Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Game has become reality, toppling the world’s rules. Humanity has entered an era of global class awakening.

Demonic creatures wreak havoc! Secret realms and dungeons proliferate!

Terror and treasures coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand!

Only by becoming a class user! And raising your level and becoming stronger! Only then can you stand at the top of the world!

On the day of his class awakening, Lin Moyu became Necromancer, which is a unique hidden class.

He obtained a godly talent. Despite being merely a level 1 talent, it amplifies all skills by 10 times.

He obtained a godly passive skill, which transfers all damage he suffers to his summons.

As a result, so long as his summons aren’t completely annihilated, Lin Moyu won’t die.

“An endless swarm of Godly Skeletal Warriors!”

“Millions upon millions of Lichs!”

“Countless Undead Bone Dragons!”

“Can you handle it?”

Subjected to curses, gods transform into white bones.

When corpses explode, the sky topples and the world collapses.

“I sit high upon a throne of bones, treading the boundary between life and death.”

“I am a disaster!”

Chapter 220: Desolate Immemorial Battlefield; Abyssal Blade Demon Apers Again!
9 hours ago

Chapter 219: Danger And Opportunity Go Hand In Hand.
1 day ago

Chapter 218: I Never Want To Eat Desert Fruit Again
3 days ago

Chapter 217: Feeling Abnormal Restriction; The Makings Of A Godly Powerhouse!
6 days ago

Chapter 216: Desert Fruit; Rare And Elusive
7 days ago

Chapter 215: Leave, I Don't Feel Like Talking To You Right Now
8 days ago

Chapter 214: New Skills: Damage Curse, Bone Fangs, Summon Lich General
9 days ago

Chapter 213: With A Skilled Hand, You Can Pull Out The Rug From Under Anyone
10 days ago

Chapter 212: Unbeknownst, He Had Become Rich
12 days ago

Chapter 211: I Won't Sell It, I'll Give It To You For Free
13 days ago