5 months ago

Inhuman Warlock by Demonic_angel

Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity’s strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people... Read more
Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity’s strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people awakened various powers.

After his parents perished for the sake of humanity, he was sent to the government facility so that they could keep an eye on his powers when they awakened. Unfortunately, even after 5 years, his powers didn’t awaken.

The government gave up on the boy and allowed the scientists to use him as an experimental subject for their painful tests on the human bodies, but on the first test itself, Lucifer died. He saw the smile on the scientist’s face even as he took his last breath.

Was it truly the end?

But what happens when the boy truly awakens? What if he awakened not one, but more than four powers that were capable of destroying the world itself if used properly?

The strongest Warlock who could have been humankind’s greatest protector was driven to become it’s biggest enemy.

What happens when the boy that has awakened several powers at once starts seeking vengeance.

Can the protectors of humanity face the wrath of the Strongest Warlock? Can they stop the person who kills without blinking? Or are they destined to be swallowed by the Darkness they created?

Join the journey of the Most Powerful Warlock… Collapse
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Comments 94

  1. Online Offline
    The novel hasn't updated for 3 months. Has the author dropped it or something??
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  2. Offline
    my favorite but it only goes to 3.7/5 cause of
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  3. Offline
    All the people complaining about the academy arc and his amnesia clearly dont understand. He was clearly messed up in the head. It was like at least 200 chapters of him killing anything that said the word no. Him losing his mind and given an actual family let him see the good side of things so when he does get his memory back, he's a little more balanced. He's still cold and calculative, but he's not going around killing people just for the hell of it. And for the academy arc, he's a kid. What do you expect to happen when the story takes place in modern times with schools around and the MC is a kid? Of course he will go to school. At least the author skipped most of it and you only had to deal with 50 or so chapters of it. Anyways, i enjoyed the story when i read it, but i dont think i will ever catch up since it looks like the author dropped it. Really sucks. I hate when these damn authors drop their damn novels for no real reason
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    1. Online Offline
      Felix Kaisel
      Author started uploading again
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    2. Offline
      Author is focusing on other novel, he have multiple of it
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      1. Offline
        I understand that but it still sucks when they get you so invested into a novel but then drop it when you are almost done. And yes I know he came back to finish it
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  4. Offline
    I wonder what kind of parents in their right mind would name their kids Lucifer?
    During the first 100 chapters, human psychologic is weird or maybe the Author's idea about it was actually twisted, he just either didn't understand it at all or tried to force his way of thinking in for the plot to advance.

    After those arcs, i think it was getting better though. Plot seemed to progress more naturally.
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  5. Offline
    And what is the topic with these variants and warlocks. I don't understand, please explain why it's not super, mutants or metahumans.
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    1. Offline
      Its just what they call them
      I dont see problem with this
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    2. Offline
      Why must we call them super or mutants? Was there a rule that everyone must follow in calling things?
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  6. Offline
    Honestly, I tried to like this novel because the concept was pretty interesting but after almost 200 chapters I really couldn't do it anymore. It's basically just a compilation of people trying to kill him
    , him getting angry and killing people for even the slightest annoyance.
    I've heard it gets better between 450-500 but then it gets worse because
    . All of this along with a forced plot just isn't what I'm looking for.
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  7. Offline
    absolute waste of time. the author suddenly puts amnesia on the MC, makes him waste years of his life living under a complete lie, and then to put the final nail in the coffin, makes him go through a f#cking academy arc
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  8. Offline
    Can anyone tell me if the story got better or not around chapter 850?
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  9. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    Hey Guys can any body tell me in which chapter he trains his black lightning and almost destroy the city?
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    1. Offline
      I don't remember the exact chapter name but I do know he nearly destroyed before going to that women's kingdom who made her enemies her puppet or something like that it was around 380-430 chapters
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      1. Offline
        Mister potato g123
        OK thanks 👍👍
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  10. Offline
    Please someone tell me all of the Power's Lucifer has shown until now....
    With [spoiler] of course wiseacre
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