14 minutes ago

Immortality: My cultivation Has No Bottleneck长生:我修炼没有瓶颈

Liang Sheng transmigrated into the alternate world, starting off with the talent "Dull Cultivator".... Read more
Liang Sheng transmigrated into the alternate world, starting off with the talent "Dull Cultivator".

A "Dull Cultivator" referred to someone with a sincere heart, unyielding perseverance, and extremely slow cultivation speed. There was no bottleneck in his cultivation.

But what did it matter if there was no bottleneck in his cultivation? Having an extremely slow cultivation speed made everything difficult.

However, when he reached the ninth realm of Profound Eternity and broke through to the tenth realm, extending his lifespan by twenty years, he suddenly realized that this was the true meaning of "no bottleneck in cultivation".

Any cultivation method could be pushed to its limits and be continuously cultivated.

Since that was the case, if one method of cultivating longevity was not enough, then he would practice ten methods!

If ten methods were not enough, then he would practice twenty! In short, he wanted to achieve immortality! Collapse
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Comments 21

  1. Offline
    Spliting into 5 chapters is outrageous! And the Chinese call us capitalists
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    1. Offline
      The original has 290 something chapters. Split it into 5 & feel the magic
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      1. Offline
        Mister potato g123
        I don't feel magic, I feel shitty gloom
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  2. Online Offline
    It starts off a bit average, translation is not the best, but readable, there are too much explanation to cover the plot holes, not everyone is one dimensional stupid NPC, but development itself is too slow, by 150-200-chapters, there is pretty much no change, MC stuck to Foundation Establishment, the only thing that changed is his identity and living place, story is going very slow, I can't possibly endure this.
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    1. Offline
      Mister potato g123
      The story accelerate very much after chap 220 or something
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  3. Offline
    anyone have the MTL website?
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  4. Offline
    Got to Chapter 52. It's...OK I guess? MC is a bit weird with how he acts and the translation definetly has noticeable issues too. Spoilers below.

    In regards to the MC, at the start he comes across as a bit of an idiot. His "cheat" appears initially to be simply a status screen. It tells him his talent is a Top Grade one:
    Innocent Foolishness: Born with a sincere heart, cultivation will be unyielding, although cultivation speed will be extremely slow, there will be no bottlenecks to all the techniques in the world.

    For some reason he doesn't believe that this is a good talent, despite supposedly being a web novel author before transmigrating [this part is never mentioned again or relevant. He doesn't ever mention modern knowledge or appear Knowledgeable about novel tropes or anything. He acts basically like a normal cultivator in this world.] . It takes him a few chapters before he starts practising a Longevity technique and realises that it's faster than practicing his family technique, and even longer before he realises that he should be practicing multiple at once.

    Even then, it isn't until he literally exceeds the maximum level of the first Longevity technique that he realises what it means to have no bottlenecks. But imo, even without it allowing him to constantly break through higher levels in any technique, just having no bottlenecks itself is already a clearly good talent.

    In terms of how he acts...its extremely low-key and cautious, at least initially. He drops out of the running for controlling the family and becomes a tavern owner. He acts extremely cautious with everyone, even those close to him. His cheat also allows him to hide his realm, so he basically keeps his visible realm as entirely stagnant.

    When it comes to people who try and attack/kill him, he is incredibly decisive and surprisingly ruthless/cruel. He tortures multiple people in a row for information about why they attacked him without any hesitation at all. It felt kinda strange for this MC to be that ruthless without any indication beforehand and have no reaction to his deeds afterwards either.

    After he fakes his death of old age, he talks about finally being free, so you'd assume that he would go somewhere new right? Nope. There's a 10 year time skip where we learn the MC just hid in small towns nearby and cultivated another minor stage, then returned back to the original city and continued to live there. He didn't look for any new techniques (despite knowing that they stack and that he can cultivate newer ones faster until they reach the same realm as his highest ones). This is where he starts becoming weirdly less cautious, despite knowing the temple is full of hidden masters who all have a very high realm.
    He doesn't flee at the sign of major trouble.
    He kills an enemy of an evil cult because he is in a bad mood.
    When he feels that he is about to break through and that it will be a significant one, he chooses to simply hide in a forest nearby the temple, rather than somewhere properly remote. Then after breaking through he immediately tests his strength, which causes a massive commotion.

    It just feels weird for an MC who was SO cautious and low-key before, to the point of pretending that being a simp caused his "death" to suddenly turn around and be like this.

    Finally, when it comes to the translation, there are clearly a lot of issues. As seen above, even the name of his talent is different - so far it has never been called "Dull Cultivator" at all, always "Innocent Foolishness". So no clue why it is referred to differently in the synopsis.
    The wording when referring to people and organisations sometimes keep changing.
    There is the usual issues with using he/she wrongly etc. And at one point it uses the name of the temple to refer to MC:
    Jinshan Temple was sitting in the corner, enjoying the food and drinks that tasted almost the same.

    Like even a cursory glance would show that there is something wrong there. I would have to agree with others here that it is probably just lightly edited MTL.

    Overall, idk if I'd reccomend this tbh. It's not terrible, but it's not really interesting enough to warrant dealing with the above. For me at least.
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    1. Offline
      Good review. welldone
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    2. Offline
      Raymond Mckendry
      Know any stories where the mc is consistently cautious with good reason for being so
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      1. Offline
        The best somewhat recent one on here would definetly be My Longevity Simulation especially as it goes on and he comes into contact with higher level cultivators.

        For most others with cautious MCs, they tend to drop their cautiousness significantly as they get stronger, so idk if that fits for you.

        Top Tier Providence and My Descendant Begged Me To Help Him are both ones with initially cautious MCs, and both by the same author. Got a good couple hundred chaps into both before pausing them, but they are definetly good imo.
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      2. Offline
        My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

        il protagonista è molto cauto ma non scappa se deve combattere, anzi certe volte va dai nemici appositamente per distruggerli (dopo che si è assicurato al 100% di poterli gestire) per non doversi preoccupare in futuro

        la storia è più incentrata sulla ricerca del proprio dao, quindi può risultare un po noiosa, ma a me è piaciuta tantissimo, quindi te la consiglio.
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  5. Offline
    I read up to chapter 12 and I'm dropping it, it's basically an MTL with a review from a child
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  6. Offline
    Its just cleaned up MTL. You can tell easily cuz of constant name changes. No-life sect/Lifeless sect is one major one.
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  7. Offline
    It's above generic works, it serves to pass the time, it's not a masterpiece or anything. But it's enough to read for a few days (mtl)
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  8. Offline
    i tested the poison, the mc is stacking health technics one after another to keep incresing his lifespan, and he has no bottleneck that translating in the technic also having no ceiling(like, it can increse its power even when there is no path foward, it creates its own path). he is also extremely timid, not the Han Jue level but timed nonetheless
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  9. Offline
    I'll test this, wish me luck. hokage
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    1. Offline
      I'm waiting for it daoist GU (God Unknown)
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    2. Offline
      This humble One awaits your Divine Decree hokage
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    3. Offline
      All the best hokage
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  10. Offline
    Anyone mind testing for poison? this looks like a copy of top tier providence: secretly cultivate for a thousand years
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