2 days ago

Fey Evolution Merchant御兽进化商

A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the... Read more
A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the world’s awakened spirit qi, allowing them to tread on a new path — spirit qi occupations!

Simultaneously, the plants and animals on the planet are also evolving toward their ancestry line or developing spiritual mutations.

Lin Yuan realizes that he can assist feys in evolving limitlessly and constantly purify their bloodlines. He starts off with a small fey evolution store on the Star Web and rises up from there.

Lin Yuan: «There is no problem that I cannot solve to deliver the goods. If there is a problem, it is because the goods are better than expectations!»

This is a story purely about pets! Collapse
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Comments 158

  1. Offline
    wow it's now 3k chapters!! joy
    i guess ill read this again.. from the beginning XD
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  2. Offline
    Got to 2069 and I have to say the premise is good for me. Trying to write a righteous mc in a warm radiant environment and making it actually presentable is major reason for me to read. The setting as a whole is good and the story overall is acceptable. There's something that's mentioned repeatedly about the side ch poor presence and development but in this novel we find the opposite he is trying very hard to mack the side chara relevant that it's absurd most of the time how they power up. It can be summed in one sentence the mc halo is too strong. All the chara need to approach the mc to start it's epic growth. The major turn off is the technical stuff. I mean the author rarely takes anything seriously he can state a fact about chara then change it several ch later and alot like this. He can't write a fight scene because he don't understand the simple fact that a fight is a fast paced thing not an introduction to feys or maybe he can't write fast paced.
    All of this won't matter if you aren't capable of scrolling half or more of most chs. Skip all the description about feys appearance and abilities it's future and history ... etc of course he is obsessed with the mc appearance to a sickening degree that shall be skiped to. Ofc that's not all needed to be skipped.
    By the way you can consider him enuch.
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    1. Offline
      Righteous MC? Is this the one who slaughters an entire clan numbering hundreds of children just because the head of the clan attacked him? Or the one who gives people only 2 choices: become his slave by swearing on the rune or die. Is this a righteous MC?
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  3. Online Offline
    Overall, Novel is good but because of three reasons sometimes it made me to think about dropping the novel.
    1. Too much info and thoughts part in all chapters. Some chapters didn't even have a single dialogue or any action.
    2. Too much events happens in a single day. Sometimes it gives the feel that their day is going for more than 100 hours. It also didn't gives time for other characters development and author have to provide them with sudden forced power level up.
    3. Personally, I feel the character of Liu Jie is too much forced. He gets constant level up without doing much and his powers sounds overpowered but author made his fights sometimes overpowered and sometimes average when compared to Lin Yuan.
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    Her Summon
    I’ve read this before and read it raw waited for the new chaps until I bored of waiting. It was good. But it had a lot of info that almost half of the chapter is info so I stopped reading it to wait for translation. I remember the white crocodile I’ll try to re read this.
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  5. Offline
    #panic# the chapters aren't updated recently, while they are available on WN.
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  6. Offline
    #panic# disordered chapters
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    1. Offline
      Thanks! peepo015
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      only we
  7. Offline
    If the All unnecessary massive Info Dumps were removed from all Chaps,
    I doubt it will barely be 1k chaps instead of 2.6k.

    PS : Good Story line but info dumps just kills the mood.
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  8. Offline
    Quote: Rhaelbarnes
    1. You really don't pay attention to what you are reading dude. You should have learned when I brought it up once but you still fail at such a simple skill. Really embarrassing to have it happen twice in a row.
    The Mother of Bloodbath's red eyes suddenly seemed to burn, and its body instantly flickered with a crystal-red blood luster. A spider about two centimeters in size carved like a red crystal appeared in the Mother of Bloodbath's hands.

    The Mother of Bloodbath placed it in Lin Yuan's hands and immediately said, "I'm going to take a look in the Class 3 dimensional rift connected to the abyssal world's hub. Since someone is conspiring in the dark, they are unable to do so now. Because this flame vortex has appeared, and this matter has been exposed, they won't be able to take it lying down."

    Lin Yuan nodded and replied, "Mother of Bloodbath, go ahead. I'll wait for your return outside the mountain valley after I'm done collecting the Lifeform Sacrificial Fire."

    The Mother of Bloodbath's ice-cold red eyes flashed with a hint of warmth while looking at him. "When you encounter danger, inject spiritual power into this red spider."

    2. You do understand that 4* creators are rare. These guys are one step from being 5* creators. A 5* creator can found a Federation. There aren't enough 4* creators to provide epic bronze pets to everyone. Epic bronze pets are basically strategic level resources for major factions. Besides the problem is how Lin Yuan is able to prepare these epic bronze pets. A 4* creator might need the preparation of 1 to multiple days for a single epic bronze pet. Lin Yuan can easily do multiple a day. The more he ranks up the more epic bronze pets he can prepare in a day. Hell epic bronze pets are a piece of cake for him to prepare. He can also easily prepare legendary bronze pets (just needs a bit more time). Legendary bronze pets are already the peak you can prepare at this point. To go further you need the pet to be contracted and given a will rune. The biggest advantage for Lin Yuan improving pets is that it is basically for him. Only using aura crystals to speed up the process can be considered as a cost. Though later down the line using the Land of Bliss can allow him amass huge amounts of aura crystals through the Favor of Heaven when feys face the catastrophe. I don't remember seeing that author having the same characters repeatedly highlighting how good Lin Yuan is in improving feys. Only when new characters notice his capabilities there is such a situation but that is unavoidable. It would be weird if they didn't notice something so abnormal. What do you mean fish, grass , thread ?? Do you mean the general type of the fey ? There are already quite a few feys mentioned. He is also focusing on specific feys that sell well. This isn't a shop novel. The title translation is as typically wrong. The title in raws doesn't contain the word merchant nor any word similar to shop. It is a novel centered around beast taming.

    3. As you said these are duels. Which means that you are fighting against other humans. Improving the rank and quality of a fey isn't something so straight forward. A lot of the people participating in duels are casuals without any backing. Even those with backing don't have unlimited funding. Usually there will be multiple heirs/youths in a single force. So although they have superior resources to casual practitioners , these resources are still limited. With people getting stuck at certain ranks/qualities results in a situation where certain stair levels have people stuck there with feys of certain ranks/qualities. On top of that, some types (elements or positions like support or attacking) of feys can and will constraint other feys. Thus even if you have the advantage of quality or rank you can still lose. So simply having a high rank will result in a situation which is easy to lose at least once and thus break your streak. I also need to mention that Lin Yuan is rapidly increasing in strength. He easily reached the level of the older generation of youths. He even reached the level of his master in a few years. With his capabilities this rank 1 world is really too small to contain him. I could even that due to his low starting point he wasn't as efficient as he could be in quickly raising his strength. In other words he could rise even faster. The duels being also used as practice cam guarantee that even the genius will meet someone that is stronger and older than them. Lin Yuan was just 19 years old at that point (which was known). He was too young for the strength he had. Other genius would need multiple years to achieve the growth he had in a few months. No genius would do such a thing because it would be simply pointless. It could easily be leaked in their circle. The glory isn't in having just a streak but with what stength and the time needed to create such a streak. Do you believe anyone would congratulate a 25 year old for having a platinum or diamond rank fey ?? The problem is that Lin Yuan achieved this on his own , at the age of 19 and in a short period of time. He is the youngest contender for the position of Radiant Envoy. No one has been as young and powerfull as him. I can't find which chapter he does the deal with her hence I can't be specific. If I remember correctly she proposed such a deal for two reasons. A) Her store needed quality goods in order to be able to rank up. B) Lin Yuan could consistently supply her with good quality goods.

    5. I don't understand about what you are complaining about ? What tree are you talking about ? Be more specific.

    6. I see you guys constantly complaining about things that don't make sense but proceed to ignore the explanation about the thing you are complaining about. Really embarrassing watching you guys. For example #1. Mother of Bloodbath clearly gave Lin Yuan a token of hers that he could use when he was under danger. The Myth aura she felt was obviously weak which prompted her to not care about it too much. Besides if I remember correctly at this point his Master has already given him a protective token that can easily solve most of the powerhouses in the world (with the exception of few). He was never under the threat in that Dimensional Rift (this has nothing to do with dungeons). Not to mention having the risk of the rift ranking up once or twice was a very real threat. Having Mother of Bloodbath checking out the situation when she can guarantee his safety is an obvious choice. Unfortunately you as a fool failed to notice the information "garbage" the author so readily gave you. He was hailed as hero because he was willing to risk his life to protect a town which was facing a crisis. The reason he was called a hero was because of his age and the relative risk. Ofcourse there are more dangerous situations in the world but those are dealth with people of higher strength. He was there and still chose to stand up against the insect rift. This isn't something anyone can do at that age or at all. His healing fey is abnormal. There aren't many fey that can heal genetic defects (We actually haven't met such a fey till now) or regenerate limbs. Even if they could , they would be of high rank. How many of those do you think would wander around and do charity work ?

    You half idiot can't even comprehend simple text even if it read out loud to you. You dare to criticize the logic of this book when you don't even have good reading skills. Someone would expect to reread what his commenting on when he was called out the first time. Please stop embarrassing yourself and don't comment anymore here when you have no clue what you are talking about. Lest you start misleading others. From now one if you want to complain about anything you better mark the chapter you are referring to or I will just treat your words as nonsense. Which thus far has proved to be a consistent trait of your comment.

    At this point.. who cares about federations. Dude kept on conquering other dimensions. And by now. Every INFO DUMPS that the author throwed is inconsequential. I mean.. dude really? 😑

    The Story should be renamed... Morbius and the inconsequential reincarnated nobody 😑...
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    1. Offline
      At this point.. who cares about federations.

      The federations were relevant for the start of the story and to give their world some background. Despite the world being only T1 it has existed for thousands or even millions of years. It is normal to have an established civilization.

      Dude kept on conquering other dimensions.

      Which is important for both the world and Morbius. It is important for the world because it is necessary for the secondary dimensions to fuse with the main world in order to be promoted to T2. There was also the Tower of Code which wanted to hijack the main world. So it is even more important. Except for MC's Physique of All-Spirits Morbius is one of the most important assets of the MC. On top of that the MC and Morbius have a very close brotherly relationship which is quite rare in novels these days.

      Every INFO DUMPS that the author throwed is inconsequential.

      Every "info dump" the author has threw to us is crucial to the whole story. It is the background of the universe, of the T1 world. It is the context behind why people are the way they are and why they are acting the way they are acting. Like how do you expect the novel to be? Akin to an incomplete captain's log? The author is telling the story of the MC. There are gonna be mundane parts to that story. But even those mundane parts can shape the MC and the world around him. You can't expect the story to be a shot of adrenaline to the next shot of adrenaline without any break. To be honest, the author could easily include more details and more mundane things and it would still be a good story. Too many authors ignore how important the mundane parts of a story can be and end up with a subpar result. For example, in a 600 chapter novel the author will spend the first 400 chapters setting up the background of the world and the fundamentals of the story. Because he doesn't want to include the mundane parts the next 200 chapters will consist the mid and end of the story with the MC putting out fires from one place to the other without stop. This is how you end up with stories about MC who went from slave to a superbeing that has jumped out of the narrative layer in 2 years. Maybe in 1 year if the author is in a hurry.
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      1. Offline
        Say, did you just raided the MTL dude? I know mundane life js important but from what i see, its 60 to 70% mundane at this point. And you say federations are important because of background? True, but if they're that powerless. They might as well be called FLOWER VASE at this point. Too many plot holes here and there. Like how would you make me believe that this is a story about raising pets when i dont see people actually battling with their pets?

        "This is a story purely about pets!"

        Go ahead and worship this author all you want but dont gaslight people thinking you read more than them. I know a good novel when i see one. And from what i can tell on this one? It would take another 3k chapter before it makes sense 😑

        "To be honest, the author could easily include more details and more mundane things and it would still be a good story. Too many authors ignore how important the mundane parts of a story can be and end up with a subpar result"

        Oh please, if you say more details another time. I would really consider you to be an idiot. Where was the explanation between the difference between creation master level? What's the difference on their power levels? Why kept on saying that afterlife realm is strong and all that crap when i dont know what skills he has, what he used, what's its effects, or what not? What about spiritual ingredients? Does anybody know what kind is rare and what not except because the author said so? I know im asking a lot. But atleast, fix your pacing, details, timeline, and such. Lastly its almost 2.6k chap and i still dont know why Lin Yuan being reincarnated is important lol. And dont tell me because it hasn't came to the story yet. Its 2.6k chapter now... and we're still on foundation building? When will it end?
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        1. Offline
          Say, did you just raided the MTL dude?

          What does even "raided" mean?

          I know mundane life js important but from what i see, its 60 to 70% mundane at this point.

          Obviously, as it is with every story. This isn't a short story. Besides, non-stop action is way too overrated. Just because authors attempt to write non-stop action they almost always omit crucial details or the story becomes really inconsistent. You are basically saying that 1-2 years from slave to reality dominator is an acceptable thing. Not to mention that this is a "development" novel. This novel is about training and the story of the MC. The MC isn't some muscle-headed warrior or a brain-dead hero. He develops his training capabilities from non-existent (at the start he heavily relies on pure aura in order to achieve the effect of a creator) and constantly acquires knowledge (through Mobius analysis and his quiz with Empress Moon). He develops multiple factions like City in the Sky and the Constellation Council. Although he lived about 20 years on Earth he is still relatively immature at the start of the novel. We see him gradually maturing, becoming more decisive, acting according to his "strength", etc. He isn't dumb at all. He definitely employs he capabilities as well as he can.

          And you say federations are important because of background? True, but if they're that powerless. They might as well be called FLOWER VASE at this point.
          From the very beginning of the story, nay from even before the story begins the natives of this T1 world were doomed to die. The only way they escaped death was because of the existence of the MC. Considering MC's previous identity and the Temple of Era the Federations stood no chance. Despite that, they are still crucial to the story. The Glory Federation's way of operating perfectly fits the character of the MC. Even then the Glory Federation isn't perfect. This author compared to other Chinese authors is still realistic about his depiction of various countries. The Free Federation goes to the extreme of personal interest that you could even say that they can't be considered a country at all. The Azure Federation is a mix of the two. The families do act in their own interest but they will always ensure the continuation of the Azure Federation first. The Free Federation is also a sneak peek on how certain forces may operate in the various Space-Time quadrons.

          Too many plot holes here and there.

          I doubt the things you consider plot holes are truly plotholes. The most glaring pothole I remember is why the MC didn't mass-produce flying whales. Though even by the time he is getting ready to leave the native world he still hasn't built up the first Sky City.

          Like how would you make me believe that this is a story about raising pets when i dont see people actually battling with their pets?

          Are you crazy? Literally 90% of the fights are between pets or through using holy objects. Literally 99% of the resources that the MC can produce have to do with improving pets. All the duels during competitions were done through pets. High-level fights even happen through holy objects (High star rank holy objects are busted). There aren't that many high-level pet fights due to the limitations of the world. The further you go towards the peak the harder it is to improve. Not to mention that to a certain extent, mid and high-level creator resources are scarce. Only when the MC came did this phenomenon be alleviated. Holy objects are far easier to cultivate in such an environment and have far greater effects. For example, the MC's Sword Daugther only needs the cores from dimensional creatures. There were so many such cores that they were considered worthless. Empress's Moon holy object needs to collect various moons. As long as she gets access to a dimensional world she can easily cultivate her holy object. These special requirements mean that they don't need to rely on creator resources that are quite scarce. Lastly, a lot of high-level "players" in the story are themselves feys. Like Tower of Code was mostly made of dimensional beings. Then there was that force with the heaven-level feys. Then there is the ocean empire which consists of basically ocean fey. And this goes on. The pets in this novel are the fey.

          Go ahead and worship this author all you want but dont gaslight people thinking you read more than them. I know a good novel when i see one. And from what i can tell on this one? It would take another 3k chapter before it makes sense

          Truly half the people who comment on this website have no clue how to read and comprehend what they read. From the very beginning of the novel, the author was straightforward with the plot. The only mystery was Mobius, the Temple of Era, and the origin of the MC. The connection of Mobius with the Temple of Era was hinted at multiple times. When the guys at the Temple referred to Mobius as the Totem God, the MC's previous identity was also somewhat hinted at. Besides, in chapter 2000+ we get basically the full story about why the MC is there, who he was, and what he is gonna do after that. If the author skipped 60% of the story like you are demanding then indeed nothing would make sense. In how many chapters do you expect the author establishes the world, the secondary characters, the encounters of the MC with the secondary characters, the constantly progressing relationship of the MC with secondary characters, the same with the enemies/antagonists, the character development of the MC, the development of the factions of the MC, the development of the strength of the MC (his feys), etc.

          Oh please, if you say more details another time. I would really consider you to be an idiot.

          The idiot who can't read is you.

          Where was the explanation between the difference between creation master level?

          It was explained multiple times. 1* to 3* creators are divided based on what rank of feys their potions can affect. 4* creators must be able to use their soul power (This is especially noted when Smart needs to progress to a 4* creator but has hit a wall). 5* creators rely on two things. The first thing is the ability to produce pure aura. The second thing is finding their own system of producing creator resources. If you look at the Glory Federation 5* creators you will notice that every single one of them has their own system of operating. A crucial part of creating that system is knowledge (as it is shown by that woman when she wanted to absorb lower-star creators in order to forcibly advance to 5*).

          What's the difference on their power levels?

          What power levels? Of the pet trainers? It is clearly mentioned what makes each rank unique. The most important part is the acquirement of Will and its progression to a higher level like Domain --> World,...., --> Divine Kingdom.

          Why kept on saying that afterlife realm is strong and all that crap when i dont know what skills he has, what he used, what's its effects, or what not?

          What afterlife realm? Do you mean the dimensional creature level? Well, the name says it all. It's the process basically of evolving to a higher level of lifeform through reincarnating. The masters that go through this realm will be initially weak till they recultivate to a new height. I don't really remember the exact details but the whole dimensional creature cultivation system has to do with the apostle's ability that is gradually evolving to a master body and going to a higher level.

          What about spiritual ingredients? Does anybody know what kind is rare and what not except because the author said so?

          The only truly rare spiritual "ingredient" is pure aura. Other than that producing purer elemental energy is also a hard endeavor. Those clams could produce basic elemental energies but advanced elemental energies like darkness require other rare creatures. Other than that higher level resources are rarer than lower level resources. Besides as it has been mentioned the dimensional worlds are part of the main world. So each of those worlds would be more abundant in certain resources depending on their attributes. For example, the water world is abundant in water attribute resources. The underground world is rich in minerals which are basically earth-based resources.

          I know im asking a lot. But atleast, fix your pacing, details, timeline, and such.

          The pacing is fine. A novel that pertains to a relatively completely new world has a lot of details to explain. This novel has proper pacing where there is a period of action followed by a period of breaks and development and rinse and repeat. The whole action after action after action till it suddenly ends is a really bad template. I don't really feel that the timeline is that bad. This is despite I vehemently despising novels that last for one or two years. The MC's rank doesn't really advance that fast compared to his peers. You actually say that he is holding back his feys. Though the author solves this with a relatively clever action.

          Lastly its almost 2.6k chap and i still dont know why Lin Yuan being reincarnated is important lol. And dont tell me because it hasn't came to the story yet. Its 2.6k chapter now... and we're still on foundation building? When will it end?

          Although the novel has almost 3,000 chapters till now, the number of words per chapter isn't that high (about 1,200 words). If the chapters had 6,000 words each then we would be looking at about 600 chapters. So yeah, the number of chapters is quite deceptive. Besides this is a relatively complete story in terms of world background and actual details. We don't get that many time jumps. Lin Yuan's previous identity was explained in around 2,500+ chapter. Is it important if he is a reincarnator? Yes and no. No, because Lin Yuan is his own individual. Thus he has little to do with his previous life Will. Yes, it is important due to the talent and abilities he has inherited. Lastly, the story is mostly told through the eyes of the characters. There must be a sufficient reason and excuse for the author to reveal certain information. The Tower of Code commencing their plan was reason enough for Lin Yuan to finally learn his past-life identity. Nonetheless, we always had gotten small sneak peeks about his identity.
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            Those sneak peeks you talk about took 2600 chapters just to peek. Im now even wondering if you're the author or just another die hard fan. Its not that i hate the story. But i hate the author 🙂. You say 90% is from pet battles? TRUE but considering that in 2.6k chapter. Its like 100 or so only? And the rest is Mumbo Jumbo copy pasted from previous chapter Info Dumps. We cant read the novel right? Never knew i had to get a degree on this one but sure. Now tell me. Do you even know what it means to be cost efficient? And your defense is that the chapters are short? Isn't that another problem then? Now if you wanna make me listen to this BS and want people to think that this is a MASTERPIECE. Then compare your work with those classics first. Too much chapter but too little significant work. If you say that this is foundation building. Then keep building that till the end. But i dont see any reason on why i would waste my time reading this generic novel. Plot might be unique but the face slapping potential is so overrated too.

            @Otherworldly Evil Monarch
            @Novel's Extra
            @Super Genes

            Now see if they do that foundation building thing excessively please.. this novels are not perfect true. But atleast its a better read than this crap.
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          2. Offline
            Maybe people like you think that building a foundation is what the author repeats 20 times, how everyone is surprised by the sign at the entrance to the hero’s base, the ability to produce wood, and low-level, high-quality pets, probably for people like you with the memory of a fish, this is laying the foundation, but for me For normal people, this is information garbage, or water...
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              If there was any repeat of information in this novel, it had to do with showing the perspective of different characters. Such perspective is important because it shows the viewer why said character will act in a certain way. Besides you never get the same exact thing repeated multiple times. It will always be a different aspect. Yesterday it was a bronze epic/legendary fey and today it is about resources above myth level.

              If you like telegraph-style novels, that only operate as a brief diary then good for you. Please don't assume it is normal though. Just appreciate the details because such authors who invest that much attention in their books are rare. If you are in the mood for junk food-style novels, then go read those. This novel is definitely not one of those low-quality books.
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                Yesterday it was bronze epic/legendary fae, today we're talking about mythic level resources. Is it true ? Or maybe yesterday there was a Legendary fairy, tomorrow there will be a legendary fairy and after tomorrow too? I’m wondering, are you an author, a child, or do you have problems with your IQ? Because you don’t see the difference between a well-developed world and repetition of the same thing. Different points of view? And it’s true that today a guy named A is surprised by the sign at the hero’s base, tomorrow it will be guy B, C... and it’s true how much this gives for developing the world. What you call working through the world, normal people call elaborating on the same things in order to tighten the book.
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                  So according to your opinion, an author shall only refer to a situation only once. We shall never see the reaction of different characters to the same event. We shall never see similar events. We shall never see more than a single fight because every devolves to the same points but with different actors.

                  Such a stupid take. According to your opinion, any novel may not be more than ten chapters long. Did your puny mind even think before replying? Besides, no matter which novel you read it will always revolve through small and large cycles of plot points. Maybe you want to convince that I should only read a certain trope once?
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                  again, go to the doctor, maybe he can explain to you the difference between similar events and the repetition of the same thing every 30 chapters. But I don't think he can help(
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        my guy.. how can you write so many.. maybe u should write a book XD..

        but the other guy seems questionable imo, so u kinda wasted ur breath or something
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      wow this was quite long XD

      Like how would you make me believe that this is a story about raising pets when i dont see people actually battling with their pets?

      but one of ur responses made me stop reading this.. tiho
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      1. Offline
        Well, its actually a good read if only the author is not autistic enough to fill it with info dumps every now and then. 2.6k chapters and i can say that half of those were useless 🤦

        Try it tho... You might like it..
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          i already read it thats why i said this XD...
          tho i stopped after almost reaching the end of translation at that time..
          and i can say for sure that pets are basically in all fights.. and fights are not rare either..

          of course it may change at higher realm which i think is unlikely, but your statement was still completely misleading and incorrect tbh
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  9. Offline
    Got to ch200..I gave up. This is infuriating. There's alot of unnecessary info dumb, and most of it is just the same info dumb from the last 5 chapters on repeat..DAMN IT
    How the heck is this even rate 4..this should be 2
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  10. Offline
    It's good but too much useless info...
    The Author explained why normal people or creation masters had hard time doing things in almost half of chapter then the Author disregarded his previous statements by saying "But MC doesn't need to do this he just need to plant it in his cheat" and hell it happen a lot of times... I'm already at ch1932 But it's still happening lol
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