
Chapter 1702: Legendary Encounter

Sunny was not unfamiliar with the Castle, since he had to come here every time he wanted to return to the waking world without raising any suspicions. However, he would usually spend quite a lot of time following the main thoroughfare to the main keep, where the Gateway was located.

This time, Nephis led him on a shorter path to the pinnacle of the stronghold, across narrow stairs and hidden posterns that he had not even known existed. There was no need to waste time at each checkpoint, either, so their progress was rather fast.

Who would dare to stop the Transcendent daughter of a Sovereign?

After a while, Sunny asked with a hint of curiosity:

"By the way, Lady Nephis... where, exactly, are we going?"

He knew that they were about to sign a contract, but wasn't sure where the signing would take place. Was he going to make a deal with Clan Valor, or with the Fire Keepers directly? Who else would be involved?

She looked at him with a hint of confusion, then suddenly seemed a little embarrassed.

"Oh... please forgive me. I have forgotten to explain properly

With that, Nephis raised her hand and pointed to one of the tallest towers in Bastion. The tower was not much different to all the others, with one big exception.

There was a graceful flying ship floating in the air near it, moored to the higher floor of the tower with thick cables. A beautiful tree was growing around its main mast.

‘The Chain Breaker...'

Sunny unconsciously looked up, at the beautiful visage of the Ivory Island drifting in the air high above the lake.

"I see."

Nephis lingered for a moment.

"Very few people have ever visited my Citadel, but you don't have to worry. Everyone there is a trusted friend and ally. It is... it is also quite peaceful there. We won't be disturbed."


Sunny was not supposed to have ever been in the Ivory Tower, so he had to act as if the whole experience was new to him.

He put a sufficiently believable expression of wonder on his face, making sure to keep a proper level of decorum, of course.

"I've long heard about the beauty of the Ivory Tower. It is my luck to be able to visit it."

A faint smile appeared on Neph's face,

"I'm sure you'll like it."

They continued on their way, soon reaching a lesser courtyard in front of the tower. There were quite a few people here, although most of them were different from the crowd at the lower levels of the castle.

The closer to the pinnacle of the stronghold one was, the fewer mundane people there were around. At this point, Sunny could not see anyone but Awakened, with plenty of Masters mixed among them.

However, the gazes directed at him were not in any way friendlier.

Well, it was natural. He was an outsider, after all, and people were wary of outsiders.

Just before they entered the tower, a tall man wearing the colors of Clan Valor - a Knight, from the looks of it - approached them and bowed deeply.

"Saint Nephis, if I can have a minute of your time..."

She frowned slightly.

"What is it?"

The Knight hesitated for a moment, then said in a dignified tone:

"There is a slight problem with the supplies you requested. They were delivered on time, but the specifications... I'm afraid you will need to inspect them personally. If everything is in order, I'll give a command to immediately load them on the Chain Breaker.

The matter concerned the inner working of Clan Valor, so he was being vague around Sunny.

Nephis remained silent for a bit, then glanced his way.

Eventually, she said:

"Please wait for me a little, Master Sunless, I have to deal with this issue... my apologies, I'll be back In ten minutes,"

He smiled.

"It's no problem"

He had no doubt that someone would inevitably try to bother him as soon as she left, but it was really of no concern to him. Unless Arvil himself decided to come and stir trouble, Sunny was confident in his ability to send any potential troublemaker on their way without any commotion.

Nephis hesitated for a few moments, then nodded curtly and walked away with the tall Knight.

Sunny was left alone, thinking that it was a good opportunity to compose himself.

Smiling faintly, he walked over to the lakefront ramparts of the lesser courtyard and gazed into the distance. He could see the young city stretching along the shore in the distance, bathed in sunlight and brimming with vitality.

The lake was calm and radiant. It was a beautiful sight.

As Sunny enjoyed the view and the warm breeze, he sighed.

He could sense two shadows approaching him from behind.

‘That was fast.’

Turning around, he saw two men younger than him by a few years walking toward him. One was walking with purposeful strides, while the other was trying to hold him back with a troubled expression.

Both were Masters and wore enchanted armor, but neither donned the colors of Clan Valor. So, they must have been noble scions from vassal Legacy Clans.


Soon, the two scions reached him.

The one who had been purposeful gave Sunny a glare and said, his voice full of arrogant indignation:

"I am Ascended Tristan of the Aegis Rose clan. This is Ascended Mercy of the Dagonet clan. Who might you be?"

Sunny blinked a couple of times, looking at them in amusement.

‘Wait, it can't be... is this the legendary arrogant young master encounter? It is, isn't it? Gods, the legends are true!'

He reminded himself to remain calm.

'Keep your cool. Be polite. Don't start trouble.’

Sunny smiled politely,

"I am Ascended Sunless. How may I help you, gentlemen?"

Master Tristan frowned.

"Ascended Sunless? Of which clan?"

Sunny remained silent for a moment. Why was everyone so insistent on waving their family name around?

“...Of no clan."

The young man scoffed, while his friend tried to pull him away;

"Tristan, drop it... come on, we are going to be late for practice..."

Master Mercy of the Dagonet clan seemed to have a little bit of brain, at least. But the scion of Aegis Rose clan did not want to listen. Scowling fiercely, he moved a step closer to Sunny and asked, his voice harsh and domineering:

"Master Sunless of no clan seems to have some business with Lady Changing Star. But that doesn't give you the right to... to... don't think I didn't notice you ogling her with lewd eyes, scoundrel!"

‘...What eyes? Huh?’

The second Legacy gave Sunny an apologetic glance and tried to pull his friend away harder. He seemed exasperated, hinting that Master Tristan had a habit of saying rash things.

Sunny took a deep,

'Be polite, Don't start trouble, Be polite

He calmed himself down, then opened his mouth and said:

"Why does a moron like you have the confidence to open his mouth and spout nonsense? If you were born brainless, at least have the decency to keep quiet. Better yet, get lost altogether. Don't think I didn't notice you being dropped on your head as a child, you cretin

Comments 25

  1. Offline
    BROOOO sunny needs to open a comedy club lmaooooo 22
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    Jubayer Siam
    Sunny is courting death
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    1703: Courting Death.

    Sunny's words hung in the air, contrasted starkly against his polite smile. The two young Masters seemed frozen, as if unable to digest what they had just heard.

    Mercy of Clan Dagonet let out a stifled breath.

    At the same time, Ascended Tristan's eyes widened.

    His face, frozen in a state of stunned disbelief, was slowly contorted by a grimace of righteous wrath.

    Trembling in outrage, he bellowed:

    «You dare?!»

    Sunny couldn't quite believe it. He held his breath, his heart beating wildly.

    «Is… is he going to say it? He's going to say it! He totally is!»

    His smile remained perfectly pleasant.

    «I do dare. Why, wasn't that obvious from my remark? Or has your Flaw made you deaf? Goodness gracious… dumb and deaf. What an unfortunate fate. You have my sympathy.»

    The young Master stared at him, mouth agape. After a few moments of silence, Tristan pointed a trembling finger at Sunny and hissed:

    «You are courting death, mongrel!»

    «He said it!»

    He had really said it. That was… Sunny had no words. It was really too astonishing.

    He struggled to suppress a burst of laughter.

    «Amazing. But also, what is it with Legacy brats and calling people mongrels?»

    Sunny kept his composure with titanic effort, and shrugged.

    «Funny you should say, but I am indeed somewhat of a mongrel.»

    His smile widened, which seemed to send the young Master into a spiral.

    With his face turning a concerning shade of red, Ascended Tristan outstretched a hand and growled:

    «You've gone too far, scoundrel… you need to be taught a lesson. I, Tristan of Aegis Rose, hereby challenge you to a duel!»

    Sunny blinked.


    No, he was just speaking metaphorically when he suggested that the fool had been dropped on his head. But now, it seemed like maybe there was some truth to the statement?

    By now, their spat had attracted a lot of attention. The people in the courtyard were all gazing at them with strange expressions. Master Mercy had abandoned his attempts to drag the second Legacy away and was now looking around helplessly.

    «A duel, huh…»

    Sunny erased the smile from his face and said in a solemn tone:

    «I refuse.»

    Tristan grinned.

    «Great! Then summon your… huh? What? You refuse?»

    Sunny nodded.

    «Yes. I refuse. What, are you really deaf?»

    The young Master seemed flustered. He stared at him in confusion for a few moments, then asked in a trembling voice:

    «How can you refuse? That's cowardly! D-don't you have any honor?»

    Amused, Sunny simply shook his head.

    «That's right, I am a coward, and I don't have any honor. In fact, I wouldn't be caught dead having honor. Such a distasteful thing.»

    After being accosted by an arrogant young master and asked if he was courting death, all Sunny had to do to experience the entire triumvirate of clichés was to slap Ascended Tristan across the face. However, he had no intention of doing that…

    Who knew, perhaps the poor fool was really suffering from a character Flaw. His behavior was too outrageously hot-blooded to be explained by simple foolhardiness. Plus, it wouldn't be a good look for Sunny to go around beating children — not to mention that his meticulously cultivated harmless persona was not supposed to be able to win a duel with a Legacy Ascended.

    No matter how much he wanted to teach the loud brat a memorable lesson.

    Ascended Tristan huffed and pussed, staring at him with angry eyes. Then, a mocking smile suddenly twisted his lips.

    «Don't be too afraid, coward, I won't kill you! We'll just duel to first blood. I… I refuse your refusal! Summon your weapon and face me!»

    Sunny stared at him incredulously for a bit.

    «Ah, to hell with it…»

    He sighed.

    «To first blood? Fine… I accept.»

    His smile turned a little sheepish.

    «But, uh… I don't have a Memory weapon. So I can't summon any.»

    Hearing these words, young Master Tristan paled:

    «You… you don't even have a single Memory weapon? And you call yourself an Ascended?»

    Sunny scratched the back of his head, his face full of embarrassment.

    «I do call myself an Ascended… but not all Ascended are like you, scions of storied Legacy Clans. Personally, I manage a small café and a shop… the last time I was in a battle, I had to run away and barely escaped with my life.»

    It had been a battle against a Cursed Tyrant, but they didn't have to know that.

    Master Mercy seemed relieved. He let out a long sigh and said tentatively:

    «Then, let us just drop this matter. Tristan, he is clearly not a…»

    But his friend shook his head furiously, summoning a Memory.

    «No, I simply can't let this matter rest! I demand satisfaction!»

    Soon, a heavy greatsword manifested itself from sparks of light. He scoffed contemptuously and shoved the sword into Sunny's hands.

    «Here. This sword is called the Heart Breaker, and it is a family heirloom of my clan! I'll lend it to you for today. It is your privilege to be able to hold it, knave!»

    With that, he shook his head and mumbled under his breath:

    «This, really… I just don't understand why Lady Nephis would associate with such a profligate wastrel… he must have deceived her with his looks, the scoundrel…»

    Sunny held the greatsword awkwardly and rested its tip on the ground. No, really, what was this situation? Why was the person who had challenged him to a duel supplying him with a powerful weapon to fight that duel? Was Master Tristan actually brainless?

    At the same time, the young man in question summoned another Memory, this one a much lighter arming sword. From the looks of it, he was giving his opponent an advantage — a better weapon with a longer reach.

    He also dismissed the outer layers of his armor, leaving only a gambeson jacket behind.

    «Here! I won't use any enchantments, so you won't be at a disadvantage! Are you ready?»

    Sunny remained silent for a moment, then shrugged timidly.

    «I guess I am?»

    Young Master Tristan grinned.

    «Then, here I come! Prepare to be humbled, wimp!»

    He brandished his sword and lunged forward.

    Under the dubious gazes of everyone gathered in the courtyard, the duel started.
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      1704: A Slap Heard Around the World.

      It seemed like the diminutive Master Sunless, an unknown Ascended from the lakeshore settlement, had no chance against the young master of the Aegis Rose clan. Not only was Tristan much taller and more powerfully built, but he was also a Legacy…

      And Legacies still held the title of the most skilled and deadly warriors of humanity, by far, even now that the number of Awakened had swelled. Their upbringing, training, and martial culture were all designed to produce lethal fighters to rule the battlefield unopposed.

      The idle onlookers did not know what the pretty young man had done to enrage the Legacy scion so much, but from the looks of it, he was in for a good beating… which was a shame, considering that with his jade skin and slender figure, he looked quite handsome.

      Sadly, though, he didn't look like much of a fighter.

      Neither did Master Sunless seem very familiar with handling a blade. He tried to swing the provided greatsword to deflect an incoming attack, but failed.

      Not, not just that…

      Perhaps due to his short stature and slender build, he actually lost control of the heavy blade and allowed its weight to pull him off balance, Instead of deflecting the opponent's sword, he yelped and stumbled forward instead.

      That was a common mistake most often seen among Awakened. Young Awakened were prone to overestimating their newfound strength, forgetting that their mass and center of gravity remained the same. So, it was easy for them to misjudge things and end up being pulled forward by the inertia of their own swing.

      Still. For a Master to be that inexperienced in combat was a bit…

      The delicate Ascended seemed to be doomed.

      But, strangely enough, he ended up being saved by his clumsy mistake. It was doubtful that he could have deflected Tristan's powerful strike, but after stumbling forward and nearly sprawling on the ground, the opponent's sword missed and flew harmlessly above his head.

      There was a murmur among the onlookers…


      But then, they were treated to a bizarre spectacle.

      That Master Sunless was not just lucky… it was as if he was charmed!

      No matter what Tristan of Aegis Rose tried to do, his sword never seemed able to reach the cowardly opponent. Master Sunless slipped on the cobblestones, accidentally evading a skillful attack. While trying to stand up, he tripped on the hem of his own silk robe, losing balance and gracelessly sprawling on the ground… but also making Tristan's follow-up strike miss him entirely.

      While trying to block a downward slash, he actually failed to hold on to his sword and dropped it, staggering back in panic. However, in the process, the coward accidentally kicked the falling sword and sent it flying in the direction of the Legacy scion, who was forced to hastily defend his lower torso and retreat.

      Then, Master Sunless recklessly bent down to pick up the fallen sword a grievous mistake when facing an armed opponent! However, it was exactly because no one in their right mind would think of leaving themselves so open to a lethal blow that Tristan had never anticipated it, once again fruitlessly sliced the empty air above the oblivious opponent's head.

      «What are you doing?! Fight like a man!»

      A sheepish smile appeared on the unknown Master's deathly pale face.

      «But I… I was trying to pick up my sword! How am I supposed to fight without a sword?»

      Ascended Tristan let out an infuriated growl.

      «Just take it, damn! I'll step back!»

      Under everyone's bewildered gazes, he took a step back and waited patiently for his opponent to arm himself.

      But Master Sunless did not seem to be in a hurry. breathing heavily.

      Tristan's face twitched.

      «What are you doing?!»

      The delicate young man coughed.

      «Well… you didn't specify that I should pick it up immediately, did you? So I thought I'd catch my breath real quick.»

      The Legacy scion seemed stuck between complete disbelief and apoplectic fury.

      «Pick it up right this second!»

      Master Sunless bent down and gripped the sword.

      «Alright, alright… there's no need to shout…»

      Soon, the oddly comical duel continued.

      He continued stumbling blindly through the hurricane of steel, remaining unscathed by sheer, ridiculous luck.

      But even that helpless fool's luck was bound to run out sooner or later. And finally, in less than a minute, Tristan's sword pierced the silk robe and bit into the delicate young man's shoulder.

      He had held back, not wishing to deliver a serious wound to the offending profligate, so the cut was shallow.

      Still, a cut was a cut.

      …It also hurt like a real cut. Sunny grimaced.

      Young Master Tristan, meanwhile, gave him a disdainful smirk and retrieved his sword. The two of them were standing close to each other, and the Legacy was staring down at Sunny, his face full of pleased indignation.

      «Serves you right, scoundrel. The victory is mine. Now… apologize! Recount your misdeeds and humbly beg forgiveness! I'll let you off easy if you do… but if you don't, don't blame me for being ruthless!»

      But Sunny simply tilted his head.

      «…Who says that the victory is yours?»

      Tristan blinked.

      «What? I clearly just won. What are you…»

      But Sunny was nonplussed. He raised the collar of the Nebulous Mantle, revealing the black shirt beneath.

      «We agreed to fight to first blood. Do you see any blood?»

      The young Master stared at his chest in confusion.

      There was clearly a cut in the little knave's shirt… but where was the blood?

      Even the blade of his sword was clean.

      He frowned and started to speak, his tone full of confusion:


      But before he could finish…

      And to the absolute shock of everyone watching…

      The next moment, Sunny's fist slammed into his face with an audible bang, sending young Tristan of Aegis Rose staggering back.

      The Legacy scion collided with his friend, Master Mercy, while covering his face with a hand. His stunned eyes were opened wide.

      There was blood dripping between his fingers beneath them.

      Suddenly, the courtyard was silent.

      In that silence, Ascended Tristan slowly lowered his hand, revealing two red streams flowing out of his nostrils and marring his handsome face.

      His voice was listless:

      «You… you…»

      Sunny dropped the heavy greatsword on the ground with visible relief, rubbed his wrists, and let out a sigh.

      Then, he smiled.

      «Well, it seems like I have won. Good fight, good fight. Now, shall we proceed with begging for forgiveness? You don't need to kneel… I'm not a pervert, so I'm not into such stuff…»

      At that moment, young Master Tristan looked like he would spit blood. That, too, would have constituted Sunny's victory… if the Legacy wasn't already bleeding…

      Then, Tristan's features contorted, and he seemed to completely lose his mind.

      With a face flush with murderous wrath, the Legacy lunged forward and roared:

      «You wretched mongrel!»

      Sunny pretended to be frightened and flinched away with an ungentlemanly shriek.

      Coincidentally — or rather, quite purposefully — the sun was directly behind him.

      Which meant that his shadow was sprawled on the cobblestones directly in front of him.

      Right where Ascended Tristan's foot had just landed.

      Using a tiny bit of essence, Sunny stealthily manifested a small part of the wild shadow and made it trip the poor fool without anything noticing.

      That was more than enough to send the enraged young Master, who had committed to the attack a little bit too hard, completely off balance.

      It all worked splendidly.

      …In fact, it worked a little bit too well.

      «Oh. Crap.»

      Sunny had forgotten to take one small, but vitally important detail into account.

      In the next moment, everyone in the courtyard witnessed a startling scene.

      Ascended Tristan of the Aegis Rose clan lunged at the dainty Master, who let out an embarrassing shriek and flinched away in fear. By doing so, he not only completely avoided the sudden attack, but also caused the Legacy to lose balance and be pulled forward by the weight of his sword.

      And there, right behind his cowardly opponent…

      Was the parapet of the courtyard ramparts.

      The young Legacy had no time to slow down and collided with it at full speed, buckling at the waist and flying over the stone parapet in the blink of an eye.

      A split second later, his figure disappeared from view.

      A dumbfounded silence settled over the courtyard.

      …In a few moments, everyone shuddered as they heard a loud crash from somewhere far below.

      Master Sunless looked back with a strange expression on his face, then cleared his throat and gracefully straightened his mantle with an elegant motion.

      Then, he turned to Mercy of Clan Dagonet and said, his voice full of sincere concern:

      «Sir Mercy… why are dawdling? Shouldn't you hurry up and tend to your friend? Such a fall won't kill him… I think… but he'll certainly need a good healer.»

      The petrified young man slowly nodded.

      «Ah… y-yes… I'll go…»

      With that, he turned around and hurried away. But at that moment, Master Sunless called out to him:

      «Wait a moment!»

      Ascended Mercy froze and slowly turned around.


      Sunny smiled and pointed to the heavy greatsword laying on the ground.

      «The sword… what was it, the Hard Breaker? Take the sword with you!»

      The young Master stared at the greatsword for a moment, then bent down to pick it up.


      He mumbled an apology and dashed away.

      Sunny grinned.

      «Make sure that Ascended Tristan takes his time to rest and recuperate! There's no need to rush!»

      He sighed and then added, his voice full of magnanimity:

      «He can beg me for forgiveness at a later date!»
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      2. Offline
        😂 Хахахахаха, я понял, это смешно, слова Тристана это отсылка на ведьмака 3, там был похожий момент, 😂😂😂
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        1. Offline
          А где конкретно? Я просто не сильно шарю.
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          1. Offline
            Ну там, где наследник говорит что требует "удовлетворения".
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      3. Offline
        Thank you as always :)

        The young master seen 🥹 I never thought Shadow Slave would have one but it fills me with joy to see it
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      4. Offline
        Failed assignment
        He can beg me for forgiveness at a later date!»

        He who lose lives to beg another day
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  4. Offline
    Avirup Chakraborty
    Chapters are out Ig
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  5. Offline
    what no chapter today ?
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  6. Offline
    Sunless is about to show his trash talking skills, worst yet, he'll only tell the truth.
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  7. Offline
    Be polite he says, don’t cause trouble he says… nose
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  8. Offline
    Courting death!!! evil
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  9. Offline
    Why does a moron like you have the confidence to open his mouth and spout nonsense? If you were born brainless, at least have the decency to keep quiet. Better yet, get lost altogether. Don't think I didn't notice you being dropped on your head as a child, you cretin

    Am gonna steal this ninja
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  10. Offline
    Maybe Effie's tongue is so twisted and corrupted she makes everyone feel embarrassed, but Sunny can straight up kill people with sharpness of his tongue alone.
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    1. Offline
      His tongue may be sharp for this work but... All tongues are blunt when compared to the trainer/teacher of the MC of [Glimpse of Eternity]...
      Really, there's absolutely no one that escapes, not even the king or the 1.000 old mummies. The f*cked guy even has a special ability about it.
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