The Dark King

Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within?

Chapter 1280: Afterword, if life is only like the first time
1 year ago

Chapter 1279: I finished my speech
1 year ago

Chapter 1278: Soul Tearing -LGrandrFinalenale ]
1 year ago

Chapter 1277: The Past
1 year ago

Chapter 1276: marriage
1 year ago

Chapter 1275: depend on each other
1 year ago

Chapter 1274: looking at each other
1 year ago

Chapter 1273: Aisha’s appearance
1 year ago

Chapter 1272: Life Core
1 year ago

Chapter 1271: Unsolvable Apocalypse (3)
1 year ago