2 months ago

Kingdom's Bloodline王国血脉

A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you... Read more
A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you possess all three identities at the same time, which identity would you choose to help you earn a better ending?

Thales did not have the answer.

He only knew that he came to a different and magnificent world, and he had to face a future that was as difficult to handle as a nightmare.

The glorious Empire had already been destroyed for one thousand years, the dying royal family suffered many problems, the legendary sacred battle had plenty of conspiracies, the divided world was in chaos.

But Thales had nothing.

The only thing he had left was an unswerving determination to preserve his own identity, bravery which would allow him to survive in a perilous situation, and a belief that he would never submit to principles he did not believe.

«A King does not gain respect by virtue of his bloodline. The bloodline’s glory rests on the deeds of the King.»

Darkness will baptize light. Fire will create true steel. The forbidden prince’s story starts here. Collapse
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Comments 81

  1. Online Offline
    King greed5764577557
    Somebody know why is so late to update?
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  2. Online Offline
    King greed5764577557
    I can't believe how much this novel underrated
    Just read it
    Everything is fine
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  3. Offline
    From Chapter 596 Onwards are incomplete and the notes are a mess. fix it please. #panic#
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    1. Offline
      Hello, after chapter 569, the text is published as is after OCR text recognition.

      There are no notes or explanations from the translator; unfortunately, it is difficult to fix this problem.
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      only we
  4. Offline
    Overlord 15
    When will the MC become strong? 120 chapters have passed...
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  5. Offline
    #panic# it got more chapters upto 608
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  6. Offline
    #panic# it's updating in the official site and upto 607 is out. can you please update?
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  7. Offline
    it's a good work, While the characters in Kingdom's Bloodline are well-developed, it's disappointing how irritating the narrative can be. The author seems to have a knack for creating endearing characters with distinct and complex personalities, but unfortunately puts them in irritating and pointless situations. The way events unfold is often frustrating and illogical. The protagonist, for example, may make extremely questionable decisions that go against his own previously established personality. These inconsistencies can pull the reader out of the immersion in the story and raise questions about the coherence of the plot. Furthermore, the narrative often drags on aimlessly, prolonging unnecessary scenes and tedious dialogue. It feels like the author lacks the ability to cut out the superfluous parts and keep an engaging pace. This ends up detracting from the reading experience, making it tiring and dull. While the characters are a positive highlight in Kingdom's Bloodline, it's frustrating to see their well-built traits being wasted in an irritating, poorly executed narrative. It's a shame that a book with so much potential ends up becoming a source of frustration for readers.

    it would be Rank B or even A, but because of THAT ANNOYING CHARACTER CALLED RASCAL THIS TRASH WILL GET A RANK C--!!!!!!

    FU#K AUTHOR, fu#k your garbage!!!

    I read up to chp 223, and skimmed up to chps 256
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  8. Offline
    Never liked this story, it talks big like it is some epic kingdom tale but the actual story is disappointingly small in scale. Characters are pretty average and so is the worldbuilding. Plenty of other kingdom stories around that go the distance, was expecting more.
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    1. Offline
      How many chapters have you read?
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    2. Offline
      Clearly you haven’t read it, even people that don’t like this say, it has by far one of the best worldbuilding and characters.
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    3. Offline
      Can you recommend some good kingdom novels?
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  9. Offline
    Two new chapters and what is this nanmobilebasic is it new translation team
    Edit: it says chapter 92 frost
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    1. Offline
      Chapter itself is a legit continuation.
      No idea about the tittle derp. Guessing that maybe upload bot is broken or something.
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      1. Offline
        could tell me, If the protagonist is going to be a doormat for that loli?, I stopped at chp 32 after he made a deal with that annoying vampire, being that he was in a dominant position.
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                Hoho good, but I didn't like your spoiler because I don't like to know the exact amount of chps a novel has .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
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      Ur dumb!

      u see how weird and pointless that is? I don’t even know anything and I just said it. Just like you, who didn’t given any basis for your statement. At least explain why you felt it was boring or give examples. For those who want to read plz try it’s good novel, these people have no tastes nor etiquette.
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