5 months ago

Bringing Culture to a Different World文化入侵异世界

Joshua found himself in the body of a demon prince in a different world, a prince known for his... Read more
Joshua found himself in the body of a demon prince in a different world, a prince known for his eccentric hobbies.

Uninterested in the battle for the throne and worried about the future of the demon race, Joshua decided to bring forth earth’s culture and conquer the new world through… entertainment!

Step one, make movies to change the people’s impression of demons… Collapse
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Comments 22

  1. Offline
    Read it a while ago, good book, great concept and generally well developed characters. Fairly sure it was a fairly slow one but in a good way. Unfortunately translation dropped off at some point so had to drop it as it was unbearable to read, I assume mtl. 8/10 before going down hill.
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  2. Online Offline
    From chapter 365 and onwards the grammar in this novel is worse than mtl. The translator gives well established characters new names out of the blue, confuses their gender and other mistakes I don’t bother to list. I’m done, and I’m dropping this novel.
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  3. Offline
    #panic# there are more chapters on BoxNovel
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  4. Offline
    more please
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  5. Offline
    I usually don't like romance, but I love the romance in this novel.
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  6. Offline
    Our MC is trying to remove discrimination against demons.
    But, are demons really that innocent? I mean they did kidnapp those villagers and other people and would kill them without any mercy.
    So whole idea of novel is somewhat uncomfortable, even demons under MC shows contempt against humans but MC didn't try to change them.

    Idk maybe i'm wrong.
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    1. Offline
      I think it's fine as long as he changes the demon's behavior too, not just discrimination among humans.
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    2. Offline
      And do you think humans are any different? We kidnap, we steal, we kill each other, we talk bad to people behind their backs we even slander our own family sometimes and we rape and betray our loved ones. Jist because we are humans doesnt mean we arent demons. Im surprised why we didnt grow devil horns yet. We are all evil you just dont know it yet. And besides the demons in this novel arent really bad. They have just been in war with other races for many years and kidnapping people isnt bad when your at war. Even humans do it to demons therea no right or wrong in war thers only winners and losers
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      1. Offline
        Well I'm not like that.
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          Yeah but he does oru2x
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    3. Offline
      Havent read the novel but don't really get your point here? First of all what got that to do with improving there Image? And even more important have you ever heard about someting called "history"?
      Because if you do you should realize that being racist, causing wars, death, destruction and suffering don't really require anyone else but humans.
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    4. Online Offline
      A bit of a spoiler here.
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  7. Offline
    someone, please pick this up. the mtl is horrible.
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      Check novelupdates
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  9. Offline
    Very enjoyable novel - only downside is that the translation seems to have been dropped after Ch360 gloom . This is not a cultivation / martial arts / romance novel for those who might be expecting those themes considering it's a demon prince MC

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  10. Offline
    Very good. The comedy is subtle, the pacing is brilliant- perhaps it's slightly repetitive at times, but the 'big' story going on in the background is interesting enough to hook you in, the characters are entertaining enough and well-written so you actually care about them, and the introduction of new characters and plotlines is always smooth, well-implemented, and the plotlines are always fun.

    This is one of those 'quietly' entertaining stories-- it's not action-heavy, or lol-funny, or dick-hardening-ly smutty, but it brings all of its elements together to tell an interesting tale that's good enough you want to spend time on it and see where it goes. Really good. 8/10, would recommend, though no idea what's going on with the translation.

    The only issue I have is that Joshua keeps rejecting all dem advances
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