1 year ago

Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts某霍格沃茨的魔文教授

Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again.

What will... Read more
Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again.

What will happen when Muggle wisdom, innovation and magic come together?

PS1. Professor of ancient magic runes.
PS2. Timeline, second year of the golden trio.
PS3. MC don't know plot of the HP, other than it's adventure of three friends with 8 movies. Collapse
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Comments 45

  1. Offline
    its a decent enough fan-fic where it slowly gets worst at a bearable level. Dont expect much accuracy to the original work in terms of plot, characters, personality, or intentions, but the author tried well enough.

    Sometimes due to wording, sentence structure, perspective or "sayings", we get an occasional whiff of cn cultivation TL novel's subliminals in there. especially the unethical and brutal manslaughter of a butchered poems of latter sorting hat songs. Where it feela more like deranged failed haikus instead.

    Novel's still worth a casual fling.
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  2. Offline
    I'm halfway through the novel, why does this even have the romance tag when there's no romance at all...
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      Автор в последних главах "вспомнил" что не добавил романтику и на скорую руку накидал романтику длиной в 10 глав
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        Yea, I saw that... romance in the last few chapters cheerful
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          there was quite a bit of romance between side characters?
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  3. Offline
    As far as i can tell by now only read this if you like Hp, the story and arent caring all that much for mc or his involment in it. (For those seeking to have a story that is mostly a what if strong wizard became teacher of hp and co than this is likely it (its good written and as far as ive read (in the novel (not very far but still enough to somewhat understand it and from the comments) also done well) but if you want a new char that flips the world up and down is himself interresting like in HPAMJ than youre not right here correct me if im wrong tho but i wasnt getting what i was expecting so i dropped it (likely because im not in the mood to basicaly reread hp just done with good changes(and diffrent persepctives) and seeing people sayings its realy good)
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      What's HPAMJ?
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        Harry Potter: a magical journey. wiseacre
        One of my favourites.
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  4. Offline
    Ultimately, i cant really disagree with any of the reviews mentioned before. I really enjoyed the first 400 or so chapters, but then felix or the mc became a background character. I stopped around 660 because certain aspects of the story really just started to annoy me. Im sure i will pick it up eventually again to finish, but im burnt out for now which really sucks since im so close to being done but im just getting more annoyed with each chapter. Anyways, this is what i disliked about this novel. I wont mention what i liked because there are already many glorious reviews praising it and i dont see the reason just to add on that

    In the beginning of the story, Felix made a point saying he has a golden finger and the more he uses a spell the more powerful it becomes. For example, he had to use a certain spell 20,000x for the spell to reach level 6. So as long as he works hard enough, he could do it in do time, even at a young age. But in my opinion, thats not a cheat but just hard work. But then we have Harry over here who is being a lazy SoB, well, maybe not lazy per se but compared to Hap or Mc he is incredibly lazy. The author made a point at some point when he harry was trying the unforgiveable curses and they were already at level 4 if not higher after just one try, and he implied that harry is piggybacking off the horcrux scar and using that to increase his power so basically using voldemorts knowledge of spells to influence his power which is really cheap. It reminds me of cultivation novels where the MC will get some special bloodline and let fight people who are 5 to 6 realms above them without really doing the work to deserve that privilege.

    The second thing that annoyed me which i have already touched upon is that felix hap/MC has become a background character for the past 200 chapters. I liked the HP world but i could really care less about the characters in general so i started reading this story with the intention of it being about anything but HP or they would be the background characters like in HP: A Magical Journey. But they became the only focus.
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  5. Offline
    A new surprise from a fanfiction from which I didn't expect much.

    I passed in front of this novel a bundle of faith, but I did not dare to read it because of certain negative comments, serious error on my part. Indeed, "Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts" is one of the best Harry Potter fanfiction I've read so far, for several reasons:

    Let's be clear, this story is perfectly written and if you don't like it, it's just not your type, no need to create imaginary errors in it. Especially the criticisms on the POV changes. Yes, there are a lot of changing points of view, but these don't spoil the story.

    In my eyes, there are two types of POV change:

    1. The change of POV type "Off topic", I call it that because these can take between 20 to 100 chapters, during which you will follow secondary characters who find themselves far from the MC and see them do actions unnecessarily long that could have been summed up in a short paragraph once the protagonist returned to them. Unnecessarily long passages whose presence adds nothing except unnecessary length. forwhat

    2. The "Correct" type POV change. These point of view changes revolve around the MC and allow us to see his actions through the eyes of one or more secondary characters. Thus have seen with a new eye the protagonist and the nature of the events that surround him. know

    I'll let you guess that the POV changes present in this novel are "correct" and will only enrich the story. Especially since it's a fanfiction that doesn't abandon its original MC, Harry Potter and his two friends, unlike 80% of other fanfiction. bond

    Because yes, it's another good point in this story, the golden trio grows at the same time as the MC Felix. And that, a lot of fanfiction writers tend to trample the MCs of the original works under their protagonist's feet, turning many of the works they love into a mess.

    Another good point is to follow a protagonist who becomes a teacher, and remains a teacher at Hogwarts, unlike many other Harry Potter fanfics where the MC is just a student. This brings us a new point of view on the plot of the original work.

    Moreover, Felix does not know the plot of Harry Potter, it may seem like nothing but in fact it brings a lot to the story. Indeed the MC is not going to approach another character because he knows he is important for the plot, but just because he gets on well with him. This changes from the protagonists who calculate everything in advance because they know the plot, here the MC does not calculate anything at all and is, suddenly, more authentic in his approach to the other characters and the plot. It does not work in the Harry Potter universe and fits in perfectly, something that many fanfictions struggle to succeed.

    We can conclude that "Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts" is a fanfiction that brings us a new point of view on the story of Harry Potter while respecting its characters and its plots. The MC fits perfectly into the wizarding world and is authentic in his reactions to the encounters he will make and the events that will be imposed on him. A good discovery that I regret not having read earlier. satisfied
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  6. Offline
    i rarely write reviews, but this was just a great fic, all the characters had their good points and bad points displayed very well, the story was fun and a good take on the whole wizarding world, my only complaint was that Felix never got fully fleshed out in my opinion, we didn't get a FULL view on his past and towards the end, his thoughts were very convoluted
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    1. Offline
      is there any romance or is the romance tag fake?
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        answered you in my other comment
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  7. Offline
    Mi único problema es el nombre del mc que me recuerda al trap de re:zero
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  8. Offline
    I honestly don't know what to say about this. It's just really good. It's a great read, has great plot and the characters fit pretty well. Obviously of course this has my own bias to it so take it with a grain of salt, however you cannot deny that even if this isn't good in your own opinion, this is by far one of the best HP FanFics.

    Now my tiny nitpicks is that the story is short and long. There are chapters where it skips a big chunk of story, especially, if I remember correctly somewhere in the 400s range and chapters that extends for way to long like somewhere in the beginning. And some of the stuff is never mentioned at all like the MCs cheat(?). Only 1-2 mentions pretty later on which is sad as his Cheat is interesting
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  9. Offline
    Marco Tulio
    My opinion, is this story worth reading? The answer is yes! In all certainty, the plot was well thought out, and opens up great possibilities, here people will find the Harry Potter story hypothesized what would happen if a powerful archmage had not obsessed with "for the greater good!" decided to intervene and correct the main errors of the original story.
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  10. Offline
    This is actually a pretty good Fanfic considering not much changes from canon until the 4th year (second year MC teaches). It's mentioned in the first chapter(that doesn't appear until somewhere in the 500s for some reason so if you want to read that one, I suggest looking it up in the chapter search or going to Webnovel to read it before coming back) that the mc never watcher the Harry Potter movies so he doesn't really know the plot at all so his past life is barely brought up besides his knowledge of what future technology and surveillance looks like which becomes much more important later in the later chapters.

    Don't expect the MC to change the plot much until after year 4 since he literally has no idea what the plot is or how he could change it. Sure, he changes something that are very important like taking over the Dueling Club after Lockharts failed attempt which leads to the cast being proficient in a lot of different spells.

    Speaking of plot changes, probably the most noticeable one would be the entire 4th year. This seems to be one of only two major changes the author made to the original that doesn't have the MC being the cause of it (the other being the eventual discovery of the Wizarding World that comes along with how advanced technology and surveillance becomes. it hasn't happened yet where I am at but you can definitely tell that is where the author is going). Instead of the Triwizard Tournament taking place during the 4th year, it is upgraded to the Tournament of Champions because both the American and African wizarding schools decided they wanted to be apart of the tournament (I really don't know why Author added the African school since the American School actually has some relevance to the plot every now and then). This leads to every school needing 3 champions to form a team which inevitably lead to both Hermione and Ron joining Harry as his team members.

    One thing to note is that the MC doesn't interfere much with the Golden Trios adventures. Most of this stems from the fact that he has been essentially training Hermione since she is his assistant so she is much stronger in this than in the original. This plus knowing Harry and the gang will be alright since he know there were 7 movies lead to him not really interfering until it's something he thinks they can't handle. It's also stated multiple times the what Felix really wants is to really not be bothered so he can continue his studies into the Ancient Runes, which is pretty much his main reason for becoming a teacher in the first place so he can have more access to Hogwarts resources. He also definitely doesn't see him self as a righteous person so he doesn't see the point in interfering with most things.

    The power scale of Felix in this is a bit wonky since he doesn't really fight anyone until Voldemort comes back and that just when the MC steps into the "realm" of Dumbledore and Voldemort. Even then, you never really get a clear understanding since the MC seems to be all over the place in what he is studying. Literally, the best description of what one of his spells could do was within the previous 20 or so chapter I read (I'm at chapter 651) and that's that he created a spell that copies the properties of the Mandrakes scream (The plant monster from the first movie that screams at Ron.) which leads to the MC speculating he could destroy a city if he ever had to use it. Pretty much every other spell or Ancient Rune he uses, you don't get a clear understanding of how powerful he could make it.

    Last thing I will say about the novel is that you have to go in expecting to see a lot of the perspective of the Golden Trio. This is still very much Harry's story, the only change being that he now has a very powerful teacher that isn't Dumbledore. It does put me off a bit since I do wish that the MC's perspective would be focused on more, but I understand why it is happening. The MC in this is not only really powerful, but is also a teacher. This means that a lot of that challenges Harry has to face is pretty much nothing to Felix. Plus, if you really think about it, a lot of Harry's troubles come from him being a student with very few exceptions. The MC just wants to continue to research Ancient Runes, while Harry and the Gang are the ones who will actually be effected by the plot of the novel.
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