Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

This story is set during the end of the Sui Dynasty, a time where multiple powers struggled for supremacy and power.

Into the fray enters two orphans Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling; these two youths by many chances and luck obtain ‘The Secret to Long Life’ allowing the two to obtain profound martial abilities and a chance to rise to the top in this age of turmoil.

Book 64: Epilogue
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 13: Unifying the World
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 12: White Horse Oath
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 11: One Look, Doubt is Gone
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 10: Reign of Zhen Guan
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 9: Brotherhood
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 8: Strung Through and Filled with Evil
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 7: The Decisive Battle in Front of the Disposition of Troops
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 6: Empty and Real Tactic
2 years ago

Book 63: Chapter 5: Flushed With Success
2 years ago