My Youth Began With Him

Seven years ago, after their breakup, he disappeared without a trace. Now, he reappeared on the eve of her wedding, sparing no means in forcing her to marry him… With a certificate of marriage, he bound her mercilessly to his side. From there, this «Cinderella» began her journey as a wife of the business empire’s heir…

Mrs Huo — composed, sharp-tongued, and freakishly smart. Mr Qin — wife-spoiler to no end and a complete «s*ave» to their daughter. Quality love story, one on one. You are welcome to get hooked on this story with us.

Chapter 4928End - In The Remaining Lifetime (108)
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Chapter 4927: In The Remaining Lifetime (107)
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Chapter 4926: In The Remaining Lifetime (106)
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Chapter 4925: In The Remaining Lifetime (105)
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Chapter 4924: In The Remaining Lifetime (104)
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Chapter 4923: In The Remaining Lifetime (103)
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Chapter 4922: In The Remaining Lifetime (102)
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Chapter 4921: In The Remaining Lifetime (101)
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Chapter 4920: In The Remaining Lifetime (100)
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Chapter 4919: In The Remaining Lifetime (99)
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