19 hours ago

Supreme Magus by Legion20

Derek McCoy was a man that since from young age had to face many adversities. Often forced to... Read more
Derek McCoy was a man that since from young age had to face many adversities. Often forced to settle with surviving rather tha living, had finally found his place in the world, until everything was taken from him one last time.

After losing his life to achieve revenge, he reincarnates until he finds a world worth living for, a world filled with magic and mosters. Follow him along his journey, from grieving brother to alien soldier. From infant to Supreme Magus. Collapse
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Comments 454

  1. Offline
    + 00 -
    Дочитал до 1170 глав понял что мне уже напливат на произведение и на мир в целом автор ваше куколд ебаный а гг как и автор далбайоб всо ахуена разочеравался лиш в 1 что гг и салус так и не стали парой (дальше для автора если ты читаешь я искренне желаю чтоб ты всю жизнь был адинок чтоб у тебя небыла не друзей не любимый чтоб ты с сваим Верховный маг до гроба работал и непазнал счастья амин ) ehh

    Quote: Darkling133
    MC in need of mental counselling. Seriously, his is on a whole different level of idiocy that makes trolls with -special needs- looks like geniuses. His romance choice is amazing, he was in a relationship with a sweetheart girl from his childhood. Coming from a perfect background, pure and smart. Ofc he dumped her to be with a slut who is the -bicycle of town- he met on his ranger duty and fckd right away. Not enough, he married the slut and started to help her family. So my conclusion: Good environment, good side characters, good grammar and spelling, worthless, wuss, woke and idiotic mc. 2/5. Overrated to the limit.

    Как же я тебя панемаю я уже желаю чтоб автор павесился к чертам сабачим
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  2. Offline
    + 53 -
    MC in need of mental counselling. Seriously, his is on a whole different level of idiocy that makes trolls with -special needs- looks like geniuses. His romance choice is amazing, he was in a relationship with a sweetheart girl from his childhood. Coming from a perfect background, pure and smart. Ofc he dumped her to be with a slut who is the -bicycle of town- he met on his ranger duty and fckd right away. Not enough, he married the slut and started to help her family. So my conclusion: Good environment, good side characters, good grammar and spelling, worthless, wuss, woke and idiotic mc. 2/5. Overrated to the limit.
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    1. Offline
      Easy Reader
      + 00 -
      I dropped this novel with the primary factor being the aforementioned romance and sexual (im)morality of the novel.
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  3. Offline
    + 12 -
    Guys i've got a question, i'm at ch 400 right now and I want to know if this novel going to be Interstellar or not? Thx for answering
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    1. Offline
      + 11 -
      No, it will not.
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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
      Unfortunately, not that I know (+2000~)
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  4. Online Offline
    + 00 -
    While I paused for chapters to accumulate, I'm honestly surprised it's still ongoing...if WWG ended at fuging 2353 what the heck has been happening the following 600chapters ... dunno if it's worth returning... sigh
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  5. Offline
    + 90 -
    The magic is good. The story is well structured. The MC's mental problems are eternal. The romance is appreciated, but it realistically shows all of its bad sides. The pace became too slow. The enemies are always stronger than the MC, and he basically gets to become the pincushion that absorbs all damage for the whole country and beyond. Too many dramatic emotions: things could've been simpler, but it feels like the world itself puts a maze in the middle... The guardians want the short-lived humans to remember their lessons. Thus they have a non interference policy. Yet there's a fugin world crisis every day of the week. I don't remember why exactly I dropped... I just left the chapters accumulate while I read something else or lived life, then I never retook it. I had once jokingly commented that the novel will be 2000 chapters long, when it was just reaching 500. But I feel like it's been stretched so far, and it all is a description of woes.
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    1. Online Offline
      + 00 -
      The pace became too slow. The enemies are always stronger than the MC, and he basically gets to become the pincushion that absorbs all damage for the whole country and beyond.

      That's what I'm saying! Author really tanked quality just to drag it out. I think I stopped near chap 1200 just because it got so repetitive and unoriginal that I could have sworn I had read that exact chapter with different names before.
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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
      I remember that I read this once and dropped(just few hundred chapters).i don't even remember the plot.
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  6. Offline
    + 93 -
    this shit is still ongoing? lmao. peepo025 peepo060 peepo060
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  7. Offline
    + 41 -
    This is some god tier jap beta bullshit. Supreme doormat indeed.
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  8. Offline
    Thalisson Figueiredo
    + 00 -
    When does the war against Thrud end?
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Уже закончилась...
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      1. Offline
        Thalisson Figueiredo
        + 00 -
        in which chapter?
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        1. Offline
          + 20 -
          Тебе уже ответили ниже в 2353 главе, Трофи и Победа.
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    2. Offline
      + 30 -
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  9. Offline
    + 00 -
    Lith's tribulation might be coming before ch-3000. The latest fight
    could be the opportunity.
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Nope... It gets even better.
      Tyris, the Great Mother Almighty gave us a taste of what the apex looks like -
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      Its a theory but its based on things that get introduced much later so I'll put spoiler tag
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  10. Offline
    + 115 -
    Well I would have given 5 if not for

    One of my favourite novels. Reason I liked it so much is cuz of how realistic the author made it, both the emotional stuff and the magic stuff is quite realistic. Also this isnt the type in which "Ohhh she is the most beautiful jewel of the country..... and next chapter she starts liking mc for no reason (or some stupid reason)". So basically mc doesn't hoard all the cute chicks of the world. Infact he only has one wife (well he gets married, thought thats waaay later, smth like chap 1500+).

    And relationships are quite realistic. Author stressed one thing the most: a relation built on a lie will eventually crumble. If u wanna have a good relation then be prepared to get urself 'naked'...
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    1. Offline
      + 20 -
      He didnt die, he isekaied/transmigrated into the next world.
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      1. Offline
        + 01 -
        No was reborn as his friend's kid... Even the natures match quiet
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