22 hours ago

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer by Suryaboddu

In the 21st century Earth gave Birth to greatest genius ever. A genius who Master myriad of arts.... Read more
In the 21st century Earth gave Birth to greatest genius ever. A genius who Master myriad of arts. Medicine to Engineering. Mathematics to Micro Biology. Weapon Designing to Environmental control. Music to Painting. Dance to Martial arts. He mastered Everything.

He created so many things to help mankind such that he got the title 'Greatest Creator'. But what if he cant get justice for the loss of his loved one due to some political reasons? What if the governments which he served are trying to shield the criminals just because they are rich? Well, the Greatest creator turned into 'Greatest Destroyer'. He got his Revenge But the price is he is dead before realising his full potential.

What if he gets a Second chance with all the knowledge he gained in his life. A second life in a different world where a different energy exists? Where humans can reach heavens with this energy?

What if he comes to this world where he dont have to bother about all the constraints limiting the technology on modern earth? follw the journey of Sam. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    Man, whoever said the writing gets better has likely read too much MTL. This is poison.
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  2. Offline
    Deal maker
    Even if it's rated low, I'd read it just because of the "not harem" tag. Yes gentlemen. I'm a proud harem hater boast
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    1. Offline
      The man of Dao -
      And I'm glad you are cause so am I satisfied
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      1. Offline
        Акжол Умбетов
        so am I
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    2. Offline
      i also don't really like reading harems welldone
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    3. Offline
      I've found my people joy
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    4. Online Offline
      Count me in
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    5. Offline
      Aye, if there's romance I prefer it to be with one partner, harem novels tend to just make the entire story about beauty driven conflicts and the mc's eternal desire for more women.
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  3. Offline
    The novel has so many flaws.
    1- First of all, we don't understand who is stronger than who in the power rankings, mc beats a much stronger elder than him while he draws with a normal kid, and there are a lot of such events.
    2- Friendship relationships, some characters were suddenly forgotten, the character that was in almost all of the first 50 episodes suddenly disappeared. I don't understand why the author did this, I wish he had never shown these characters
    3-MC's abilities, MC revealed a sniper rifle during a war, everyone was surprised, and I was surprised, something that will not happen in this kind of world, but MC has it, but when did he actually produce that weapon? How? not explained properly. unfortunately the author is too lazy to write or research
    4-World building is sometimes witchcraft and sometimes xulian world strange
    5-The writing style and translation in the first chapters are disgraceful.
    6-Until now, I haven't seen a smart character other than MC, they are either very arrogant or the MC's friends or girls (there is only one decent girl in the novel, she is so naive until I read it...)

    In short, I don't recommend the novel, it's a complete waste of time. An author who forces you to read a novel without explaining the MC properly is obviously a novice.


    Google translate Used sry gloom
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  4. Offline
    I recommend you reading the story but just know sooner or later you’re gonna get kicked in the nuts… i’m not gonna spoil anything but just know you’re drinking poison
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    1. Offline
      please tell me why?
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  5. Offline
    If you can tolerate up to 100+ chapters of wacky grammar and punctuation. I would think it'd be a pityto waste that dedication and time. Im @ch175 at the moment and i think this novel has some potential and is sufficient worth. Grammar and punctuation had drastically improved at this moment. I'd rate it 7.5/10 basing on how im enjoying it at the moment. Might change later down the line. We'll see.
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  6. Offline
    Действительно тупое говно))гг бестолочь ,автор с мозгом не дружит если пишет такое про гения!!
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  7. Offline
    2019, а такое чувство будто оригинальная идея 2010 года, культивация и магия смешана, а то и понятно индус ведь писал
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  8. Offline
    Novel with not harem tag is a novel with no romance tag or shitty romance who is just brainwash
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  9. Offline
    very low iq mc , not recommended .
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  10. Offline
    Dropped it early on because the MC is supposed to be this genius guy and ruthless, but he allows a team of 4 strangers (one of whom literally insulted and threatened him upon first meeting and then continues to try and get at the MC) to stay in his house and eat the meat from the beast he killed for free (apparently they were supposed to pay by skinning it but nothing is mentioned about the leather or stuff).

    Not only that but they also go through all his personal stuff in the house, Spy on him, interrupt him when he clearly says not to, force him to go with a team member just to try and force them to be friends and who do absolutely nothing in return at all.

    Even worse is the fact that he fights to rescue some leopard cubs (by himself) and then after gives them almost a third of the spirit stones he has as Payment for them losing out on the money from the cubs. And the payment he gives is double the normal rate and they don't even say anything to him about it. This is just after he says that they are now friends because they didn't attack him after his battle...even though his crow pet/familiar was there and was more than strong enough to defend him.

    Literally if they weren't there he would have been able to do everything that he already did and wouldn't have had to hide things or give away his stash or anything. [He could use his storage gem thing freely, he could get the silk stuff freely, he could rescue the cubs freely etc.]

    He already has a token to be able to meet a noble family from the start so they don't even help him there either.

    If he was by himself I think this would be a really good story, but as its looking now it feels like it'll be full of annoyance, so I gotta stop.
    The poor wording and grammar doesn't help either.
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