8 hours ago

The Mage of Eternity长生法师

An Kai traveled back in time to the game world, possessing the “Immortality” talent from the game,... Read more
An Kai traveled back in time to the game world, possessing the “Immortality” talent from the game, which granted him an infinite lifespan.

However, starting at the peak, he quickly realized that he had arrived in this world about ten thousand years ahead of other players.

What surprised him more was that his max level was only Level 1.

His level experience was locked, preventing him from leveling up. What should he do?

“No need to panic. Just let me meditate for a few thousand years first.”

At max level, he became a noble apprentice mage.

Time passed and eras changed.

In the desert stood a mage tower, tall and unyielding!

As the chosen one, he consecutively climbed onto the grand stage of “Era”!

When people carefully investigated, they suddenly realized…

Behind them, there was always the shadow of a mage tower!

Ten thousand years later, the official release of the game began, and players arrived.

Dumbfounded, they gazed at the mage tower standing at the center of the world and the mage who was only level 1 but could effortlessly cast forbidden spells.

“System, are you calling this guy a level-1 boss that’s extremely difficult to kill?!” Collapse
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Comments 79

  1. Offline
    Let me sign-up
    It was ok until the low tier fetish bait came in. Spoiler alert don't read farther UOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

    Anyway my breaking point was when he defeated the lord of the city who had separated her mind into two body's by locking away the intelligent side and making the dumb side preform sexual favors to buy their freedom, which he never plans on doing. And whether or not he would follow through on his end doesn't change the fact that he's raping a retard. Also the whole literally having sex with a dumb naive mentality a kid person is just pedo shit.
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    1. Offline
      wait that ain't bad actually... interesting plot might read lol. I wonder if this is worse than womanizing sage or this
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      1. Offline
        Let me sign-up
        It is bad... because it's rape
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    2. Offline
      Taoist void
      It gets worse then he falls in love with her, who ends up being an incarnation of the goddess of luck [navigator translator]
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  2. Offline
    Read till 48

    MC has no humanity. He’s a robot. No personality. It gets boring as it goes on, not to mention the racism that I haven’t even gotten to yet.

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  3. Offline
    jesus, the racism is out of control zzz
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    1. Offline
      Pretty sure Mc thinks of every living being as a stat stick. except for players who are just a plague.
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  4. Offline
    На сайте 417 глава - это 217 глава в оригинале.
    А книга уже закончена - 495 глав.
    Как написал автор, много было ям, ошибок и косяков. Но он постарался их исправить под конец.
    По моему мнению, автор один из немногих писателей, которые использовали ресурсы мира во благо себя и с полным эгоизмом.
    Мне очень понравилось, что он ,,Принцесс,, и ,,Святых,, из разных рас отдал на размножение гоблинам, чтобы в последствии истребить всех и получить тонны магических камней.
    Пишут про расизм.
    И да, и нет.
    По отношению к чёрным людям, отсылки есть.
    Но автор истребляет миллионами и другие расы, поэтому тут момент завуалированный. whoknows
    Идея и развитие неплохое. Местами становилось скучно, но прочитав глав 5-7 автор открывал новый биом и кучу нового сюжета, который увлекал.
    Пока что, не дочитал до момента с игроками, но сама идея ,,вылечить игровую зависимость,, как борьбы с игроками - отличная и довольно уникальная.
    У автора это первая книга и он осознаёт, что он не большая шишка и работа была средней, но он старался. И главы в 15 000 - 18 000 символов этому подтверждение.
    7,8\10 баллов за книгу бы дал.
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  5. Offline
    just finished the mtl, have to say, other than the blatant and gross racism in a few parts, it's a really solid novel. if you like the ruthless MC style, definitely worth to check out. but the large problem was the racism. multiple mentions of genocide of a "black-skinned race" the weirdest part is that it seems like it's only mentioned when the author is having a bad day, because it was first mentioned half-way through the book, then like 20 chapters later it'd be brought up again. i recommend skipping over these parts because it's pretty brutal and made me put down the novel for a while. if you're able to focus more on the world-building/power scaling aspects of the story, it's more fun. i recommend, but definitely not for those who haven't been too exposed to CN racism as it's on the worse end of what i've seen.
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    1. Offline
      Yes, it comes out randomly out of nowhere. He up and decide to genocide black skinned race without provocation or reason. He just says he do it because he feels like it and because these race are lazy thief that like to SA women and make babies. Its like author had a bad day and decides to write racist plot to vent.
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  6. Offline
    Honestly this is a pretty decent novel and if not for some out of the blue racism in some chapters this would have ranked much higher. But either way the novel has a careful MC, captivating cultivation system and good plot going for it. It's nothing unique but it's okay to pass the time with. If you are really into the Wizarding genre then I recommend you read Wizard: Starting With the Knights Breathing Method.
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    1. Online Offline
      i have only found mtl for the story you recommend.
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      1. Offline
        Because the novel has another wrong name which is "Witch" instead of Wizard. But here you go I hope I can send links:

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  7. Offline
    I would like to share my collection and if your tastes coincide with mine, advise novels that are not in the top.
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  8. Offline
    Trash garbage translation
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  9. Offline
    Fu#k man it was such a good novel until I read the mtl and got to a part where the author just goes on a racist rant about wiping out black people and how "black people rape women and pollute them" even says he wants to "de-blacken the world" eyetwit
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    1. Offline
      from mtl in Chapter 277 - 274
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      1. Offline
        What f#ck up things are going in the author's mind. Seriously these Chinese authors act like the own the world. First is was Chinese supremacy now it's Chinese white supremacy. lshock
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        1. Offline
          Who are you to judge someone of thinking of evil, when everyone has also done so? Try to think of a single person that you have met that is perfect, can you even think of one? To judge all Chinese authors of xenophobia shows that you likely haven't studied the people and may not know that they appear to be a confused people trying to cope with extremely fast changes in their society.
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          1. Offline
            Their society is changing so they become extremely racist and that's ok? What kind of copium are you huffing lmao
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          2. Offline
            Look at this 🤡. A absolute jester. Total Buffon. A modern day neanderthal. World's first documented smooth brain. Infact I now deem you Lord cunt rot for your complete tom foolery.
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          3. Online Offline
            Emperor me
            Me being black reading that s***t😏 well support all you want it won't change the fact that It's f#cking racist again the black people.
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          4. Offline
            I’ve read enough novels over the last 10 years from enough authors to notice a very blatant xenophobic and racist trend in their stories.

            It’s not a leap of logic to take this sample size and scale it up as these stories are popular apparently, which means the general audience is also fine with it.

            I’ve read enough novels over the last 10 years from enough authors to notice a very blatant xenophobic and racist trend in their stories.

            It’s not a leap of logic to take this sample size and scale it up as these stories are popular apparently, which means the general audience is also fine with it.
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      2. Offline
        Thanks for the heads-up
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  10. Offline
    True mass release
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