3 years ago

Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel很纯很暧昧前传

He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After... Read more
He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After convincing Yama to send him back to the world, he decides to fix the areas in which his life went wrong. Realizing the lack of love and romance in his past life, he sets out to conquer the hearts of various women. Collapse
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Comments 18

  1. Offline
    Cunny lover
    Maybe at the time this was written it may called a masterpiece but for now it's just cringe
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  2. Offline
    Quote: Nargeon
    They're not unrelated at all actually
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  3. Offline
    King of Darkness
    Its quite a fun one actually. Worth giving a try
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  4. Offline
    SM Shubho
    good story .....Fu#king bad translator ruin it for me ,AT Least. gloom
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  5. Offline
    Any Recommendations that are similar to this novel
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      It has 2 sequels which are So Pure, So Flirtatious and Beauty and the Bodyguard so do as you will with that
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  6. Offline
    it's good, gets lil boring in book 4 where i speed read. otherwise it's a good enjoyable novel.
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  7. Offline
    Death panda
    Death panda
    If this is the prequel where is the next one?
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      it's a trilogy with this one, So Pure So Flirtatious and final book being Beauty and the Bodyguard
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        Death panda
        Death panda
        I haven’t read so I can’t judge but they seem completely unrelated yet I haven’t read them all so
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          They're not unrelated at all actually
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            Death panda
            Death panda
            I think I read the second books manhua and if I’m right that mc gets a harem but it’s a realistic one where none of the girls know it was weird but yet entertaining thanks man
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              all 3 are harem novels because urban harem sells to people who fantasize
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              Death panda
              Death panda
              And I think the third one has one too but I’m not sure 8th grade was a storm of knowledge that sent me into this rabbit hole scary actually
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  8. Offline
    Evil Hunter
    Esse história é muito boa para quem curte cenas quentes, o cara era um gênio da programação e volta no tempo com todo o conhecimento que tinha e acaba roubando as ideias das empresas de tecnologia famosas em que ele trabalhava e fica muito rico.

    Conquista o paixão não correspondida na vida passada e ela era totalmente dedicada a ele, ela nota que ele tinha desejo por outas mulheres, mas estava se segurando pois não queria perder o amor dela, mas ela queria que ele fosse o máximo feliz nessa vida e também com medo de não conseguir mantê-lo, então ela permite que ele tenha outras esposas, desde de elas concordem em dividir, então começa um harém.

    Mas cada mulher do harém tem uma história legal por trás, algo trágico que o protagonista ajuda e desenvolve um relacionamento até conquistar a garota e até mesmo a família dela. têm alguns que são fáceis, pois o protagonista se torna um homem bem sucedido, então é normal que quem sabe sobre o dinheiro dele, seja mais fácil, mas a maioria tem um processo de conquista, o que é muito mais emocionante.

    Ele Também tinha alguns poderes de luta e depois aprende a cultivar, cria uma gangue do submundo para matar os inimigos e depois começa, cria também várias empresas em diversos ramos, mas a história é legal e tem poucos capítulos.
    Recomendo que leia essa história sim.

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  9. Offline
    Guy gets reborn to get his unrequited-but-actually-requited love, gets her sweet 16 year old virginity then proceeds to ignore her to build a harem. She's of course encouraging this because she has no personality beyond enabling the protagonist after the first 20 chapters. Oh and he has superpowers.

    I read a couple hundred chapters but eventually dropped it because there's really no plot beyond this guy screwing every woman he sees reluctantly as they throw themselves at him and his one true love cheers from the sidelines for some reason. Which sounds cool but there's no actual R-18 scenes so what's the point?
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    1. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      Nice. Thanks for the review. Thankfully I wont waste my time.
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      True 23
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