7 days ago

I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World我在巫师世界做日常任务

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community, where powerful wizards wantonly capture... Read more
This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community, where powerful wizards wantonly capture gods, conquer planes, and reshape civilizations.

Upon entering this world, Lynn realized that knowledge is power, and power is truth. On the path of seeking truth, he will always remains a humble apprentice. Collapse
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Comments 57

  1. Offline
    Heys guys tell me if you know this novel.

    Description: the MC and most people can somehow enter inside items or objects and fight monsters that represent the degradation of said objects, and by killing the monsters and getting back into the real world can magically improve and even outright upgrade the objects. There is some kinda classes like in d&d too, I also think the novel is Litrpg based
    The MC may have been isekaied, or somehow regained previous life memories or something along those lines I dont remember exactly....read it a while back.

    Story: The MC is a male, the story starts in a village, there is a strict hierarchy in the village and almost nobody is allowed to go out of the village by the village chief, the MC is kinda looked down upon by other due to his grandpa making some problems or mistakes in the past so he is like an outcast.
    Then some soldiers comes to the village to fight a changeling and they conscript the magic users from the village and MC goes along with the youths among them is the granddaughter of village chief. They defeat the monster with some modern earth physics application and somehow blow up the monster.
    Then back at the village the MC somehow upgrades his class fights the village chief and spelndidly loses and chief let's him know some secrets to his grandpa's past andthen he gets out of the village and travels to nearby city and join some kinda approximation of adventurers or mercenary guild or it could be the gaurds in the city too....done remeber much.....and this is all I remember
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      The novel name is delve
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      Para min parece 'Leveling up the world'...
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  2. Offline
    Why,why, this was dropped.I read 52 chapters and this story was good.It was well fleshed out and had good characters but soon it will be stopped.
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      191 Raw chapters and dropped, last update was 2 Years ago.
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      In case your still interested it's being updated. Reached 100 recently
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  3. Offline
    I am surprised, how this novel is not more famous? It's one of the great novel I have read as of chapter 180. This story focus on our MC who is on journey to become Great wizard, the world is multidimensional world with countless gods and races. Wizards are seekers of truth and one of, if not strongest power all across Multiverse, this guys only see so called Great God's and Abyss lord as nothing more than material for experiment.
    They are also very cruel as they only care about people around them and all others are material to be experiment. The world is very dark and realistic with lots of death and every other guy wanting a piece of you. Only problem is last update was 9 months ago, so it's probably dropped.
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    1. Online Offline
      Ngl I thought this was Harry Potter fanfic lol
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      1. Offline
        Can't blame you for that, but in all honesty, if this was not dropped it will be at level of Reverend Insanity and Lord of the Mysteries level novel.
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          i'm putting my trust in your words hokage
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  4. Offline
    Why do people always say that these types of novels are inspired by Warlock of the Magus World? The author of WLOTMW name is literally The Plagiarist
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      Royal Society
      Raaah peepo048
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    2. Offline
      It's because those idiots read one novel and likes it, then they think all novels similar to it is based on the novel they liked for some reason. It's pretty stupid
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    3. Online Offline
      Its like iphone users, they think iphone invented those things.
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    4. Offline
      Demon, how dare you bring logic to an online debate. This evil practitioner is too dangerous to be left alive!
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  5. Offline
    The TL website isn’t linked on here so here it is
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      Thank you!
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  6. Offline
    Довольно плохо написано. "Мир магов" с "мертвыми" персонажами. 40 глав не раскрыли характер главного героя. Кто он, чего он хочет ... Много бессмысленных описаний.
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  7. Offline
    This novel is really good but .... the Author did dropped this story what what 13
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      Bard of Anarchy
      Are you sure butwhy
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        Last update 20-04-2023
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  8. Offline
    #Panic# the MTL is not actually translated. only the 1st half of the 1st chapter is
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      only we
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        Panic?! I thought you were still at the disco!
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        1. Offline
          Ah, I see what you did there very clever, much funnny.
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          1. Offline
            No, this joke goes far futher than you can imagine. You now have two choices before you: 🔵 🔴

            Take the blue pill and you'll forget this ever happened. Take the red pill and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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              1. Offline
                Excellent choice my friend.

                In fact, Panic has been at the disco a long time, almost 20 years now. The last time he was seen was more more that 15 years ago, when everybody - everybody but one - left the disco. It had become an urban legend, "Panic, 15 years alone at the disco".

                According to rumors, his best friend once took a doctor to Panic, who diagnosed him with Saturday Night Fever. Apparently this illness can be infectious with prolonged exposure and so everyone left him to his fate.

                That is why it is so amazing that he is here. Not only has he left the disco, it appears that he has made a full recovery. This is unprecedented. You must know that Saturday Night Fever has a death rate of over 99% within 10 years.

                This truly proves that anything is possible and strengthens my belief in the indomitable will of the human spirit. I expect that as word gets out this will become one of, if not the top story of the decade.
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                1. Offline
                  wtf did I just read ?
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                  I know what you're thinking right now. You're wondering why you didn't take the blue pill. Unfortunately there are no take backs in life and, now that you know the truth, you can only take action. So, what will you do?
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                3. Offline
                  I know what I'm going to do ... I'm not going to this Rabbit Hole alone... I'm going to convince someone to take the red pill💀[s][/s]
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  9. Offline
    Genuinely a great novel for those who like rational mc like Warlock of the Magus World and Reverend Insanity!

    Highly recommend this gem!!
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  10. Offline
    I enjoyed this story a lot, so far i have read the mtl up to 100 chapters. As noted by some of the other commenters, this novel draws heavy inspiration from Warlock of the Magus World if you liked that book you MUST give this one a try.

    -Hardworking and rational MC
    -Responsible usage of system elements (experienced readers will know how rare this is)
    -Mob villains are treated like mobs (no drama where the young get killed and the old come out)
    -MC stays cautious and lowkey until an opportunity comes along and hes like "Fu#k it, we ball" (if you read the novel you will understand this unique charm)

    That being said, the author seems to be somewhat free styling the story as the inspiration comes to him which is a bit worrying in terms of the story's stability. We get a lot of almost slice of life sections of the MC going about his Mage apprentice duties. The author does a great job with the worldbuilding (cough copied from WOTMW cough) but is having a hard time writing a plot that is unique to this story.

    In summary, this is a GREAT Warlock of the Magus World fanfiction being passed off as an original. I give it a 4/5
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