3 years ago

The Human Emperor人皇纪

Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and... Read more
Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly. However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who seek to destroy all he cherished. Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets. Collapse
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Comments 36

  1. Online Offline
    This is just Chinese Propaganda bruh! WTH?! 3
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    This novel has some excellent parts but is overshadowed by its bad parts.

    3/5 ... not recommend.

    The novel starts with him saving his clan from a plot. Then going to war to defend. Then defending against another plot. Then going in a defensive war and when he finally goes on the counter after defending... he has to withdraw because he has like 6x less troops and when he comes back they scheme against him again... and this goes on for the entire novel.

    Every scenario is the MC going against the odds. Then the enemy does a 3 times transformation like frieza on Dragonball and then the MC does a spirit bomb and he wins.

    The power scaling is also so weird. For example a godlike being comes along that no one can defend against and everyone has defend against him and the next time you see him every peasant can kill him with a butter knife.

    The system feels more like a chain then giving him many benefits. He gets an early body enchantment and that is basically all it does while giving him missions that if he fails... he will die. Novel would be better without it.

    But ironically those parts mentioned are quite a fun read though it becomes stale but i would recommend the novel if this was all it offered but there are 3 big issues this novel has.

    The characters are not well written:

    The MC is selfless and does not care if he dies for Tang but the entire story is him being screwed over while being the savior of his country... multiple times so he is being chained to the Tang dynasty by a system that tries to kill him more then it helps him...

    The Sage emperor is god. He always has a plan. All he does is right. But the story literally shows that he does nothing but screw up his entire country.

    Factions don't act like they should and make them look more like children then working towards their goals.

    The lack of logic+plot holes:

    The enemies have infinite number of soldiers while Tang can't even spare 40k. But no worries when an enemy shows up with more then 2mil soldiers they somehow win with an army of 180-200k. Hey if they can't win why not let the MC say... oh i know a snowstorm will happen for a few days right when he is going to be defeated and it wipes the entire enemy army...

    The MC is a side character because everything he does... does not matter in the end. He wins a war? All the territory and gold gets returned to the enemy... no questions asked. Oh he killed 500k troops... the enemy spawns another 500k out of nowhere. He fights a battle of more then half a mil men and is winning then someone shows up that can 1vs100k and then to win his side also gets someone to 1vs200k the other side...

    No end in sight:

    MC keeps defending against an unending amount of enemies or gets plotted against whatever he does. It is like playing a game where you don't lvl up or when you do lvl up you get reset back to the same starting point before you get strong enough.
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      Thanks for this review. One of my biggest pet peeves is that writing style. The author will say “oh this mc is a saint, they love everyone and treat everyone well.” Then author will go on to describe how that mc sexually assaults someone, kills entire families, etc… they want their mc to be good but they also want mc to be bad or the author is too dumb to come up with a scenario that mc could solve with anything other than violence or SA. I’m not even against a bad or neutral mc but it just pisses me of DO MUCH when authors describe a character one way then have those same characters act completely opposite. What was the point of the description in the first place? Wasting my time? Confuse me? Piss me off?
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  3. Online Offline
    Epic novel, it's does have it's ups and downs. But overall great read
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    This is disappointment. Start from Chapter 1200+ is damn disappointing, turning the novel from enjoyable wuxia into fcking xianxia. Ashole
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  5. Online Offline
    Pretty good old war novel. Crazy patriotism, but that's fairly understandable considering in a previous timeline his country was shattered inside and out. But here's the things I've had to keep in mind

    •The MC likes to have two 'Young Masters Guards'. Meaning they fly into a rage at slight provocations and ask questions to the MC so he can explain things.
    •The Hu are just foreigners, a generalized meaning for non-chinese Han.
    •Beehives are a crossbow/shotgun hybrid, not the actually used defensive beehives with bees in them, which are real defensive things.
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    King of Darkness
    Overall This is one of the better novel I have read. MC doesn't suddenly become stupid and start doing shit. It has a steady pace.
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      The final 500 chapters are also really wild
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  7. Offline
    The nationalism of this wuxia novel has reached the xianxia level.

    A.K.A. Immortal level nationalism

    Nationalism that has transcended the boundary of the mortal world and has reached the Immortal realm.
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  8. Offline
    Don't listen to others this is an epic story with great battles and an all time great MC, both strong and smart. Lots of backdoor scheming going on in the country, and lots of power struggles between the highest forces of the military. Oh yeah, has great comedy here and there too when you wouldn't expect. A lurking enemy in the back that isn't really understood until later. The one thing is this is a system novel when arguably it shouldn't be and so it can get in the way of the atmosphere and be annoying at times but the story more than makes up for that.

    I don't remember why I dropped it but I think it was irl stuff and the story had less action I think around the Confucianism arc. Great historical war novel with cultivation powers at the end of the day hokage

    This is better than 99% of anything else on this site easily.
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    Mc vilified my race f#ck you authors
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    Quote: pranavisololeling
    Can you explain what happened and how the story contains nationalism

    Yea sure.
    First of all this is one of those novels were the goverment or in this case officials, are full of corrupt individuals. Most pretty much place their profits above all and give no shit about their country. Also theres been multiple times where these officials frame/try to kill MC or his family but MC still continues to have blind faith in the Emperor and the officials most of the time.
    Also, it has been explicity stated that the dream of this MC is basically to unite the entire continent under the TANG and change all the other languages into CHINESE. Theres about 10-15 countries in the continent as far as i remember, so MC basically wants to conquer them all and change their language to Chinese :).
    Lastly, in this novel every country surrounding China is described as evil, corrupt, power hungry, backstabbers while portraying China as the only country of goodwill in the entire continent. There are also times where people from some nationalities are described as "monkeys" or "smelly warriors" or even worse there's this nation that got conquered by China some time ago and their people are described as pathetic conquered people who have the guts to try and break free of the Chinese rule!!

    What makes all the above points even worse, is the amount of times MC talks about how great China is and how bad all others are, is mindblowing...

    Quote: Aimzay
    What is your nationalism list?

    You mean which novels i've read have the most nationalism/racism?
    Well most novels with overwhelming racism get dropped so i dont remember their names but there's a few novels with very much racism which i've actually managed to finish reading.
    This one obviously.
    Shura's Wrath
    I'm Really a Superstar
    Tranxending Vision
    Extraordinary Genius
    Generally most modern day chinese novels have a large amount of racism/nationalism.
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    1. Offline
      Oh lord to think there was such a nationalistic novel. You're a good man, thanks a lot for the save!
      In no way in hell would I read such bull crap
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        It’s literally a Chinese tang dynasty historical military novel in the nationalistic period in history and you expect anything else?
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          Nope I didn't expect anything in the first place
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            Besides the US is honestly not that much different imo
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              At least they're not including those b*llsh!ts to their novels monk
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                Because they do it in their movie industry instead...
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                  Good point😭 but still, it's not that much compared to these novel stuffs😵 Anyways, I view America and Chinese in the same light, cause both are probably looking down on every countries out there😩 but what can I say? They do really have the qualifications to shamelessly brag and berate others cause they are superior forwhat
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                2. Offline
                  True, China is a massive economic superpower while the US has the strongest military in the world by far
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                3. Offline
                  But it's less grating in the US's case because at least they're subtle about it. China on the other hand straight up just says Chinanambawhan
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        2. Online Offline
          "nationalistic period in history" haha!
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            What is your comment even supposed to mean
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              That the phrase is ridiculous, no such period exists.
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                Multiple such periods exist depending on the country, the French revolutions can be considered a nationalistic period in French history, same with American and Russian revolutions.
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                1. Online Offline
                  How exactly is usurping the government and planting a new one through foreign powers "nationalistic"?
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                  Check the definition for nationalism, even some modern leaders can be considered nationalistic an example is Donald Trump whose main selling points were that he was a populist and a nationalist
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                3. Online Offline
                  Actually his main selling point was that people believed he was a nationalist and populist, but close enough.
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                  Hidden Taoist Jimbo
                  Quote: Nargeon
                  Check the definition for nationalism, even some modern leaders can be considered nationalistic an example is Donald Trump whose main selling points were that he was a populist and a nationalist


                  If this was a novel written by one of Mango Mussolinis simps about a racist self-insert exterminating or subjugating all the 'smelly' 'red-faced' 'monkeys' in the name of creating a white ethnostate I wouldn't want to read it any more than I want to read Winnie the Poohs simps wank about Han-Chinese superiority.
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                5. Offline
                  The HUMAN Emperor. He doesn’t discriminate after people stop attacking his country and treats everyone equally.
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                  of course not, only the chinese are humans.(sarcazam)
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