1 day ago

Eternal Tale开局长生万古,苟到天荒地老

[Light-hearted and humorous + No female lead + No knives + Survivalist protagonist] - caution, this... Read more
[Light-hearted and humorous + No female lead + No knives + Survivalist protagonist] - caution, this story is engaging.

Chen Xun traversed into the vast and boundless world of cultivation, awakening the Immortal Ascension System, which unexpectedly granted him a companion, a long-lived spiritual beast.

I, Chen Xun, have no interest in fighting or killing, nor do I wish to provoke anyone. I only want to travel the world with my old ox and witness all the worldly splendors. However, one day, I inadvertently discovered a secret…. Collapse
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Comments 44

  1. Offline
    Good novel but the release and TL kinda pain..
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  2. Online Offline
    Good story let down massively by terrible translation.
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  3. Offline
    I don't know but I felt unspeakable emotions and almost shed a tear.
    Beautifully written

    Just a man and an ox living their lives to the fullest......
    I'm jealous asf crybaby

    The novel is perfect in the genre of a piece of life and is good in itself, I even cried once. The disadvantage is a poor translation, but it is tolerable because of the quality of the novel itself, since otherwise I would give it a solid 5 stars
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  4. Offline
    Very good work, don't believe anyone who said it was bad. Things get better there for chps 200 to 400.

    When I say "get better" I'm referring to the fact that the plot becomes better, and not that the first chapters are bad, on the contrary they are good too.
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  5. Offline
    Ahh, it's nice to be immortal hokage
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  6. Offline
    Story is extremely forced and rigid. MC took 40+ years to add a single point to spritual stat and spend all that time getting bullied, scamed, provoked, arrested etc.... All for some cheap comedic plotline author made MC denser than his companion ox.

    MC keep saying he want to avoid troubles but he is very petty the kind that will draw his sword for smallest of grivance and act blindly without thinking of conseqneces and cry afterward for losing composure and promising to do better....rinse and repeat.

    I'm pretty sure everyone recommending this as a twisted kind of schadenfreude since they got bamboozle its better to get more people into it, like Invisible_Dragon type thing.
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    1. Online Offline
      Tsk tsk sigh
      You don't seem to understand the masterpiece that is the Invisible Dragon. All right, when your Dao is elevated you'll finally understand the truth, but to compare such perfection with this thing is a sacrilege of such filth. I hope you have a good day, buddy.
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  7. Offline
    I really hate how the author describes females, it's like he has never been with a woman in his whole life.
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    1. Offline
      author is definitely a virgin
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  8. Offline
    solid wn, balance between action and sol, good reads and sometimes I'm a bit jealous of mc.
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    1. Offline
      jealous? why? wtf
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      1. Offline
        hmmm have a pet ox? of course not, wtf, of course its immortality and becoming stronger only by living
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        1. Offline
          bro it's fantasy it's not real and will never be you should destingusch reality from fiction otherwise you might suffer in future
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          1. Offline
            "Such an exquisite arrangement of words, woven together to form a sentence of profound resonance. It nearly rattled the core of my Dao. Senior, I am deeply grateful for your guidance, which this humble disciple shall carry as a beacon on my quest for eternal enlightenment."
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            1. Offline
              No problem junior boast now bend over junior I want to teach you a new powerful exercisetroll21
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  9. Offline
    BIG NOTICE!! (Must see)
    People can't stand it, everyone should know that I was actually sick last month and asked for leave, but the result was because of the problem with the decoration company, a bunch of details were not done, and I came to run the decoration that day, exhausted, and did not slow down at all, resulting in a very poor mental state.

    And dry eye syndrome has been getting worse because of being in front of the screen for a long time, and recently my wrist has begun to hurt, and I feel like I've been beaten up every day, and my back hurts, (I suspect that the rat is taking revenge on me and sacrificing it every time).

    However, the black-haired bird is also a hypocritical person, and several times he said that he would write less every day, four thousand words would be good, but when he saw more readers voting silently and the ranking continued to climb, he thought about the bitter black-haired bird, and it would be over if he got through it.

    With a little more updates every day, can't you finish the book early, rely on this to comfort yourself, pure Ah Q spirit.

    But it's really moving.,Because the black bird has been busy with family affairs before.,I haven't written a book for more than a year.,So the book has stepped on a lot of thunder.,There are also a lot of plot shortcomings.,It's complained about a lot of house flavors, it's too two-dimensional, etc.,Some readers who actually see it here can see that many problems have been changed.,I've been working hard to improve.,The overall plot will be smoother.。

    The second volume of the Mechanical King Domain can be called the best result, and it is also everyone's affirmation of me. Although the third volume of the Ten Thousand Races Ring Tournament did not surpass, the results also picked up, and I really like Shuangwen......

    But some things haven't changed.,Selfish and shameless yellow hair.,Gentle little spider.,Rats and rats that are nervous but reliable at critical times.,Greedy black-bellied balls.,Arrogant to the point of distorting the will of the world.,I'm very angry.、Cute and cute red rabbit.,The truth is absolutely correct.,And so on.,Sometimes I love to write any animation.,I have to love to watch.,And then show it to readers.。

    In fact, at the beginning, when the motorcycle was changed to Chitu, some readers didn't understand, which is also normal, indeed, it is clear that more advanced mechanical materials can be used, but I think that nostalgia is the advantage of our largest nation.

    It's like a book I read when I was a child, and when I grow up, I will smile when I see a familiar plot and familiar characters appear on the screen.

    What are feelings, isn't it the happy self in childhood?
    And some of the characteristics that belong to me, if they are changed in a mess, is there any meaning?

    As an old author,You should have your own style.,Everyone is looking at the plot written by the morning twilight crow.,It's not a standard assembly line product.,If you can't go wrong at all.,It's a robot.。

    But it's not okay to be wrong, you have to change it as long as you know your mistakes, and don't write disgusting plots, but it also makes everyone can't guess the plot behind, and then read it happily.

    Originally, this book was expected to be 150w words at the beginning, practice your hands, earn some car loans and decoration money, in fact, it is not much compared with the income of the old club, so I often call me back.

    But I really didn't expect everyone to be too powerful, and I lifted it up little by little, and used the lowest score to fight with many books that were several times my score, and I won.

    The black-haired bird couldn't repay it, so he changed his thinking overnight, added branches, and expanded his worldview, which is actually continuing to expand now.

    The disease world is a very special place, and there are a lot of settings involved in it.

    In the blink of an eye, it is almost 2.4 million words.

    It can be regarded as the result of everyone's hard fight for the continuation of the monthly ticket list, and they are on the right path with this book, and everyone is a true apostle of truth, so thank you very much.

    It's the first time I've written this book on the theme of the beast.,There are a lot of problems.,The subscription ratio is too poor.,Too many pirates.,Resulting in sales can't go up.,Directly abandoned.,It's hard to get a recommendation later.。

    For an old book, it's basically qualitative, and there is not much future, so many people persuade me to open a new book, after all, with the experience accumulated in this book, the next book will definitely start very high, and my family also said that if the income is too low, there is no need to write a book, which is really noisy.

    [Do you understand the bond between our good friends!] I

    feel that instead of writing in a hurry, it is better to finish a book and end it naturally, it was originally expected to be 300w, but now it is estimated that there will be hundreds of thousands of more words, and there will be more points if the grades are good, and the plot will continue to accelerate if the grades are poor, and land smoothly and smoothly naturally, and draw a complete end.

    Now it's estimated that I'm going to 350, and you've renewed it again, so you really don't want me to rest......

    Super Skill - Black-haired Bird Holiday Roaring Wave!
    Getting back to the point, in fact, the starting point is to nourish the body, there are fewer updates, and there are fewer things, but I didn't expect to be more tired, and the updates are not less, but more tired.

    In fact, my code speed is not slow, there are two or three thousand per hour, but the key is that the follow-up plot is written more and more, there are more and more lines, and there are a lot of things to write every day, and the deletion and deletion are even more numb.

    It's not as simple as writing a new book.,And it's more painful.,Sometimes I wake up at night.,I always feel that I'm not writing well enough.,Hurry up to change.,So some readers' interstitial posts suddenly disappeared.,It's because of the original text changes.,Stuck bug.。

    As for the outline, the black bird has, but it's the main line, a general direction, to ensure that you won't get lost, and the combat power system won't collapse, but there is no outline of a chapter, and all the plots are based on the current situation of the protagonist, and the entire world view is deduced.

    Lu Da Huang Mao is playing chess with great beings and walking on the right path, but being absolutely correct does not mean winning all the time, and sometimes losing is also a kind of correctness, avoiding a certain kind of danger.

    I enjoy this feeling of writing a book in a game, the process is unknown, it will not bind the mind, maybe it will write an amazing plot, but it is not a scribble, even if it is a game of great existence, they are all buried hole cards, and when the follow-up is revealed, they can echo each other.

    When the time comes, everyone can still praise that this bird is awesome!

    This is also a small talent, but people are not machines, they can't keep their peak state at all times, they will always be tired, and they have to maintain a high frequency of updates every day.
    Some readers may say that it is not enough to rest for a few days every once in a while, but it can only be said that people are inert, once they rest......

    It's not like you haven't seen it, and there are some authors we also like, after a break...... There is no future, so I can only wait for my grandson to burn it for himself.

    In the past 300 days, except for the last business trip, most of them only dared to take a day or two off, and then quickly adjusted their status to resume renewal.

    People are very self-disciplined is the advantage of which I am more proud, the problem of character, this number of words, this more than 300 days at the same time update can be explained.

    Because I'm a reader myself, I understand what most people think, what's the point of a book if it's not even an update?
    After all, not everyone can write a masterpiece.,God can have people wait.,But the black-haired bird still needs a lot of progress.,And you can only learn experience from a lot of plots.,I won't do it again next time.,Write a better plot.,A little bit of progress.,Forcibly maintain a new law.。

    But the result is that you have to spend a lot of time mentally exhausted, forcibly write, and then delete, delete and reduce to ensure that you can reach the most basic quality, especially after the last flu, memory is a little reduced.

    Sometimes it's 12,000, but there are only 6,000 words left, who doesn't feel distressed, they can rest for one more day, but there is no way, and the rest time has to think about the follow-up plot all the time, and the scalp is numb.

    In addition, I have to run for decoration, and things at home are also on my head, and overall, I am really not as happy as when I was young.

    What I planned at the beginning was to endure if I was not feeling well, stay up until Chinese New Year's Eve, and rest for a few more days, after all, there are still many relatives to go, and now I have to bear many things at home, and I will definitely not be able to leave, anyway, it will be more than half a month, and I have been gritting my teeth and enduring.

    Even if the middle state is good, I will write more to accelerate the progress of the plot.

    Speaking of which, it's not miserable, after all, the reality is not miserable, everyone who is easy, the main thing is to explain, I overestimated myself before, and I feel that it has been stable for more than three hundred and thirty days, and there are no shortage of a few days.

    But this time I'm not feeling well.,I originally wanted to maintain balance in four thousand words.,But I didn't expect the plot to get stuck.,It's the key to getting stuck in me.,The plot of the third stage has a very shocking、Very cool plot.,It's related to the sublimation of the entire sun ruins.,But the second stage gave me a card into a Han approval.。

    Ordinary plots can be written, the perfunctory four thousand words are very fast, and they end hastily, but it feels really boring, after all, I still wish I could finish it early and go to rest, what is the meaning of perfunctory our good friends, so I have been mentally exhausted.

    I couldn't write anything after sitting all day today, and I couldn't think of an amazing plot, I really couldn't bear it, obviously there were many more interesting plots in the follow-up, and the foreshadowing was also buried.

    For example, the gift that Yu Xiyan said to the protagonist will be one of the climax plots of the book, that is the best thing she can give, the secret of the president is revealed, the Tianhuang Nest, the battle for the old kingdom of God, and Lu Yu's promotion to the giant, it is not far away, when the time comes, there will be the real qualification to go on the chessboard, and the war of all races, that is where Lu Da Huang Mao will show.

    He has gone from a grassroots to a top genius under the age of two hundred, and has encountered countless bug abilities, but he is the real hanger, so the promotion ceremony will be different.

    Not to mention the farthest part, such as the reversal that the protagonist saw from the Shadow River, as well as the evolution of the rat and mouse, and the new pet beast that will come in the future, it is the second stage, I have always been dissatisfied with the ordinary reversal, to be enough shock, it turns out that this test feeling, naturally I have to improve the quality, and I can't drag it back.

    The foreshadowing of the destruction of the sun ruins has been buried, and I believe that many readers have discovered it, and if they don't find it, then they will be summarized and extracted at the end of the volume, and it will definitely not be nonsense.

    It's because I want to write well that I will suffer.

    Who doesn't want to write a fire book, the black bird also wants to, a book is leisurely, and even replaces the current main business, you can spend your time freely, but you can stutter a bite of food, the road is step by step, and hard work to write will definitely pay off.

    Now it's like a small river has appeared on the road, and a bridge has to be built to get there.

    During this time, I also slowly, along with the slow wrist, recently bought meridian oil and began to rub it, and my eyes were also cultivated, returning to the original state, and maintaining enthusiasm to write.

    I have asked for leave so many times, but I have never been late for recovery, even if I am sick and have not recovered, I have not been absent, please don't bring the rhythm, because the better the results, the stronger the positive feedback of the black feather bird, and the more powerful the code words will be.

    [Now the update has been resumed]

    If the grades are too poor, you can only cut the branch line and finish the book early, but you must go with the flow, and then raise your body for a few months.

    This time, I won't sacrifice rats and rats, because I want to take it, the little spider, the egg, the paper knight and the red rabbit, as well as the three plagues peacock, the two incarnations of the bright black red dragon ant and more rat clones to celebrate the New Year together, they have also worked hard for a long time, and they have been considerate of Huang Mao, and now they are just having a happy reunion dinner together.

    So here, I wish you all a happy new year in advance, a prosperous new year,

    and everyone loves you.

    (End of chapter)
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    1. Online Offline
      I've read it all and I say it's completely useless. . evil
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      1. Offline
        Mister potato g123
        I just scrolled hhh
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    2. Offline
      I ain’t reading allat
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  10. Offline
    S-tier novel, I specially like the friendship between mc and his ox friend and the positive energy
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    1. Offline
      I have to say the novel is good, but the mc is sometimes hypocritical.
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    2. Online Offline
      Aren't S ranks for masterpieces?
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      1. Offline
        S- ranks stands for very good novel I like, anyway it's my rating
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        1. Online Offline
          Rating with letters really doesn't work, there is no consensus. It's literally chaos. swindler
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          1. Offline
            yeah its only my opinion and taste i dont have time to create a whole new rating i just give my opi ion
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      2. Offline
        it is. i rate this work around C rank, not the wrose but below average with alot of irritating issues common with eastern novels.
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