5 months ago

The Dungeon Without a System by StrangerDanger51

The unnamed main character wakes up as a Dungeon Core. Instead of being deep within the earth or in... Read more
The unnamed main character wakes up as a Dungeon Core. Instead of being deep within the earth or in a cave, this newly-minted Dungeon Core finds himself drifting to the beach of an uncharted and uninhabited island.

Watch as he explores the uses of mana, defends himself from people trying to kill him and confuses the hell out of all the humans who attempt to understand just why he's different from other dungeons.

DISCLAIMER: I have only posted my novel to Sufficient Velocity and RoyalRoad. If you see it on any other site; THAT IS NOT ME. This story is free and until I decide to publish it will remain that way. Collapse
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Comments 66

  1. Offline
    #panic# no update
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      only we
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    It's novel but loses that spark of awe rather quickly and becomes monotonous but still enjoyable.
    Truth be told the side characters became the highlight of this for me as opposed to the boredom I felt in the creation of the Dungeon..... I suppose the main reason for my boredom with the Dungeon was that it became grind without reward and less about leaving people in awe and more about torturing and turning them away without any of the former.
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  3. Offline
    Congratulate this guy, I really followed his link to read oru2x
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  4. Offline
    I am reading this novel on royal road. It is actually better than I expected.
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  5. Offline
    Great dungeon core novel. Solid premise with a free form development. Interesting creatures populate the dungeon of our MC and has plenty of varying areas or biomes. Some people have whined about the human component but it mostly just relates to the actual dungeon and far less politics than other novels in the same genre.

    Overall a solid read with too few chapters at the moment. 4.3/5
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  6. Offline
    Like every other trash, this dungeon became emotional started talking with human.
    Stopped killing them. And became exp slave of human.

    Though human invaded it, it is keeping them alive, feeding them, and answering their every question idk wtf like they are your captives why the f#ck are you answering each and every of their qn.

    not my type.
    Overall all non human protag story is like
    they became monsters,dungeon. But in the end they contact with huamans and always will be in lower position, when dealing with them.
    but the one writing them are human authors, so obviously
    Each and every of non-human protagonist become human slaves.

    If u became another race then your race should be in top of food chain.
    And other races below it.

    Like this dungeon it became slave of humans, MAYBE BE WILL BE IN FUTURE THE WAY STORY IS GOING.
    It's just became a tool, it stopped killing human, started caring for them, became tool to keep them entertained. HALF IS TRUE.
    And became free exp slave so human can come and raise their level. PROBABLY.

    Dungeon creatures pray him as god reverend him and what he does?
    He makes those creatures that worship him die like dog and become exp for human.
    Disgusting shit for a creation.

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    1. Offline
      I am convinced you actually haven't even read the book bc everything you said is wrong
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        I maybe exgerrating a little bit.
        But few sections of comment was universal for all dungeon novel.

        My fantasy type dungeon i wanted was where dungeon take over the world.
        and not dig rat hole but make layers like
        CHIRLYSIS novel.
        Main topic
        And i wanted mc to have no human interaction and kill them or use them.
        Like him taking that girl as a slave and letting her rome free in dungeon pissed me.

        Don't u find it odd, humans already captured its island and have started invading the dungeon.
        And what he does being a transmigrator
        Digs floors upon floors maybe he is digging for survival
        But don't u see the world might have maybe diamond rank and all he might be doing is digging a grave for himslef and
        Exp ground for human.

        My fiction:
        He should have waited for maybe 5/10 years and slowly convert whole island into his private land without causing disturbance in mana and also convert sea area then

        He would not have needed to make creatures and waste mana on them.
        He could get them in island and sea.
        From that only he could become insanely strong by modifying creatures in surface.

        Then may be start invading that world in underground not only below island but entire continent.
        Do human experiments and turn them in denizens. Maybe slowly but u get it right.

        And then upto author imagination.
        But must have in novel is not digging inward but sollowing the plane
        idk but for me.
        I have been searching for that kind of novel or books but i didn't really find one.

        There was DUNGEON BORN book but the romance with that wisp. And all that nonsense ruined the story for me.

        Total summary of my life of book reading is that::: i like mc with no emotion.
        Needs to be extremely calculative.
        No harem, no romance, no psychotic personality.
        Needs to be casual but calculative

        Eg: mc wife is dead then his reaction should be oh she died. That's it no need for overacting, crying vengeance
        And all that bullshit.
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          Honestly, I get what you're saying, I didn't understand why he just let them settle on his island, and I understand that he gets mana and knowledge from the people he kills but it's not like not having enough mana would ever be an issue for him because he just absorbed it from the air. He didn't really need the knowledge either because it's been shown that he can figure out how to use elemental magic on his own just fine. I guess I could understand mingling with humans if he really got anything out of it but he kinda just gave them 5 questions a week and got nothing in return. letting that female prisoner roam around his dungeon also didn't make a lot of sense since he killed the other 4 prisoners anyway but just let her live for no reason.
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            Cara a parte do prisioneiro eu concordo plenamente com vocês, mas a parte das perguntas eu até faria isso se fosse uma masmorra, pois para cada 3 perguntas (eu acho) ele ganha um casal de monstros significando mais monstros para serem criados, claro ele não tem que dar tudo de mão beijada mas sim fazer um "desvio" assim ele gasta a pergunta e ganha uma "vantagem".

            Claro isso é no meu ver, pois querendo ou não ele estar em uma ilha já é uma tremenda desvantagem, e se ele criar monstros que se parecem como humanos e que possam se disfarçar na sua sociedade para trazer os animais o negocia de perguntas se torna obsoleto, mas acho que vai demorar para isso acontecer
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            1. Offline
              The prisoner part I totally with you, but the questions part I would do if it was a dungeon, because for every 3 questions (I think) he gets a couple of monsters meaning more monsters for servants, of course he doesn't have to give his all. kissed hand but rather make a "detour" so he spends the question and gains an "advantage".

              Of course he wants to see it, because whether or not he wants to know that this is a question of animals, a society, and if he is monstrous who appears to be human and seems to be already a person who can disguise himself in his own, to bring them up or trade obsolete, but I think it will take time to happen
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          2. Offline
            He was keeping the girl for experiments, as for roaming around the dungeon he wants to use her as an advocate for the dungeon.
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        2. Offline
          Read devourer
          Also emotionless mc will eventually develop to have emotions being the main arc of the book. Like kidnapped dragons
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    2. Offline
      Dude that's probably describing most dungeon core novels
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    3. Offline
      Popcorn demon is right. The stupid deal he made where he answers questions for animals is stupid. He doesn't get to pick the animals, the lady gives him harmless animals. She gave him a rabbit to populate the dungeon with. I'm sure the MC can turn the rabbit into something dangerous but why bother. He could have asked for carnivorous apex predators and elevate those into supreme predators.
      But you know what. The dungeon, which is the MC, answers every question honestly or it doesn't lie. So the MC is on the bad end of a deal but he is cool with it. The dungeon is a nice dungeon. Not the efficient dungeon killer I expected.
      In a nut shell. The dungeon became the exp slave of the humans.
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    4. Offline
      Edi wag mo basahin pest* ka.
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  7. Offline
    Top tier shit, (those rating it at 1 star are brain dead lshock)
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      I disagree.
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        I agree to disagree 😆
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          So are you agreeing with me?
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          1. Offline
            You've actually never heard the proverb before? lshock
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            1. Offline
              I know the proverb or whatever. It isn't a proverb by the way.
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          2. Offline
            Go aatch men in black 3 ull atleast find it there. ( first rime i heard it was over there)
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  8. Offline
    Just a few chapters in and I got annoyed by what seemed like a simple, lazy story writer.

    I'm not going to say that the novel is bad since I know many people like this kind of stuff, but it most certainly isn't my cup of tea.

    When reading this kind of stuff it just makes me think of a kind of naive person without much life experiences, education or expertise in anything but weeb or gamer pursuits, and a very narrow exposure to literature as a whole.

    There's nothing wrong with a person being any of that. I just rarely ever find them or their works terribly compelling.
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    1. Offline
      *Coughs. Incognito-san, this is not a review. You just wrote smack about the author. You didn't point out the faults of the book.
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        'Simple, lazy writing' is a concise manner of describing a lot of traits/mistakes common to authors without much education or life experiences, which many readers are familiar with.

        Going into elaborate detail is pointless since those who don't know typically wouldn't care.

        And I mentioned that I find nothing wrong with being less educated and experienced. We all start there, and we don't all get the opportunity to significantly improve those traits.

        But that doesn't mean I'm going to coddle people's egos. Our current culture treats lower IQs like many treat obesity, like it doesn't exist and it's wrong to point out even when it's important/relevant, or as a weapon to attack with.
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  9. Offline
    1. I got a dig bick

    2. You that read wrong

    3. You read that wrong too

    4. You checked

    5. You smiled

    7. You are wandering why you are still reading


    8. You saw that mistake, right?

    (On 7)

    10. But did you see that I skipped 6?

    10. You checked

    11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped

    9 12. I said "saw you" not you saw

    13. I also skipped 2

    14. You got tricked

    15. I'm just wasting your time, but if you were entertained, leave a like and happy reading!

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    1. Offline
      Immortal God
      I mistakenly no.1 as I got a big dick lol 😂
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      1. Offline
        i wasnt qualified for step 2. i read enough translated novels to read that both right and wrong at the same time.

        But im curious more 9n how is this post related to the novel above?
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    2. Offline
      Why did people dislike this?
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      1. Offline
        They don't have dig bick thay's why...
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      2. Offline
        Because it’s annoying and I see it in every comment section
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    3. Offline
      This is a treasure. Lol.
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    4. Offline
      since I quite like it I’ll ”borrow” it from u like Emperor Roselle
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  10. Offline
    I've read a bunch of dungeon novel and this novel is one of the best out there but there's really nothing new to this novel, no new plots or world building, basically same story with other dungeon novel but with much better approach
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      This is slice of life isnt it?
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      If you read it on royalroad.com you'll see that war is starting among the humans.
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        Bro your profile pic! lol oru2x
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