Rome Must Fall

The protagonist is reborn in the late Roman Republic and becomes a gladiator under Spartacus. How will he escape the tragic fate of being crucified, and how will he survive in the Mediterranean ruled by Rome? Stay tuned!

“Rome must fall! As long as it exists, we cannot escape our fate of death!” — Maximus

Chapter 54: Rome Comes to Attack Again
3 days ago

Chapter 53: Learning in Battle
10 days ago

Chapter 52: The Mighty Logistics Camps Guard Team
17 days ago

Chapter 51: Absorbing the Leaders
22 days ago

Chapter 50: Military Training (II)
27 days ago

Chapter 49: Military Training (I)
29 days ago

Chapter 48: Rome Sends Troops Again
1 month ago

Chapter 47: Bubius and Tolerugo
1 month ago

Chapter 46: Soldiers Assembly
1 month ago

Chapter 45: Conflict
1 month ago