1 year ago

Fourth Prince's Debauchery by Aidka

As a wandering soul trapped in endless cycles of reincarnations, Claus must decide what to do in... Read more
As a wandering soul trapped in endless cycles of reincarnations, Claus must decide what to do in his current life. Tired of being a hero, demon king, savior, or emperor, he decides this time to live a life of debauchery.

This is an R-18 novel, and will contain every kind of fantasy (But not netorare, maybe netori)… You have been warned. Collapse
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Comments 123

  1. Offline
    Overall a solid story the main problem is that the biggest enemy for the MC is himself. He's supposed to be this entity whit hundreds of thousands of years of experience insight and overall competence. He time and time again is capable of scheming and reading the situation to a point where he can effortlessly achieve his goal. However as the story progresses he continues to cause himself more and more problems to the point that effectively if he was decisive enough to use his OWN FUCKING POWER he could solve all the problem, BUT NO he has to go and sit there DOING NOTHING! and I mean NOTHING until shit hits the fan and now suddenly he has the motivation to scramble and find a solution. THIS pattern keeps repeating itself over and over and over again. Like he's incapable to take the initiative of anything he just sits there doing f#cking and nothing else. And most frustrating of all the author just keeps ignoring it as if it was obvious that doing jack shit when like everyone is against you is the right play?
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      Unfortunately you are not wrong. However, we have to understand that he is an entity that theoretically does not die, he sets his own limitations, his own rules so as not to go crazy. Honestly, after hundreds of reincarnations, not going crazy in itself is an achievement.
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      1. Offline
        Tbh that trait of his was accurate coz he has reincarnated many times and he knows he will continue to, he is like just why bother, also wt Lucas said was correct, he sets his own limitations on himself to not bore himself, it's just like while playing a video games, if the games was easy we would ask for hard version of it (same as him setting limitations on himself) we don't want to be bored so we always want something thrilling and challenging,
        And snowflake, the mc could have just used his full power from get go and go op mc route but will it be interesting or exciting, and he might even have done it once in his previous reincarnations. Some times it is exciting but repeating it again and again, it would be too dull.
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  2. Offline
    Is this novel originally English?
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    #panic# 227 глава запрашивается в виде загрузки файла
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  4. Offline
    This novel is pretty good. I think if author didn't add some girls (Like Nana,Levu and Clarice) it will be better. There are some plotholes and most sex scenes look too similar. But i think this book deserve 6.5/10. reader
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  5. Offline
    Quote: Sajiki-2
    Fourth Prince's Debauchery

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  6. Offline
    It had ok smut and wish fulfillment until the author started writing about immortals around chapter 500. Serious plots could be good, but the author executed them somewhat poorly and made the story unnecessarily stressful and drawn out. Besides that, the ending was rushed and it felt like the world wasn't explored enough. Overall, it's a borderline readable wish-fulfillment novel if you skip all the filler chapters and non-MC battle scenes.
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  7. Offline
    Pls update this, this is already finished. And it's only a few chapters left before it's end.
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    1. Online Offline
      Looks like it’s been updated
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  8. Offline
    The fact that the main character f#cks everything that moves I can accept. But the fact that the author shows him all-powerful and then puts him on his knees like a dog is just bullshit.

    I was hoping he wouldn't turn the main character into some shit. Yes, the MC didn't have strong developments, but at least it was possible to read that way.

    But this...? Total disappointment. The book just took my time and left me with a bad feeling.

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  9. Offline
    DEVIL 魔鬼
    I really liked this work. welldone And I advise everyone. know But as I understand it, due to problems, the author cannot finish it yet. cat
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  10. Offline
    ass pull Army is a signs of bad writing and we can see signs from chapter 500 ,nerfing mc as an immortal whenever he confronts another immortal as it is happening right now with his daughter she suddenly got the skills to f#ck over 2 immortals and one is a seer that is the world will, like that is believable
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