huh is this back? Completely forgot about it
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  6. Offline
    A novel with many plot holes. Character interaction is forced.
    The main character is a young master. In the mode, I will reveal all my many secrets, because they will not betray me. (Lol bro there are heavenly mysteries and soul searching techniques.)
    But even with all the huge disadvantages of this novel, it can be calmly and interestingly read.
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  7. Offline
    i liked this a lot, but author has stopped updating
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  8. Offline
    Akib mahabub
    dose it has any mtl translation?
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    1. Online Offline
      i dont think so
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    2. Offline
      its an original english novel
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  9. Offline
    Review after reading all chapters currently available(834)
    I personally would say it's below average. Let's start with the main point first. The novel is called 'Monarch of Time' and frankly, there's not a single shed of 'monarch' in this and 'time'... is very backgroundish... What I mean is, if you take away his time powers, the MC would lose only one major ability(his herb garden, which in my opinion, with given explanations, shouldn't work as well and convenient is does). All other abilities aren't unique in a sense that without them, story wouldn't suffer except for specifics of some fights and stuff like that.
    The story starts on Earth for some reason. After he isekais, it's not ever mentioned again, I myself almost forgot, remembering only when I started to write the review. This part can be outright skipped with absolutely no changes.
    There is absolutely no character development. MC first chapter and MC from the last one is exactly the same. MC is made very knowledgeable from the very start and it is bad, because it's not bad only when it's handled good, which it isn't. MC also has good side skills for no reason, like he's god of alchemy from the very beginning, with zero experience, and later he has godly Guqin skills with no foreshadowing, nor any explanations.
    Side characters from MC's group are just muppets with bare minimum character traits to diffirintiate between them he carries around, they don't add to story anything significant and are perceived as a ballast more often than not. Do I have to mention they also have no character development?
    This novel tries to be like those Chinese cultivation novels, but cooler™. All the changes to classic power ladder are, frankly, unnecessary and seem wonky. Author also introduced "Daos". It's a power locals here using, and I must say, it's the worst made part about this novel. They're poorly explained and defined, with some part of definitions contradicting each other (first they say all Daos are equal, than they categorize them from common to supreme ones).
    MC has no defined goal and always, ALWAYS lacking in strength compared to current environment. It's like there's some impeding doom he runs from, but author won't tell us about it. He also relies a lot on external help (his old friend who appeared out of nowhere).
    Lastly I'll talk about writing itself. Chapters are very small, courtesy of webnovel site's system and chapters itself often filled with stuff that can be describes as "take a quarter of previous chapter, reword and stretch it to a whole chapter".
    In other words, author tends to overly explain already intuitively understandable stuff, while giving no explanation to stuff that actually needs it.

    Also, all characters are very beautiful/handsome for absolutely no reason.
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    1. Offline
      i agree mostly but the god of alchemy and the guqin skills have been explained
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  10. Offline
    Had a lot of love for this novel, but with almost no updates to speak of, any hype it had has deteriorated. Safe to say that this novel is dead tbh.
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    1. Offline
      The translator stopped or smth, the original has over 900 chapters
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      1. Offline
        No, it doesn’t. It has 875 chapters to be exact. The remaining 40 which are not on this site are locked behind privilege on WN. The author just simply fails to hardly ever update his novel. That is unless the author has moved his work to another site and I’m unaware, but that’s unlikely.
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    2. Offline
      What are we talking about? The author is serving
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    3. Offline
      the last news I had was that the author almost doesn't post because he is fulfilling mandatory army enlistment. when it ends, it should go back to the old days of several chapters a day. so i hope
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