5 months ago

Guild Wars by Kotario

Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game,... Read more
Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game, Boundless.

After years of intense conflicts between his guild, Hellscape, and the guild of his former infidel lover, Darkrow, things came to a head when Draco conquered all.

Now, nothing stood in his way of total conquest within the highly acclaimed second world of mankind, as he intended to fortify his new empire.

Unfortunately, a timely assassination sent him back into the wheel of time for reincarnation, but not even the Gods gave him peace of death.

Thrust into the past, Draco realized he’d been given a second chance at life to start from scratch, with all the knowledge of over fifteen years of almost absolute power in Boundless.

Now, his path to glory will be far shorter and filled with more bloodshed than Hades could handle. Collapse
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Comments 112

  1. Offline
    Can someone like me his Discord server pls?
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  2. Offline
    Damn, I got cooked.
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    1. Offline
      Author san 8 why so much hate cat
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    2. Offline
      Author-san, you need to give this novel more love...
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  3. Offline
    The novel was good up to 300 chapters. After that, the novel began to fall into a shitty abyss.
    With each chapter, you see that the humor makes you want to puke. The intelligence of the protagonist has reached a negative value.
    Fu#k Eve 100 chapters?!. Seriously?.
    I confess that the author realized that he had made a stupid decision and tried to change something, but it did not work out. The author even lied about the harem and much more. The author himself does not seem to know what he wants from this novel.
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    1. Offline
      Diary Chapter 900
      Does not get better
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  4. Offline
    #panic# these chapters are all sorts of f#cked up, could you please fix them
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  5. Offline
    Anyone know where I can read Damon's Ascension online?
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    1. Offline
      Just read it on webnovel, it has few enough chaps that it's all free there
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      1. Offline
        I am all caught up to the 27th chapter, I was wondering if there was a website that continued from there
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          Kotario said he would resume DA after either Darius Supreme or Guild Wars is completed
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  6. Offline
    Actually.. It's more fun to read the author's comments and replies than the novel... kef
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      Your IQ is too high wish
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  7. Offline
    Been reading this up to 300ish chapter or something.

    Even tho all that previous commenters have said has happened (some almost NTR to NTR kind of stuff and then getting NTR'ed by second wife(or I guess logically 4th) (she goes and has sex with some rando girl from auction (girl on girl) which I still consider cheating, basically right after she has her thing with MC, which is super weird imho.

    Enough about those, these are not actually what was annoying surprisingly enough. If you look past that it has a good start to about 200ish chapter and then it starts to go downhill, corny jokes that are not funny, dry humor, MC starts some kind of must rape them all spree (basically make 180 and starts seeding people left and right even though he was originally only for 1 woman and on top of it is not against forcing people to make with him by using charm skills that people have no way to resist). Oh and POV switches are so badly done that you basically loose all motivation to continue reading.

    and then there is this really annoying thing that every time somebody uses skills you need to be refreshed by author copy pasting the skill system info, Would have much better flow if skills were introduced once and thats it as only really hardcore fellas out there that are minorities like to do math and see if damage and stuff is correct. Basically Author is needlessly repeating stuff, sometimes you get same skill description in 3-4 different formats in same chapter because he feels like he needs to explain all possible effects and ways to use instead of what f#cking happened. There were even like 3-5 or 6 chapters that had different character sheets and skills in a row because of an event where alot of people leveled and got new classes. Like wtf.

    Enough about that, next thing is that author notes are inserted randomly all over, like oh this character looks like gil-kun from gilgamesh and so on and-on-and descriptions are all using likeness of some random anime character, basically sucks because why is author assuming that everyone is a weeb like him and knows these random characters, would have been enough to just describe that a macho dude with blond hair and so on. Just feels out of place. As well as some of the embellished descriptions of events do not make sense, seems like author just ranting his frustrations on whatever character. Sometimes I feel like Author is using his novel to comment about his novel, thats how bad it is.

    Final conclusion, this is a webnovel quality material, would not make it as a standalone novel without person reading knowing alot of the weeb culture, still a decent read so far for a webnovel. Even if quality of the story is down the drain with recent developments around 300ish (forever training arc that I have come to call it so far, not sure why author went that route as MC was doing fine and then suddenly, he needs to be trained in everything, so you get a training arc of this and that on top of each other)

    I guess most annoying thing with recent chapters is that MC's IQ is almost negative at this point, whereas it started off with this really smart and careful MC type.
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    1. Offline
      I feel like after 450ish chapter this novel goes to the gutters as some random cringe worthy references to real world stuff and copying stuff randomly from life starts to appear in novel, Seems like author finally ran out of any creative juice he had left. Seriously at this point I have skipped tons of chapters and just briefly glanced if there is anything worthy of read, but its mostly either some copy paste item from real world ( i mean our world to novel world in some what I can only assume funny in authors mind way), or some silly fart gag that has ran its course already the first time it was made or plain just item and skill descriptions. So you can safely just skip reading 90% of the content and you would not miss out any of the important story bits.

      Like seriously latest item introduced is air force one, some alchemical flying ship and its description is that it used to be a flagship of powerful murica empire that got into fights with red commie empire, like how underdeveloped do you have to be mentally to think that this is something that would be ok to write in a novel ? (mind you I am from neither of these countries, but the cringe is just so bad with this one)
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      1. Offline
        Does the MC get evil later tho?

        I read to chapter 40-50 I think, when I dropped because I was expecting an evil mc but instead he was acting like a try hard villain who's more like an antihero.
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        1. Offline
          no he is not evil. He is more of an edge lord. What I mean is that while he does kill and has no remorse. He is more neutral than evil as he does not go out of his way to cause suffering
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  8. Offline
    Author Dao of fillers
    It's Damn high LVL 999

    If u want to read this novel
    U must be ready to tap the skip button almost every 3 chapters

    From 300~400
    I skipped 70++ 👍
    So happy

    2 NTR ~ gf (past) ~ sex slave
    Side/support took too many screens/chapters
    Too much repeat detail (copy-paste) for characters , item, skills, stat, nipple, hair, ass, pussy etc
    gay and lesby detected

    I rate this novel filler 10⭐
    I had 740 bookmarks I read them all including trash (at least i try to read 50~300 chapters) but seldom skipping.. This... but this one
    I skipped -/+70%

    Yes my grammars is so bad.. Sorry 🙏😅
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    1. Online Offline
      The dao of fillers

      Is it even more STRONG than blood warlock here?
      Cause that's not physically possible IMO
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  9. Offline
    Fk me sideways, I hate Ramones comment system. The "flood protection" screwed me so much. I wrote for the last 5-10 minutes and after I pressed send, I didn't see the loading symbol, so I pressed send again and "flood protection enabled", my whole comment gone just like that. I don't even have the energy to type whatever it was again. I can't even remember half the shit I wrote. I had this happened to me before so once I realized it may have registered my first "send", I wanted to copy my comment but I was too late.
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    1. Online Offline
      yea always backup you comment now and then with ctr a + ctr c when writing long text in a webform.
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  10. Offline
    Quote: StoneyTBone
    Does the mc really get ntr tho?

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    1. Offline
      Yes.. for the past
      Before reincarnation
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        also in the now time
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