10 days ago

Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts被格林德沃看中的我去了霍格沃茨

A letter from Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to his door. Grindelwald has been... Read more
A letter from Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to his door. Grindelwald has been waiting for his arrival at the school he has built. But he has also received a letter from Hogwarts about his enrollment.

Two different magic schools wanted him, one run by Gellert Grindelwald himself and the other run by Albus Dumbledore. This world of Harry Potter seems a bit different from what he knew because one thing is for sure, something’s not quite right with this world.

He has so many questions about it, and he’ll try about to find out the things that have been altered from the actual timeline. Collapse
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Comments 19

  1. Offline
    If the Grammer is better and the errors was fixed it would be an alright Fanfiction
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  2. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    read to ch 90, it gets hard to read after so many things are changed. if you write a fan fic or you put yourself in a story, keep the story the same as the original.
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    1. Offline
      What’s the point of a fan fic if it’s just the original. If you want the original read the original
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      1. Offline
        Omnis Ra
        if you do a story of your character in the book or anime or manga or what ever you don't go from harry potter to batman
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  3. Offline
    Story Development: 2
    Writing Quality: 2
    World Background: 3 (not much is known as far as I read)
    Character Design: 3

    Chapter 39

    The beginning of the novel. Mc transmigrates from 20XX to 19XX, and wakes up as a child of mugol family. It's an alternate world of HP where there is no Voldemort and Grindenwald didn't die and set his own school.

    Mc receives 2 letters of acceptance, one for Grindenwald's school and the other for Hogwarts. Of course, there is some unnecessary fighting between stundents giving the letters, as thier schools compete for being the best.

    From their discussion, it's clear, that Grindenwald's school teaching is better. It has more elites who can fight multiple opponents of Hogwart students.

    Our protagonist of course chooses Hogwart for his school. He explaines that the environment in G's school is not favorable for mudblood students. He also says something along the lines of 'I can take advantage of things in Hogwart, as I've seen the movies'. Despite stating, he doesn't remember much of them.

    Mc has a panel as a golden finger. It's features are not explained, but after a few chapters (like 40), you get what it can do.
    Basically you do some missions, randomly generated, but fully achivable in your environment, which give you points. You can opem a gacha with these point and get some talents/items. There is also proficiency bar, but I don't really see a difference, between the time he had lvl 0 spell and lvl 1 spell.

    If you want to know his good qualities, here are some: hard working, above average intelligence, calm(he is a transmigrator, so it's natural he is calm for his age). As there are good qualities, there must be bad ones too. So I would like to say, but everything he does, goes too smothly.

    He's got no talent for alchemy, so Hermiona helps him. Some crisis? No problem, I've got god like beast taming abilities, even dragons fall to their knees in my presence.

    The thing that hurts me the most is his untapped potential in dark magic. Like, he has it a level higher than his beast taming talent. I know, that in Hogwart they only learn those spells like in 3rd grade, but I still don't like it. Had he chosen Grindenwald's school, which specialises in dark magic, I would be very satisfied.

    His dark magic talent is probably saved for later power ups. He will probably be transferred as an exchange student and get to study at G's school. Still, I hate the author for giving him the talent for dark magic and not something other than that. Altough his transformation magic talent rivals his beast magic talent. But these are not attack type talents!!!

    Overall, story has some potential, but I don't like the writing.
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  4. Offline
    If we had mosquito nets in Africa we could save milions of mosquitos from getting AIDS
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    1. Offline
      Well, remembering that Africa is a continent and not a country, that is, it is impossible for you to even visit it completely to find out whether or not it has a mosquito net, although I don't really expect you to know anything about geography, I would at least expect you to understand a little biology, mosquitoes don't get AIDS, nor can they pass it on. Reason? The blood is digested and the virus does not contaminate the mosquito.
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    2. Offline
      Just search up mosquito burger, and see who in Africa is currently losing, the mosquitos or the humans
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  5. Online Offline
    Another Harry Potter fanfic like we don't have enough of them already

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  6. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    Why Are All Novels Since 3 Months Ago Half MTL swim I Don't Get It crybaby
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    1. Offline
      This is called low tide. Authors are running out of ideas to create new novels, so they turn to fan fiction in search of ideas. After a while a trend begins to emerge, until the high tide comes with new types of novels.
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      1. Offline
        Dark Phoenix
        Man I Can't Enjoy The New Novels Since Almost 4months Every Last One Is A Half Mtl.....What A Chore To Read
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        1. Offline
          This is called capitalism, it makes everything generic and of poor quality to multiply the quantity.
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      2. Offline
        The emerging trend recently seems to be cyberpunk worlds with corpo age leading at the forefront being backed up by things like ghost in the city.
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        1. Offline
          Ghost is actually good though, so is A New Man
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          1. Offline
            I know, I love ghost, its actually one of my favorites up there with borne of caution/desire and Mother of Learning. I am actually very exited by the new wave cyberpunk fics.
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        2. Offline
          ghost in the city it´s one of my fav novels, a pity that i caught up. satisfied
          I remember that i saw the novel of A new man in this site, but i can´t find it anymore
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      3. Online Offline
        Tell me some good stocks for long term investment
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        1. Offline
          Follow your heart, young man, the path to the Great Dao can only be walked by yourself and no one else. hokage

          Translation: learn about investing and don't trust what others say.
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