10 months ago

A Black Market LitRPG by M.G Driver

Kyle woke up in a land of fantasy and magitech. The usual 'I died and woke up' bullshit, skip all... Read more
Kyle woke up in a land of fantasy and magitech. The usual 'I died and woke up' bullshit, skip all that.

Except he used to be a crime lord, and society here is missing that extra kick. Collapse
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Comments 80

  1. Offline
    He is actually remaking all the story (check madara's link)
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  2. Offline
    Chapters have stopped on RR because the author got banned so he started writing on Scribblehub. You can get the rest of his chapters (150s) on there instead. Link below.

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    1. Offline
      Jack Kaneki
      Wait why did he get banned for?
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        Honestly, not sure. I just saw the authors comment on a chapter comments section
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    2. Offline
      You legit bro👍
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  3. Offline
    It’s a good novel novel. it’s action packed to the fullest. The a fighting and action arcs are non stop without a break. From dealing with with street gangs, to city gangs them we jump to nations arms dealer so fast the Mc Kyle doesn’t take a break pressure in is ambitions.
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  4. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    story was ok but not that good. if you are in a pinch and want something to read go for it but not something I would be recomending
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  5. Offline
    Review cap 100

    I really agree with all that Malevolgia wrote, I only have 2 points to add.

    I started the read because the tags "Cold and Evil protagonist" and a history of a crime lord. Yes, the tags are correct, but let's get to what bothers me about the novel.

    First, until the chapter 100, the author has introduced 10 or more main subordinates for mc, and ever that someone is going to die, the mc save putting your life at risk. He literally walks in front of gunfire, inhales toxic products, gets stabbed, all to protect one of his top subordinates like a hero protecting your princess.

    Second, it's meant to be a darker novel, remove the plot armor and kill some underlings and then introduce others.

    Only my personal opinion, good novel and I'll keep reading.
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    1. Offline
      it is antithetical for Kyle to let subordinates die in front of him, especially after he has put in so much resources into growing and training them. It is not a hero complex, but rather an investment mindset - Kyle would never let his property die if a single action from him could save it, especially when he is confident in his strength.

      there are many real life examples of mafia bosses stepping in for their subordinates. its what keeps the men loyal, and the money trickling upwards to the bosses in exchange for protection: both legal and physical.

      a gang that doesnt support their lower rungs is almost always doomed to failure - secret societies must have a proper support structure to ensure loyalty.

      Do not conflate ethics with saving people. There are various different reasons as to why someone saves another person. Kyle saves people purely out of their usefulness to him. In the example you gave, Kyle only chose to save one person, but not the other five. If Kyle wanted to, he could have saved the other five: he didn't.

      Saving a useful property or a slave is different from saving a princess like a hero. Kyle calculates benefits before acting. If you can explain why allowing a subordinate to die is beneficial when Kyle is able to save him at no extra risk nor cost, I will accept your argument.

      with this information you can probably guess why Kyle was betrayed in his former life.
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      1. Offline
        I understand that you want a crime lord with ethics, but for a more real novel, it's necessary for some subordinates to die. There are already 100 chapters of fights, schemes and war, with hundreds of deaths, and his subordinates always survive, they are normal peoples with only a few months of trainining.

        One exemple that bothered me,

        The death of some peoples not is a bad thing, it's for the reader to never know what might happen and to make them want to keep reading.
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  6. Offline
    It's a good, not great, read. The characters are consistent, and sprinkled with enough personality to make them real, or at least believable.

    The premise is good, I'm not a fan of 'systems' or 'gamelit', but thankfully here is done with some sobriety and care.

    My greatest problem with the story is the pacing. It feels so rushed is vertigo-inducing. The MC has no chance to adapt and author just keep throwing bigger and more insane problems that the protagonist obviously cannot conceivably resolve.

    Like damn author, take a breather, let MC and therefore the readers rest a bit. I'm not asking for a slice of life, but damn. At least solve one problem before presenting 4 more, with greater urgency and agency.
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    1. Offline
      I totally agree, tell us about the gang's business, how is it developing, maybe add some pow?
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      1. Offline
        there seems to be too much pow
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    2. Offline
      there will be breather after war.

      the reason why the pacing feels rushed is because of the overarching tension. the story is event-driven, so just like a real-life war, multiple parties and events are happening concurrently outside of the MC's decisions.

      it makes for a less engaging read, i agree, because it pressures the reader, and it feels like the MC cant do anything. but dont underestimate the MC, he has everything he needs to solve them.

      thanks for reading.
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      1. Offline
        Jack Kaneki
        Then why the next arc called "The Wardens" aka
        I have a feeling that after the break it will be straight into the oven poor ol Kyle
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  7. Offline
    As far as I know, there's 3 other authors who have accounts on this site.
    1: Void Herald,
    Author of The Perfect Run, and a couple other novels.
    2: TechnexGames, #Technex#,
    Author of Restarting From Genesis.
    3: This was way back, 2 years ago I think, and I remember panic specifically tagging them in the main page comments.
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    1. Offline
      Techex replies in ranobe
      Also the author of i hate systems is a ranobes users
      Also for other authors and ranobe users check

      Ranobe fan made discord server-
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      Hiya! :D
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  8. Offline
    it's not good at all. the system is confusing, if the author can't even do this, it's definitely not worth waiting for something good:
    a lot of attribute points for the first levels, the gigantism of numbers just annoys me. endless titles that only spoil everything.
    Even if the hero has brought back memories of how he wets gang leaders at level 1, who should clearly not be done with a finger, as if chopping cabbage.

    the rating is not deserved
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    1. Offline
      sorry to hear that! thanks for reading
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      1. Offline
        hey author, you wrote a great novel and it reminds me of The Legendary Mechanic welldone
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    2. Offline
      Jack Kaneki
      Even if the hero has brought back memories of how he wets gang leaders at level 1, who should clearly not be done with a finger, as if chopping cabbage.

      Man the last part of your sentence doesn't even make sense
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  9. Offline
    While it's a fascinating idea, I've never been able to read about evil protagonists - gives me the icks and I just feel bad. Albeit, the premise is really creative! :3 And the author seems kinda chill too? So I might end up giving this a shot.

    For anyone who cares, the formatting and all is a LOT nicer on Royalroad, and you don't need an account to read, so maybe give it a shot there. The link to it is in the 'links' bit, below 'Events' which is below 'Genres'.
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    1. Offline
      he still follows a certain code, not full murderhobo.

      thank you for the kind words welldone
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  10. Offline
    not a bad read, but I hate the synopsis.
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