1 day ago

Cultivation Online by MyLittleBrother

Yuan was born with an incurable illness that left him blind at a young age and crippled a few years... Read more
Yuan was born with an incurable illness that left him blind at a young age and crippled a few years later, rendering everything below his head useless. Deemed hopeless and incurable, his family quickly gave up on him, and the world ignored him.

In this dark and still world, his younger sister became his sole reason for living. Watch as this young man reaches for the apex as a genius in Cultivation Online, the newest VRMMORPG, becoming a legendary figure in both worlds. Collapse
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Comments 734

  1. Offline
    I thought the author dropped this novel, has he not?
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  2. Offline
    MC takes nothing in life seriously. Puts everything off for later. Apparently has no common sense about the concept of what women are and the wild concept of sexual relations so he simply lets any girl do whatever they want, including having children with beasts. Talks about ascending but wants to spend time with random people, and somehow another 200 chapters go by and still f#cking around in the lower realm for no reason, just wasting time. Any female named in story that isn't explicitly stated as being too old for MC will in fact have some romantic relation to him, and that includes non humans.
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  3. Online Offline
    MLB gimme mass release >(
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  4. Online Offline
    Knight Wolf
    I am on chapter 170 and everything is going smoothly....... Way too smoothly.
    Will there ever be any suspense or hardship for MC, or is this trend gonna continue?
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  5. Offline
    Little big
    Anyone still reading this, plz reply to this comment when the flashback of tian yang (mc's reward to 4th heaven) is completed.
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    1. Offline
      It isn't done yet. :D
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    2. Offline
      Acc to WN readers, it will end around 1397 chapter or something!! So still takes some time ig!!
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    3. Offline
      Mohammed Awase Qarni
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  6. Online Offline

    I'm really tired and exhausted. I was searching for a good novel to read, but every time I read the comments about how much the story is trash, more than three hours had passed and I had made no progress.

    Now I really want to know what is a good novel that is worth reading. Please suggest some to me.
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    1. Offline
      Just try something, any novel will have comments saying it's trash because they dislike 1 tiny part of it
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    2. Offline
      Don't try this novel though, this novel is actually trash
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    3. Online Offline
      I can recommend some... But sadly only one is coming to mind for now 😭
      Try- strongest abandoned son.
      It's not some top novel but I enjoyed it, Infact it's only one of the few that I actually finished reading.
      There are few annoying factors but not too annoying for me to drop unlike too many Cultivation/harem novels.
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    4. Offline
      Mister potato g123
      Ultimate scheming system, plz try first 10 chaps without caring about the comments
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      1. Online Offline
        I already read it long ago to the chapter 300 or something like that, it was really good.
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    5. Offline
      I guess I'm the only one who likes this. I can recommend reading The Devil's Son-in-Law, a good work with 1000+ chapters and it's finished.
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      1. Offline
        Mister potato g123
        I'm with this fellow daoist, devil's son in law is great one
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    6. Online Offline
      Lord of the Nine
      It's best not to look at reviews. And if u do, the only thing u should take into consideration is the level of translation, or serious things like the MC getting cucked or something like that (Only if multiple people said the same thing, don't get baited by a troll).

      Keep the other stuff at the back of ur mind and later when u start reading, if u see something u don't like u can leave any time u want.
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  7. Offline
    I'm surprised this novel has quite a high rating. The main character is so Mary Sue that Mary Sue herself will strangle herself with envy. The only merit of this book is its good language.
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    1. Offline
      is 3.9 a very good rating?
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      1. Offline
        for trash like this yes
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    2. Offline
      it started good, then got progressively cringier.
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  8. Offline
    Top-tier trash novel, even among trash novels it stands out with its trashiness.
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    1. Offline
      Don't waste time reading this, the beginning was good, but it got so outrageous I couldn't believe the author had the audacity to release this trash. You know author is trash at writing and very shameless when he releases something so trash for everyone to read, either author has 0-IQ and doesn't realize his novel is so trash, or he is so greedy for money that he ignores the garbage he is writing and just releases it so he can keep getting money.
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  9. Offline
    Among my best cultivation novels joy
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  10. Offline
    C. Theo
    Someone help me out.
    I'm looking for a cultivation novel.

    The mc is the son of the sect master. He has runes in his eyes and he can devour other people cultivation with something like tentacles.
    He also has a sidekick, a boy with horn in his head that mc helped when the boy got injured during a sect competition.
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    1. Offline
      Chronicles of the asura clan
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