15 hours ago

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God重生之最强剑神

Starting over once more, he has entered this «living game» again in order to control his own fate.... Read more
Starting over once more, he has entered this «living game» again in order to control his own fate. This time, he will not be controlled by others. Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Methods to earn money! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Equipment drop locations! Undiscovered battle techniques! Even the secrets Beta Testers were unknowledgeable of, he knows of them all. Massive wars, life advancement, entering Godhood, sword reaching to the peak; a legend of a man becoming a Sword God has begun. Collapse
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Comments 195

  1. Offline
    I choose to abandon this novel long time ago when author decide to restart to chapter 1.

    Some people trust author is a genius who saw 3000 chapters before but for me author just don’t want to continue furthermore the 3k chapters.

    I remember write all plots or subplots forgotten or awaiting then I saw back then author decide to stop then some weeks laters he decide to just start to 0 because he knew that he need money but don’t want to bother with the main story of 3k chapters. That why I let it be.

    It just my story for this novel.

    He is good with writing style and I was very attracted and satisfied back then. I recommend to read it but for me I’m done.

    Have a nice day.
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  2. Online Offline
    Это произведение уже имеет все главы на английском. Я дочитал на другом сайте.
    Всем советую. Читается очень легко и сюжет не стоит на месте.
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  3. Offline
    Hello guys have a question why is this novel still at 800+ chapters and had a daily update? Im sure i've read this for about 2000+Chapters before. Is this a rewrite or what?
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    1. Offline
      The 800+ chapters after the end are a continuation the author is writing as a side story, it's basically a new novel in the same world with similar characters and both stories are linked, it's worth taking the time to read it
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      1. Online Offline
        he returns back to the time he first regressed from... and thats y its called 'reincarnation of the strongest sword god' else it wud hav been 'reincarnation of some random guy who got chased out of his guild'... is what my guess is
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        1. Offline
          When you put it like that... it seems author already planned this 3000+ chapters ahead of time... shocked3
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          1. Online Offline
            Hes 3000 chapters ahead of you
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  4. Offline
    Guys can i ask you a questions In this novel. our MC here have a territories or land to govern or pure adventures only.
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    1. Offline
      He have a guild and does have an area he rule but dont go in thinking its a kingdom building coz its not. Anything MC build will becomes irrelevant a few chapters later since its a game and he'll have to go on another adventure to collect things he needs to upgrade and after he upgreade or build bigger area it get surpassed by some guild and he have to catch up agan and so on. Its a game of wack a mole, MC is always in the look for another big thing instead of building and expanding already collected advantages.
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      1. Offline
        Thanks bro 😎 for the information boast
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  5. Online Offline
    #panic# Chapter 767 needs fixing
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  6. Offline
    I think i'll just rest on the manhua i'll find a gem to read i know there is atleast one i didn't see or skipped without knowing it was a gem
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  7. Offline
    I gave up on the original story around chapter 1500, is it worth just skipping and starting from the alternate ending?
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    1. Offline
      Paranoid Cat
      Alternate ending is a different story and you can start from there.
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      1. Offline
        Does it mean that in this alternate ending, mc's vice guid leaders ( female side characters) already have worst ending? Mc change their fate due to mc knowing their future... if mc return to his before suicide timeline than doesn't it mean mc can't change their fate? Their is also assassin girl who is unknown in mc's present timeline.
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  8. Offline
    10 days without update. What is going on?
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    1. Offline
      this has been updated
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  9. Offline
    As one the first novels I ever read RSSG has a high place in my heart despite the face slapping and info dumps and a shitty ending. Now that lucky old cat started writing this again I'm here for it
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  10. Offline
    this is like a drug , It's bad, you know it's bad, but you can't stop.

    in my mind is 2/5, but in my heart is 5/5
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